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GlennR 08-10-20 10:46 AM

That triangle of West Rogues and Cold Spring Hills is a Mecca for cyclists. I always see large groups traveling through and some taking breaks. It's exactly 15 miles from my house and a good place for a short break.

The 2nd G 08-10-20 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by GlennR (Post 21633279)
That triangle of West Rogues and Cold Spring Hills is a Mecca for cyclists. I always see large groups traveling through and some taking breaks. It's exactly 15 miles from my house and a good place for a short break.

I knew CSH, but I didn't know folks went up W. Rogues

GlennR 08-12-20 12:05 PM

Is the path to Captree open?

I rode to Jones and the path now has distance signs showing 13.3 miles from the East Bath House to Captree.

Steve B. 08-12-20 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by The 2nd G (Post 21633313)
I knew CSH, but I didn't know folks went up W. Rogues

Roques is the route the Huntington Bike Club Gold Coast Tour would use to get from Rt 108 at the CSH LIRR station, to the finish at the BSA parking lot on Pulaski. It's a decent route to connect to roads in Greenlawn and Dix Hills. Rogues to W 11th St to E 11th, to E 10th to E Rogues Path and then wherever.

Steve B. 08-12-20 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by GlennR (Post 21637313)
Is the path to Captree open?

I rode to Jones and the path now has distance signs showing 13.3 miles from the East Bath House to Captree.

A friend was down there today says no. As well I'm certain they'll be flying in the Governor for this, big news announcement, etc...

GlennR 08-12-20 01:28 PM

What's a new bike path without a ribbon cutting and all the fanfare.

Bhamm39 08-12-20 01:51 PM

I've seen some people along the new part of the path but the bridges over walkways are fenced off.

GlennR 08-15-20 11:12 AM

WOW.. awesome weather. Other than the constant 10mph NE wind, it was a perfect day.

I did a meandering 67 miles up to Oyster Bay, over the Northport and then down to Cedar Creek and home. The tailwind made up for the headwind and I still averaged 16.2mph with one 5 mile segment at 18.9mph.

I really felt good after but i'm sure i'll crash and burn later.

GlennR 08-18-20 11:35 AM

Awesome weather... had a 200 mile week and looking for more.

kaos joe 08-19-20 09:42 PM

I heard last week was humid......not sorry to have missed it while on my annual backpack to America's roof. Enjoyed a spectacular trip with some sub-freezing mornings..CRISP! But now back to bikes. This year, although up there a day less and at a bit lower altitude (9800-10,500 or so), I felt more aerobic benefit upon return to the bike. Maybe it was the sheer exhilaration of cruising along at 20mph rather than plodding at 1.5. Still the Mountain West is incomparable. Maybe one of these years I'll get out there with boots AND bikes.

kaos joe 08-20-20 10:37 AM

Absolutely PERFECT morning.

GlennR 08-22-20 06:04 AM

Out west is amazing. My son and I went with his BSA troop to the Grand Tetons in 2003.

kaos joe 08-22-20 02:17 PM

Dead skin from high altitude UV + profuse sweating from low altitude humidity = lots of gross little bubbles. Good times don’t come easy.

GlennR 08-23-20 04:28 PM

Don't you wear gloves?

kaos joe 08-23-20 08:29 PM

That’s the problem....I go out there in August with a couple of thousand be-gloved bike miles in, so I’m tan except for the hands, like yours, and then off come the gloves while hiking.

GlennR 08-24-20 06:27 AM

Originally Posted by kaos joe (Post 21657432)
and then off come the gloves while hiking.

Ah... makes sense.

Steve B. 08-24-20 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by kaos joe (Post 21657432)
That’s the problem....I go out there in August with a couple of thousand be-gloved bike miles in, so I’m tan except for the hands, like yours, and then off come the gloves while hiking.

I'm self trained to religiously put on sun tan lotion before I ride. Then I spend 3 days canoeing in the Adirondacks and forget the lotion, so get burned a bit on the back of my neck, my knees, arms.......

kaos joe 08-24-20 08:48 PM

I really dislike the greasy feeling of lotion, so I forgo it. I never intentionally bake myself, even at the beach. Out west up high the UV is intense so I wear a broad brimmed hat which helps. Nose is still peeling though. I guess it sticks out too far, but I'm stuck with it.

Nice pics of the Adirondacks......never been to that section. I've hiked the High Peaks and hunted the Moose River Plains. And my brother and I backpacked the middle 50 or so miles of the Northville-Lake Placid Trail 30+ years back.

We got sucked east the other day by that nice tailwind and reluctantly turned around around to face the music after 22 miles. Actually it wasn't bad.

Steve B. 08-25-20 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by kaos joe (Post 21659439)
Nice pics of the Adirondacks......never been to that section. I've hiked the High Peaks and hunted the Moose River Plains. And my brother and I backpacked the middle 50 or so miles of the Northville-Lake Placid Trail 30+ years back.

The area west of Tupper Lake was recently (10 year or so) opened up thru the state buying recreation easements - I.E paying the landowner to allow public access while they continue reduced logging in area's. Thus the logging roads are accessible The area south of Newcomb was part of a huge sale by lumber company Finch-Pruyn to the state, who re-classified it into assorted sections, some as added to the Hudson River Wilderness, some as Wild Forest. There's 2 road access points, 20 miles or more of bike roads, primitive camping at various places, etc... It's a big and remote area that few people are visiting, it seems. There's a lot of empty in the Adirondacks. I too as BTW, hiked the NP trail, over 2 years in about '75-'76.

GlennR 08-26-20 09:22 AM

Riding at my son's in Stamford. Did 25 miles and 2200' of climbing, The entire ride north was uphill, with 4x the elevation per mile compared to Long Island, It seems the state flower for Connecticut is a rock. Stone walls everywhere.

kaos joe 08-26-20 01:11 PM

Great morning for a ride, except a mile in, my bike decided to identify as a 2-speed😛. Rear brifter appears to be shot. I can’t complain after all it’s 22 years old. Here’s my instant field repair, it shifted me 4 cogs up so I didn’t have to climb hills on the 11. 7 of us today.

Steve B. 08-26-20 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by kaos joe (Post 21662332)
Great morning for a ride, except a mile in, my bike decided to identify as a 2-speed😛. Rear brifter appears to be shot. I can’t complain after all it’s 22 years old. Here’s my instant field repair, it shifted me 4 cogs up so I didn’t have to climb hills on the 11. 7 of us today.

I thought you run bar-cons ?. Did it not want to run in friction mode ?

kaos joe 08-26-20 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Steve B. (Post 21662549)
I thought you run bar-cons ?. Did it not want to run in friction mode ?

I actually have brifters on both tandems and the Trek Plastic Fantastic. In this case Ultegra 9sp. I think I have another one......I know I have a Microshift R9.

kaos joe 08-31-20 08:37 AM

Originally Posted by Steve B. (Post 21662549)
I thought you run bar-cons ?. Did it not want to run in friction mode ?

The brifter on the Trek lives again......must have been gummed up. A good soak in mineral spirits and a hosing with BreakfreeCLP and good as new, or as good as a '90's vintage component.:p

Great day yesterday! First tandem ride in a month as I was away and then Mrs had a stomach bug that was hard to shake. She was apprehensive but determined to give it a shot and did great on a 51 mile day, 45 on the bike to Crab Meadow beach and then about 6 on foot hiking around Caumsett, which was insanely crowded.

hotbike 08-31-20 11:54 AM

Road Repaving
Glen Head Road getting fresh asphalt , 31 August, 2020
Glen Head Road bring repaved today. Kissam Lane also . Glenwood Road was repaved last Friday. Mobile light towers set up on Glen Cove Avenue, so I guess it’ll be tonight.
Immaculate , must ride as soon as it cools.
Glenwood Road

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