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Thulsadoom 03-09-24 12:36 PM

XxHaimBondxX 03-09-24 04:38 PM

First bike I ever bought in US. I was a poor teen immigrant, but had some job income, so I bought the best bike they had at K-Mart. Couple of months later it was stolen outside my parents house on Staten Island, so I went back to K-Mart and bought the same one. It was the last in stock, so I got a few bucks off. I rode it all over Staten Island and Manhattan, including Harlem and it was glorious. I rode it a couple of years ago, but it was obviously too small. Hope my kid will ride it some day.

RoadWearier 03-10-24 10:10 AM

I remember my father cursing and screaming putting together a Huffy SantaFe. I think he maybe rode it three times in the neighborhood. A heavy squeely steaming pile of dogschteel.

Pretty sure I had a banana seat bike called a Huffy "Swinger." It said so on the chain guard. Pretty much an open invite to pedos everywhere! What genius thought "Swinger" was a good name for a kids bike?

Wildwood 03-10-24 11:06 AM

Somewhere in the recesses of my memory all I remember is = 'Huff, Huff, Huff, you are riding a Huffy'
Funny how word meanings shift - Swinger used to be a 'cool' person, don't remember it being used regarding little kids, but teens fo' sure.
Swing bikes - came with both a front and rear fork - literally.

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