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ovoleg 08-04-13 08:42 PM

Whats with the hate against pro team kits?
I will be the first to say that generic Pearl Izumi/LG/Cannondale/etc kits are very very boring and bland. There are some epic ugly jerseys that people wear from various rides that includes Death Ride, Iceman, Cool Breeze Century, MS, etc. About the only acceptable ones are RAAM finisher jerseys and FC508.

So with all the ugly jerseys out there, why do people hate so much on pro team kits like SaxoBank, BMC, Sky, etc? In larger cities, its not as big a deal and people embrace all sorts of jerseys but in smaller cities its either your team race kit, ugly organized century jersey, or bland generic jersey...but the nerve to call out people who wear cool pro team kits? Come on now...

bikerjp 08-04-13 09:16 PM

I don't know about hate, but I'd feel pretty silly plodding along with my fat ass in pro kit.

abstractform20 08-04-13 09:21 PM

if you like it, wear it.

being fat should make you feel silly. wearing clothing you like should not.

if you wont wear clothing you like because you are fat, then you are also a coward.

abstractform20 08-04-13 09:23 PM


6 foot tall men weighing 145lb looks absurd and disgusting.

if you want to look "manly" then get your squat up 1.5x bodyweight, deadlift 2x bw, and press 1.5x bw.

if you want to ride your bike because you enjoy it, then ride the bike and wear what you like.

Element GT 08-04-13 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by abstractform20 (Post 15925580)
6 foot tall men weighing 145lb looks absurd and disgusting.

Yup way too fat

bikerjp 08-04-13 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by abstractform20 (Post 15925576)
if you like it, wear it.

being fat should make you feel silly. wearing clothing you like should not.

if you wont wear clothing you like because you are fat, then you are also a coward.

If you are referring to my comment it's not cowardice. I'm just not strong or fast and don't feel I would do a team kit justice - unless maybe it was FDJ or something but I don't like their kits :)

kenji666 08-04-13 09:37 PM

I'm sure you can find deals on US Postal team kits.

abstractform20 08-04-13 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by bikerjp (Post 15925616)
If you are referring to my comment it's not cowardice. I'm just not strong or fast and don't feel I would do a team kit justice - unless maybe it was FDJ or something but I don't like their kits :)

so you're afraid you wont do it justice...?

you're some dude riding on a bike path or side of the road. trust me, no one is going to think you are a professional cyclist.

buy what you like and wear it. are you afraid that people would think you were sponsored by Castelli or Pearl Izumi if you were wearing their kits?

companies dont exist for you to give them flattering branding. they exist to sell things to you.

RIRview 08-04-13 10:21 PM

I wouldn't wear a pro team kit because I'm not a member of a pro team.

NathanC 08-04-13 10:32 PM

I would wear a pro-team kit unless I am racing, then I will wear club/generic kit.

bikerjp 08-04-13 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by abstractform20 (Post 15925710)
so you're afraid you wont do it justice...?

Where are you getting this fear aspect? It's just an opinion, a personal feeling. OP asked a question and I shared an opinion. If you feel the need to read more into it, fine.

Originally Posted by RIRview (Post 15925745)
I wouldn't wear a pro team kit because I'm not a member of a pro team.

He said it better.

coasting 08-04-13 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by RIRview (Post 15925745)
I wouldn't wear a pro team kit because I'm not a member of a pro team.

that makes no sense. what about football shirts. it indicates support and admirtion, not just membeship.

coasting 08-04-13 10:37 PM

i don't buy them because i am cheap and the generics are much cheaper.

MRT2 08-04-13 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by RIRview (Post 15925745)
I wouldn't wear a pro team kit because I'm not a member of a pro team.

This. There are people who wear professional football jerseys. While I might wear a T Shirt with a pro team logo on it, I wouldn't wear a pro football jersey. I wouldn't condemn those who wear them, but it isn't for me. Moreover, with pro athletes in baseball, football and cycling going down for everything from EPOs/PEDs to murder, it maybe isn't a great investment. I would wear a local club jersey if I belonged to the club, a generic jersey, or even a jersey with a state (or national) logo or cycling related theme. I would also consider wearing a cycling jersey with a bike brand logo, if I found it aesthetically pleasing.

coasting 08-04-13 10:40 PM

merchandising for pro football teams is huge business. where does this snobbery in cycling come from? typical roadie elitism rears its ugly head again.

MRT2 08-04-13 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by coasting (Post 15925795)
that makes no sense. what about football shirts. it indicates support and admirtion, not just membeship.

I dunno. I find it strange to wear a uniform with another man's name on the back. BTW, I have noticed a trend with cheap baseball T Shirts with players names and numbers on the back. Given that player personnel changes every year, your T Shirt with your favorite player's name and number might be instantly obsolete if the player is traded, cut, retires, or gets suspended for using PEDs. Saw a local story of a guy who spent tens of thousands on Ryan Braun merchandise, wondering what to do now that his "hero" is disgraced and out of baseball, at least for this year.

I imagine there are plenty of people with Livestrong, US Postal, or Team Discovery Kit who have the same problem.

wallrat 08-04-13 10:54 PM

I try not to wear any logo'ed clothing, especially pro kits with LARGE logos. I don't believe in providing free advertising.

halfspeed 08-04-13 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by coasting (Post 15925795)
that makes no sense. what about football shirts. it indicates support and admirtion, not just membeship.

I don't fault anyone who does this, but I stopped doing that when I was 10.

SkyDog75 08-04-13 10:57 PM

Unless I'm getting paid for the advertising, I don't want corporate logos all over my clothing. And I don't need to dress up in costume and play-act that I'm a pro to enjoy my time in the saddle. But if you like the way they look or whatever, knock yourself out.

coasting 08-04-13 10:59 PM

Originally Posted by wallrat (Post 15925835)
I try not to wear any logo'ed clothing, especially pro kits with LARGE logos. I don't believe in providing free advertising.

now that i get and concur.

caloso 08-04-13 11:01 PM

I only wear the kits of teams for which I've raced. But I try to not be judgmental about what others wear while they ride.

MRT2 08-04-13 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by bikerjp (Post 15925562)
I don't know about hate, but I'd feel pretty silly plodding along with my fat ass in pro kit.

I think I understand this. Call it insecurity, or whatever you want, but it is one thing to get dropped on a group ride, another to get dropped on a group ride while wearing replica pro kit.

coasting 08-04-13 11:11 PM

you people have so many anxieties; how do you get up in the morning?

Brian Ratliff 08-04-13 11:12 PM

Originally Posted by MRT2 (Post 15925856)
I think I understand this. Call it insecurity, or whatever you want, but it is one thing to get dropped on a group ride, another to get dropped on a group ride while wearing replica pro kit.


It seems, especially in the road cycling community, that people think they are being judged way more than they actually are.

99Klein 08-04-13 11:15 PM

That are fine as long as you earned it. Otherwise you look like those old guys at wallyworld in their NASCAR jackets;-)

Beaker 08-04-13 11:24 PM

Pretty successful troll, OP.

halfspeed 08-04-13 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by Beaker (Post 15925906)
Pretty successful troll, OP.

In the last week or so we've had bibs vs shorts, Campy vs. Shimano, Speedplay vs. the world, and now this. I guess it's about time for a chain lube thread.

vwchad 08-04-13 11:38 PM

I see no problem with it. Pro team kit or not, wear what you like. Kind of silly to worry about what other people think of what you are wearing. If you like the team, like the look of their kit, like a particular rider or find some other reason you'd like to wear a Pro Team Kit, then go for it. Knock yourself out and enjoy your ride.

Dunningkruger 08-05-13 12:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I plan on getting a team vintage 7-11 jersey.

I dont care who you are, tell me that ****z not swag!!!!

I dare you?!?!?

Cookiemonsta 08-05-13 01:10 AM

Personally I do not really care. I do not wear them myself, but when I see another cyclist with a team jersey, I do not think "what a clown" or anything like that.

I do not think he is trying to impersonate a pro. To me, it is like someone outside playing soccer wearing his favorite team's jersey. But of course in cycling, we have to go and make a big deal out of it. Why exactly? What is so bad about wearing a jersey you like from a team that you like to follow?

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