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JoelS 10-19-10 06:29 PM

NorCal East, 10/30, Epic Ride planned
I doubt anyone will want to come along, but I'm planning a very long ride. Potentially 145mi and 11,000 ft of climbing. Rolling out from home at about 6:30.

Anyone interested?

Any suggestions/thoughts/advice for successfully completing the ride? Yes, I'm bringing lights!

SpamnRice 10-19-10 09:17 PM

U crazy! That being said, where u riding? I might be able to ride part of with you.

JoelS 10-19-10 09:20 PM

Well, starting from home (of course) and mostly because I don't like to drive to a sorta local ride, I'm riding up to Cool to meet with the Cool cycling club. They're doing this out and back: With lunch at the turn around point (around mile 60 for me).

Figured I'd return (if up to it) via 49 to the Confluence and Old Foresthill/Foresthill to Auburn and back. If I'm not, then back via Salmon Falls as that's the way I'm heading over there. Either way, it'll be well over 100mi for the day. You should come along!

SpamnRice 10-19-10 10:09 PM

like I said, U CRAZY! I'm out. 193 isn't a road that I feel good about. I don't even like it on my motorcycle. I recommmend riding towards the front or mid-pack on that road. Maybe I've always been there on the wrong day. Dunno, bad juju vibe there for me. On the other hand, Rock Creek out to the airport is one that I've always been curious about. I want a full ride report!

JoelS 10-20-10 08:23 AM

I don't know the roads up there at all. Once I get off Salmon Falls and 49, I'll be clueless. Looks like a pretty big group leaving from Cool, so that part should be ok.

VaultGuru 10-21-10 10:31 AM

Joel, you are initially on 193 for only about 7 miles. The shoulder is wide. Once you turn off on Greenwood Rd. and go towards Garden Valley, you will be fine. You re-connect with 193 to go down to the river. As SpamRice said, that part of 193 can get a little hairy. That is the main access road from Placerville to Georgetown. No shoulder and more than a few rednecks. With a lot of riders, you should be ok, but be careful.The ride down to the river is a blast. Looks like you get to climb on Rock Creek Rd.

JoelS 10-21-10 01:42 PM

Thanks for the heads up Clay. And for the warning about the Mt. Lion sighting!

nachomc 10-21-10 04:08 PM

I'm considering the CCC part of the ride, but may do an mtb ride that day instead.

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