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K'Tesh 12-31-22 04:54 AM

The 2023 Commuting Mileage Thread!
This year, due to the pandemic, I am working some pretty F*&^#d up hours, and I won't be able to start the thread like I normally do. So, If someone would be so kind as to do the honors for me, I'd really appreciate it.

Darth Lefty 12-31-22 07:42 PM

Formatting to be fixed anon

So, it's now 2023 (at least for me it is). That means it's time for the newest edition of the Commuting Mileage Thread! I know I'm not that active on the forums, but I still don't have a car, want a car (or even like cars for that matter), and I'm still riding my bike almost every day).

For reference, here's the link to the

2022 thread

2021 thread,
2020 thread,
2019 thread,
and a link to the
2018 thread to compare how everyone did over the last few years!
If you check out this link to the
2017 thread, you'll find links to earlier year's editions.

Here's the instructions based on those written by Swifty . . .

This is a thread where us commuters can log our yearly commuting mileage in. Should be fun!

To add your mileage (Standard or Statute Mile)(and rounded to the tenth of a mile), just copy the list from the previous post and add your name and mileage at the appropriate line in the list. To update your mileage, cut your name and mileage line, and paste it at the new location according to your new mileage total.

[EDIT] By keeping everything in "Courier New", the list aligns nicely... You'll have to change the font, but it makes it easier to keep things looking good [/EDIT]

For even more fun, you can highlight your name in red or bold or bothand you could even add your state's 2 Letter code, or a country code after your name to let us know where you are...

Example: Let's suppose the list is as follows:

Swifty ______________________________ 1275.8 (Total 1405)
John (OH)___________________________ 1200.4
Mary _________________________________ 988.5 (Total 1350)
Robert (CA)__________________________ 500.0

I want to put in my mileage, so I copy the list above, put in my name plus my current commuting mileage total for this year (Optionally, following that, I'll add parenthesis with my Cumulative Total Miles, or an alternative distance measurement (I use the Chinese Lǐ ()). You can also put in your commute ratios in brackets... e.g [3/5] is three commutes for five opportunities:

Swifty ______________________________ 1275.8 (Total 1405)
John (OH)___________________________ 1200.4
Mary _________________________________ 988.5 (Total 1350)
Robert (CA)__________________________ 500.0
K'Tesh (PRC)_________________________ 251.7(643.74) [45/60]

A week later I want to update my mileage, So I copy over the list from the most recent post, and adjust the mileage behind my name. As my mileage has become greater that the mileage of the person above me in the list, I cut and paste my name to represent the changed standings: (You can also put in your commute ratios in brackets... e.g [3/5] is three commutes for five opportunities)

Swifty ______________________________ 1275.8 (Total 1405)
John (OH)___________________________ 1200.4
Mary _________________________________ 988.5 (Total 1350)
K'Tesh (PRC)_________________________ 671.6(1931.21) [53/75]
Robert (CA)__________________________ 500.0

Please don't color your state's code or total miles in blue, I only added the color to show where I edited in changes

If you want, you can do a quick search and check out the threads from past years, beginning in 2009. Wow! Has it been 14 years already?!

For me, 2022 is over and done with. Let's pray things get better for everyone.

I Pray Everyone Has A Safe, Prosperous, and Healthy 2023!
K'Tesh (PRC)

-------------- added on edit by Darth Lefty for 2023
We have been keeping the list formatted in fixed width type as follows using square bracket BB code tags FONT=COURIER and /FONT around the list. For whatever reason the IB staff don't give us fonts on the control panel

Darth Lefty 01-01-23 12:36 AM

We had ridiculously low participation this year and I'm going to head over to the roadie forum and ask for recruits to log their "junk miles"

MoAlpha 01-01-23 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Darth Lefty (Post 22754596)
We had ridiculously low participation this year and I'm going to head over to the roadie forum and ask for recruits to log their "junk miles"

Roadie here.

2732 mi. I live 3.5 mi from work, but extend my commute legs to 20-25 mi. as training.

Atvar 01-04-23 05:24 PM

Atvar (ITA) _____________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

Italy is in the game.

ThermionicScott 01-09-23 01:44 PM

ThermionicScott (IA) ____________ 11 mi (66 total)
Atvar (ITA) ______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

ThermionicScott 01-12-23 06:05 PM

ThermionicScott (IA) ____________ 30 mi (97 total)
Atvar (ITA) ______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

Darth Lefty 01-12-23 07:01 PM

Back in action

ThermionicScott (IA) ____________ 30 mi (97 total)
Atvar (ITA) ______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 8.4 as of 1/12

ThermionicScott 01-13-23 06:15 PM

ThermionicScott (IA) ____________ 39 mi (107 total)
Atvar (ITA) ______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 8.4 as of 1/12

ThermionicScott 01-16-23 06:58 PM

ThermionicScott (IA) ____________ 48 mi (157 total)
Atvar (ITA) ______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 8.4 as of 1/12

Hey nerds, ride to work more often! I'm getting lonely at the top. :p

jmitchelltfo 01-17-23 09:17 AM

Total for this month is 215 miles. It builds quickly on the weeks where I commute every day to work.

My goal for the year is 8000 and to ride my first century.

ThermionicScott 01-17-23 07:16 PM

jmitchelltfo ____________________ 215
ThermionicScott (IA) _____________ 58 mi (167 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)
Darth Lefty (CA) __________________ 8.4 as of 1/12

Welcome, @jmitchelltfo ! With your numbers, I have every confidence that you'll be able to do a century this year. :thumb:

jmitchelltfo 01-22-23 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by ThermionicScott (Post 22772334)
[font=courier new]

Welcome, @jmitchelltfo ! With your numbers, I have every confidence that you'll be able to do a century this year. :thumb:

Thanks! I'll start off with a 50 mile ride in the next month or two and work towards a century by this summer or fall.

jmitchelltfo (MO)________________39 mi (254 total)
ThermionicScott (IA) ____________ 58 mi (167 total)
Atvar (ITA) ______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 8.4 as of 1/12

gaucho777 01-23-23 05:31 PM

After a slow start to the year due to a lot of rain in CA, I finally got back to bike commuting last week.

A query for the group: If I take the long way home, is it acceptable to add those extra miles for the purpose of this thread? This is what I've done in the past. For instance, my typical commute is just a little over 8 miles total, four miles each way. If I take the usual 4-mile route into work, but take a longer 10-mile route home, is it okay to log that day's miles as 14 miles?

ThermionicScott (IA) _____________ 58 mi (167 total)
gaucho777 ________________________ 41.6 mi
jmitchelltfo _____________________ 39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)
Darth Lefty (CA) __________________ 8.4 as of 1/12

Darth Lefty 01-27-23 07:31 PM

ThermionicScott (IA) _____________ 58 mi (167 total)
Darth Lefty (CA) __________________ 47.4 as of 1/27
gaucho777 ________________________ 41.6 mi
jmitchelltfo _____________________ 39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

@gaucho777 - it depends. Do you think you're a Romeo, playing a part in a picture show?

ThermionicScott 01-27-23 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by gaucho777 (Post 22778747)
After a slow start to the year due to a lot of rain in CA, I finally got back to bike commuting last week.

A query for the group: If I take the long way home, is it acceptable to add those extra miles for the purpose of this thread? This is what I've done in the past. For instance, my typical commute is just a little over 8 miles total, four miles each way. If I take the usual 4-mile route into work, but take a longer 10-mile route home, is it okay to log that day's miles as 14 miles?

Absolutely. There's no reason why the shortest route between your house and work would be the only valid one. Heck, some days I ride straight to our club ride after work and as it's a part of my journey home, its miles go into this thread, too. :thumb:

But its me 01-28-23 01:39 PM

I'd like to post my commute mileage, as of 1/26 I am at 336 miles round trip for 2023. My commute is just under 20 miles each way, and while I try to ride five days a week something always comes up to limit that (as it does for everyone), or I just get lazy. Otherwise I catch a ride with a driving friend/work partner or if I must for appointments and the like, take the van I share with my retired wife. Used to bike and take bus pre-covid, thanks to bike racks on all the buses. My city also discontinued the express bus route I used to take advantage of on dangerously hot, rainy, or lazy days.

My wandering comments out of the way, are round trip miles what get posted?

ThermionicScott 01-28-23 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by But its me (Post 22783488)
I'd like to post my commute mileage, as of 1/26 I am at 336 miles round trip for 2023. My commute is just under 20 miles each way, and while I try to ride five days a week something always comes up to limit that (as it does for everyone), or I just get lazy. Otherwise I catch a ride with a driving friend/work partner or if I must for appointments and the like, take the van I share with my retired wife. Used to bike and take bus pre-covid, thanks to bike racks on all the buses. My city also discontinued the express bus route I used to take advantage of on dangerously hot, rainy, or lazy days.

My wandering comments out of the way, are round trip miles what get posted?

Yep! Please copy and paste the most recent list of everyone's mileage into your post and add yours. Thanks. :thumb:

gaucho777 01-30-23 07:51 PM

gaucho777 ________________________ 74.4 mi as of 1/27
ThermionicScott (IA) _____________ 58 mi (167 total)
Darth Lefty (CA) __________________ 47.4 as of 1/27
jmitchelltfo _____________________ 39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

gaucho777 02-03-23 06:14 PM

gaucho777 _______________________ 107.2 mi
ThermionicScott (IA) _____________ 58 mi (167 total)
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 47.4 as of 1/27
jmitchelltfo _____________________ 39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

woodway 02-03-23 07:51 PM

I typically ride 3 days per week (work remote the other two). I'd have more miles but I got hit by a car three weeks ago and just got back on my bike this week. Will try to keep updated.

woodway (WA) ____________________ 244 mi (257 total)
gaucho777 _______________________ 107.2 mi
ThermionicScott (IA) _____________ 58 mi (167 total)
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 47.4 as of 1/27
jmitchelltfo _____________________ 39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

Darth Lefty 02-03-23 11:47 PM

woodway (WA) ____________________ 244 mi (257 total)
gaucho777 _______________________ 107.2 mi
ThermionicScott (IA) _____________ 58 mi (167 total)

Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 57.8 as of 2/3
jmitchelltfo _____________________ 39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

woodway 02-11-23 09:16 AM

woodway (WA) ____________________ 361 mi (374 total)
gaucho777 _______________________ 107.2 mi
ThermionicScott (IA) ______________58 mi (167 total)

Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 57.8 as of 2/3
jmitchelltfo ______________________39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

Darth Lefty 02-11-23 10:03 PM

woodway (WA) ____________________ 361 mi (374 total)
gaucho777 _______________________ 107.2 mi
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 80.0 as of 2/11
ThermionicScott (IA) ______________58 mi (167 total)
jmitchelltfo ______________________39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

gaucho777 02-13-23 12:35 PM

woodway (WA) ____________________ 361 mi (374 total)
gaucho777 _______________________ 148.2 mi
Darth Lefty (CA) _________________ 80.0 as of 2/11
ThermionicScott (IA) ______________58 mi (167 total)
jmitchelltfo ______________________39 mi (254 total)
Atvar (ITA) _______________________ 9 mi (15 Km)

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