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MattTheHat 04-01-24 06:21 AM

April 2024 100+ Miles/km Thread
April is here. Ride, rinse, repeat. :D

MattTheHat 04-01-24 07:18 AM

I’ll try for the 500 miles that I haven’t found for the last two months.

04/01 - 32.9 miles

MTD: 32.9 miles
GOAL: 500 miles

rje58_too 04-01-24 03:27 PM

April Goal - 175 miles

4/1 - 11.6 miles - Fuji

April to date: 11.6 miles

2024 to date: 458.6 miles

2024 Goal: 2,000 miles

All my miles are outdoor miles.
Think OUTSIDE! No box required.

msalvetti 04-01-24 08:45 PM

Really disappointed in my March. Just 150 miles. I did more miles in February when the weather should have been worse, but this March was one of our wettest ever.

I'm 40 miles behind my pace from last year, and I'll need 300 miles in April to catch up. But this week is going to be wet again. I'll try for 250 miles.

4/1: 20.0
YTD: 512.1 miles


MattTheHat 04-02-24 06:34 AM

04/01 - 32.9 miles
04/02 - 31.8 miles

MTD: 64.7 miles
GOAL: 500 miles

jadmt 04-02-24 07:03 AM

no goal but hopefully better than March was.
04/1 37 miles

rje58_too 04-02-24 05:52 PM

April Goal - 175 miles

4/1 - 11.6 miles - Fuji
4/2 - 16.7 miles - Fuji

April to date: 28.3 miles

2024 to date: 475.3 miles

2024 Goal: 2,000 miles

All my miles are outdoor miles.
Think OUTSIDE! No box required.

jadmt 04-02-24 06:50 PM

no goal but hopefully better than March was.
04/01 37 miles
04/02 37 miles

OldCruiser 04-02-24 10:16 PM

My goal is to do better than last month .
Cooler weather then rain and family obligations have kept me from getting out .
. Hopefully soon .

David_Harris 04-03-24 07:46 PM

I haven’t really set any goals for miles per month or year, just events I’d like to do and to be comfortably prepared for: 2x 100k event rides, 2x Imperial century rides, and Mt Lemmon,
March: 100k #1, done.

April miles:
4/2: 12.03
4/3: 28.8

MTD: 40.83
YTD: 763.05

jadmt 04-04-24 05:04 PM

no goal but hopefully better than March was.
04/01 37 miles
04/02 37 miles
04/04 20 miles

MattTheHat 04-05-24 09:21 AM

04/01 - 32.9 miles
04/02 - 31.8 miles
04/03 - 13.3 miles
04/05 - 28.6 miles

MTD: 106.6 miles
GOAL: 500 miles

good4u 04-05-24 04:35 PM

4/5 10.8 Finally a sunny day. I'll have lost most of this week to weather.

MTD: 10.8
March Goal: 200 miles

msalvetti 04-05-24 11:35 PM

April Goal: 250 miles
4/1: 20.0
4/5: 20.0
MTD: 40.0
YTD: 532.1 miles

Spring in New England - it snowed yesterday. Just a coating here, but parts of NE got over a foot. Still cold. Hopefully it will warm up soon.


good4u 04-06-24 04:35 PM

4/5 10.8
4/6 21.7 Another sunny day

MTD: 32.5
March Goal: 200 miles

good4u 04-08-24 02:20 PM

4/5 10.8
4/6 21.7
4/8 13.8

MTD: 46.3
March Goal: 200 miles

MattTheHat 04-08-24 03:45 PM

04/01 - 32.9 miles
04/02 - 31.8 miles
04/03 - 13.3 miles
04/05 - 28.6 miles
04/06 - 28.2 miles
04/07 - 10.4 miles
04/08 - 31.2 miles

MTD: 176.5 miles
GOAL: 500 miles

David_Harris 04-09-24 01:24 AM

April miles:
4/2: 12.03
4/3: 28.8
4/5: 11.69
4/8: 11.34

MTD: 63.86
YTD: 786.08

good4u 04-09-24 12:37 PM

4/5 10.8
4/6 21.7
4/8 13.8
4/9 17.5

MTD: 63.8
March Goal: 200 miles

David_Harris 04-09-24 05:31 PM

April miles:
4/2: 12.03
4/3: 28.8
4/5: 11.69
4/8: 11.34
4/9: 12.00

MTD: 75.86
YTD: 798.08

msalvetti 04-09-24 09:23 PM

April Goal: 250 miles
4/1: 20.0
4/5: 20.0
4/9: 20.0

MTD: 60.0
YTD: 552.1 miles

Looks like I may lose the rest of this week to rain. April is not starting out much better than March.


MattTheHat 04-10-24 09:15 AM

04/01 - 32.9 miles
04/02 - 31.8 miles
04/03 - 13.3 miles
04/05 - 28.6 miles
04/06 - 28.2 miles
04/07 - 10.4 miles
04/08 - 31.2 miles
04/10 - 25.4 miles

MTD: 201.9 miles
GOAL: 500 miles

good4u 04-10-24 09:19 PM

4/5 10.8
4/6 21.7
4/8 13.8
4/9 17.5
4/10 21.7

MTD: 85.5
March Goal: 200 miles

David_Harris 04-11-24 04:32 PM

April miles:
4/2: 12.03
4/3: 28.8
4/5: 11.69
4/8: 11.34
4/9: 12.00
4/10: 15.07

MTD: 90.93
YTD: 813.15

”Should I go ride today, too?”

”yes, duh”

ETA: and so I did. :D

4/11: 16.09

MTD: 107.02
YTD: 829.24

good4u 04-11-24 05:21 PM

4/5 10.8
4/6 21.7
4/8 13.8
4/9 17.5
4/10 21.7
4/11 21.0 Today was forecast as rainy all day. Turned out to be a few sprinkles which I happily traded for tomorrow's predicted 8 to 20 mph with gusts up to 38 mph

March Goal: 200 miles

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