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fooferdoggie 04-22-22 08:20 AM

Texas Tuner Shop Boycotted After Owner Posts Video Rolling Coal On A Cyclist
I love how this idiot thinks he is the victim.People are really just *******s, aren’t they? You always hope humanity will turn it around, but we never really do. Anyway, today’s ******* is this guy. He drives a diesel Ford Super Duty and decided to roll coal past a cyclist on a Texas road while filming a video of the whole encounter.

The video was shot from the driver’s seat. It shows the driver saying “Oh my God, a cyclist.”

From there the *******-ery really kicks into high gear. The driver slams on the accelerator, and from the passenger-side mirror you can see a cloud of smoke enveloping the cyclist.

This comes just a few months after a teen driver ran over six cyclists while rolling coal in the same state.

clemsongirl 04-22-22 10:05 AM

I read about the Texas Waller County and six injured bicyclists incident last year that took a DA to do the investigation that the local police should have but didn’t do. It shows why some are skeptical and even conditioned to expect little if anything from their local law enforcement in certain areas in response to an incident like that and more importantly other bicycle crashes caused by negligent, aggressive, and criminal motorists.

Hondo Gravel 04-22-22 11:29 AM

A Bubba cursed at me a few years ago while riding in the middle of nowhere. A few weeks later I was at the same line at Walmart with the offending Bubba. I asked the Bubba why he liked to harass people on bikes on County Road xxx in the middle of nowhere :lol: anyways he turned white as a ghost and said nothing as I just chuckled. No it wasn’t some intimation garbage it was he thought he would never be found out :eek: other than that I luckily ride in a friendly area I’m guessing no one really cares about people riding bikes. Or more importantly some of their wives are runners and walkers so don’t make her mad.

SkinGriz 04-22-22 12:02 PM

A coworker was watching the redneck brotruck mud wallowing videos and thought it was so cool.

I said they could save time and money by just getting drunk, getting naked, throw hundred dollar bills in the mud and wrestle for them.

jack pot 04-22-22 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by SkinGriz (Post 22480800)
A coworker was watching the redneck brotruck mud wallowing

I said they could save time and money by just getting drunk, getting naked, throw hundred dollar bills in the mud and wrestle for them.

if instead of a brotruck and guys it was she necks on a 4 wheelers then you got a some viral to spread

zandoval 04-22-22 12:16 PM

One hundred Dollars!!!

veganbikes 04-22-22 09:16 PM

It is a shame shoulder mounted RPGs are hard to carry on bikes. They really need to make a more portable version to take out these mo-rons. A PKM could also work if they was some good way to carry and stabilize.

At the very least people like this should have their license revoked and their truck impounded and maybe a nice ankle bracelet to keep them from venturing out too far.

fooferdoggie 04-22-22 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by veganbikes (Post 22481357)
It is a shame shoulder mounted RPGs are hard to carry on bikes. They really need to make a more portable version to take out these mo-rons. A PKM could also work if they was some good way to carry and stabilize.

At the very least people like this should have their license revoked and their truck impounded and maybe a nice ankle bracelet to keep them from venturing out too far.

I think a paintball gun with paint remover balls would be pretty effective. you could write messages for them

veganbikes 04-22-22 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by fooferdoggie (Post 22481359)
I think a paintball gun with paint remover balls would be pretty effective. you could write messages for them

Yeah but the RPG is even more effective no more truck no more driver no more rolling coal. I mean stripping paint is always fun but unfortunately if they are armed they could potentially hit you back with more than breakable balls.

fooferdoggie 04-22-22 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by veganbikes (Post 22481366)
Yeah but the RPG is even more effective no more truck no more driver no more rolling coal. I mean stripping paint is always fun but unfortunately if they are armed they could potentially hit you back with more than breakable balls.

well ya but there is legal and there is LEGAL.

veganbikes 04-22-22 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by fooferdoggie (Post 22481367)
well ya but there is legal and there is LEGAL.

I mean I didn't say an RPG is always "legal" but you have some plausible deniability no cyclist is going to actually going to be able to carry one and shoot one while also riding a bike or at least a judge would believe that.

downtube42 04-22-22 10:05 PM

Some guy tried to coal-roll me on an Indiana backroad and failed miserably. I felt like he needed a corner of his man-card cut off.

I was on the Indiana Farmland 200k permanent, somewhere west of North Vernon.

I mean, how pitiful can you get? It was a frickin proper unregulated turbocharged diesel pickup. Even had dualies IIRC.

Tried to be a dick, and failed. SMH.

DiabloScott 04-22-22 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by fooferdoggie (Post 22481359)
I think a paintball gun with paint remover balls would be pretty effective. you could write messages for them

I was thinking the next big thing will be bodyguard drones. It can fly above you your whole ride, watch for bad drivers, and eliminate threats with little bombs.

GhostRider62 04-23-22 05:11 AM

Seems to be much to do about nothing.

I have asthma and hate diesel smoke. I carry a rescue inhaler just in case.

RPG? Drones? Guns? For a little smoke..............

The woke are crazy

dedhed 04-23-22 07:52 AM

I'd like to see them fined by the EPA.


joesch 04-23-22 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by dedhed (Post 22481595)
I'd like to see them fined by the EPA.


Agree that fines and boycott's are an effective way to teach the ignorant about respect and decency.

tds101 04-23-22 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by GhostRider62 (Post 22481483)
Seems to be much to do about nothing.

I have asthma and hate diesel smoke. I carry a rescue inhaler just in case.

RPG? Drones? Guns? For a little smoke..............

The woke are crazy

Aren't you the exact same type of person who cries "MUH RITESSS" all the time? It's only a problem when it occurs to you and your peoples. I wonder what you'd say if'n he took a knee,... The boomers around here are hilarious.

ahsposo 04-23-22 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by GhostRider62 (Post 22481483)
Seems to be much to do about nothing.

I have asthma and hate diesel smoke. I carry a rescue inhaler just in case.

RPG? Drones? Guns? For a little smoke..............

The woke are crazy

How? Is? This? Cyclist? Woke?

Because a ******g redneck ******* ****ed with him?

himespau 04-23-22 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by dedhed (Post 22481595)
I'd like to see them fined by the EPA.


Yeah them and those folks who remove/disable their mufflers to make their trucks/bikes louder.

jack pot 04-23-22 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by fooferdoggie (Post 22481359)
I think a paintball gun with paint remover balls would be pretty effective. you could write messages for them

.... spoken like a brother ambusher :thumb:

veganbikes 04-23-22 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by GhostRider62 (Post 22481483)
Seems to be much to do about nothing.

I have asthma and hate diesel smoke. I carry a rescue inhaler just in case.

RPG? Drones? Guns? For a little smoke..............

The woke are crazy

It is not just a little smoke it is intentional smoke attack on someone. It has nothing to do with being awake or being asleep it is just unneeded. They can threaten cyclists but when cyclists dare to stand up we are crazy? I mean yes the RPG is a bit of a joke but do we really want to have these vehicles on the roads doing what they do against us or do we want to have a space where we all share the roads like we should and not roll coal or drive like an idiot just because. I thought this was a bike forum but I guess we really should advocate for dangerous driving, essentially assault and more destruction of the planet we all have to live and breathe on.

You have to carry an inhaler because you have breathing issues around diesel vehicles for cripes sake. But I guess stay sleepy my friend, I get to do it because I have sleep issues not because I really want to.

Digger Goreman 04-24-22 06:41 AM

The deep psyche of Car Culture is that of privileged bullies. In my world view, there are no secondary citizens. Yet, I am disillusioned by seeing individuals I would stand shoulder to shoulder with on the front lines, act as if their convenience is worth more than a life, just because they have a motorized weapon at their beck and call....

GhostRider62 04-24-22 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by veganbikes (Post 22482245)
It is not just a little smoke it is intentional smoke attack on someone. It has nothing to do with being awake or being asleep it is just unneeded. They can threaten cyclists but when cyclists dare to stand up we are crazy? I mean yes the RPG is a bit of a joke but do we really want to have these vehicles on the roads doing what they do against us or do we want to have a space where we all share the roads like we should and not roll coal or drive like an idiot just because. I thought this was a bike forum but I guess we really should advocate for dangerous driving, essentially assault and more destruction of the planet we all have to live and breathe on.

You have to carry an inhaler because you have breathing issues around diesel vehicles for cripes sake. But I guess stay sleepy my friend, I get to do it because I have sleep issues not because I really want to.

Relax. Have a cucumber cocktail or something. Guy deserves a hefty ticket not to be nuked with weapons.

veganbikes 04-24-22 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by GhostRider62 (Post 22483020)
Relax. Have a cucumber cocktail or something. Guy deserves a hefty ticket not to be nuked with weapons.

A cucumber cocktail? Would love to see a recipe, not really a fan of cucumbers prefer pickles and also not really a gin person but I am not a huge drinker anyway.

Never said nuked with weapons, I simply made a joke about an RPG and it seems like that maybe caused an individual flake of snow to get caught up in dude's nasty and rather hot exhaust and melt. I am sorry that happened, that snow would have been nice today it was rather hot and we were out hiking having a good time but a little cooler would have made it even better ; )

Hondo Gravel 04-25-22 08:44 AM

Just put a potato in the exhaust pipe. When he starts up you will hear a loud boom :lol: and broken exhaust. It is funny I did this to a Bubba that was hacking on me when I was a kid. Thinking about it now I am going to keep a bag of potatoes in my vehicle just in case.

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