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spectastic 12-10-19 02:54 AM

Alternatives to riding in the cold rain?
riding in the pacific northwest is no fun this time of year. i'd like to stay in shape by doing a combination of running (for aerobic fitness) and squats (to retain strength in legs), as well as some core workouts. Is 1 hour of running generally equivalent to 1 hour of cycling? Also, suggestions for other workout combinations that can be more optimal? (don't have a smart trainer, don't want one. also, not trying to get into race shape, just want to maintain good general fitness)

TheKillerPenguin 12-10-19 08:29 AM

Do you have access to a gym? Erg rowing is legit. The proof is in the pudding - good rowers generally make good cyclists.

burnthesheep 12-10-19 08:40 AM

Depends on if you want cycle specific fitness or general fitness. Running is fine. It's not 1:1 though on time. Check out the distances and times ratios for triathlon and you'll notice it's not. I'd say take the running slowly by adding time and intensity gradually.

You don't need a meter or fancy equipment to ride indoors. Toss on a GCN show workout and buy a used fluid trainer for $50 off Craigslist. Or Zwift.

Hermes 12-11-19 11:26 AM

In my running 10k days and training, I used 110 calories per mile. That seemed about right independent of the pace. For cycling I use 30 calories per mile. I am not sure that energy expended per mile is the right metric but I think it is indicative. So If you run 4 miles in 30 minutes, you would have to cycle 12 miles to expend the same energy. Level of effort is different. Although a 30 minute 12 mile time trial is pretty good.

With respect to the gym, I would suggest to add single leg presses and some jumping such as box jumps. One of the coaches I use suggests running up a hill and when you get to the top, do squat jumps.

As cyclists, our tendons and other infrastructure is not used to running and jumping so there is that to contend with.

As I remember you recently moved to the PNW. I was definitely hoping you would get SoCal to save you from the PNW weather.

caloso 12-11-19 11:35 AM

+1 to box jumps

Hermes 12-11-19 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by caloso (Post 21241557)
+1 to box jumps

Do you know there are jumping power formulas. If I jump 2 feet into the air (not a 24 inch box), it takes about 1000 watts.

caloso 12-11-19 12:36 PM

That makes sense. I used to do a lot of stair climbing and tried to work out a power formula. I just used the vertical between steps, my mass, and gravity of course.

Hermes 12-11-19 04:43 PM

Jumping forumlaş

billridesbikes 12-11-19 05:10 PM

Fellow pacific northwester here. I hate the gym and my knees can’t take much running. Fortunately, it’s skate ski and cross country ski season here, maybe just a short trip from where you live. Plus, like cycling, you get to buy a whole bunch of gear and get into heated arguments over nothing, like the correct waxing technique for the snow conditions. Skate skiing uses a lot of the same muscle groups as cycling, it’s also low impact assume you don’t fall on your face.

stevel610 12-11-19 05:26 PM

Kettlebells and a jump box. Then ride when not wet.

Cypress 12-12-19 11:52 AM

E-Motion rollers with Zwift, a structured training plan, and loud metal music is how I get through it. After about two weeks of riding indoors you don't hate it as much and you become more or less happy to be inside when it's nuking outside. The structured training plan actually makes the time fly by, as your ride gets broken up into a bunch of short chunks.

I also ride outside whenever things dry up, or hit the fendered gravel bike if it's not raining but things are still wet.

SpinClassSara 12-13-19 11:05 AM

I take spin class

spectastic 12-14-19 01:21 AM

thanks for the suggestions. where i'm at there are actually places where i can do box jumps, right next to the pull up bars next to the rec center. recently, i've been doing pushups, pullups, some core stuff, and running a little. could definitely do some 1 leg squats and box jumps to supplement that

spectastic 12-14-19 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by Hermes (Post 21241545)
In my running 10k days and training, I used 110 calories per mile. That seemed about right independent of the pace. For cycling I use 30 calories per mile. I am not sure that energy expended per mile is the right metric but I think it is indicative. So If you run 4 miles in 30 minutes, you would have to cycle 12 miles to expend the same energy. Level of effort is different. Although a 30 minute 12 mile time trial is pretty good.

With respect to the gym, I would suggest to add single leg presses and some jumping such as box jumps. One of the coaches I use suggests running up a hill and when you get to the top, do squat jumps.

As cyclists, our tendons and other infrastructure is not used to running and jumping so there is that to contend with.

As I remember you recently moved to the PNW. I was definitely hoping you would get SoCal to save you from the PNW weather.

yea that may be in the future for me down the road. for now, i'm happy where i'm at. california is expensive!

colnago62 12-14-19 01:40 AM

It is not raining constantly all winter. Time your rides by looking at a weather app that forecasts by the hour. I have a winter bike with full fenders, mud flaps and disc brakes. It keeps the ground water off you so you can stay dry. I also ride with a small backpack that I have spare gloves and a raincoat or vest in. If it does rain, the coat keeps you dry enough to get home. I also have a loop course that I do around where I live. I am never too far away from home.

bobwysiwyg 12-14-19 05:06 AM

Originally Posted by colnago62 (Post 21244834)
Time your rides by looking at a weather app that forecasts by the hour.

I use EpicRide Weather. Mostly to avoid rain and strong winds in more moderate weather, but it supports, Ride With GPS, Strava, etc. It gives a good, quick visual display of weather, by hour that includes temps, likelihood of precipitation, wind speed and direction. Very handy.

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