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Haselsmasher 11-21-20 01:55 PM

Roadbike Chainstay Protector
I have a 2020 Trek Domane SL6. 9 months old.

The chainstay protector that came with the bike is coming off. Is there something that gets strong recommendations for road bikes? Almost all research I've done on protectors pulls me into the MTB world.

My preference would be to have something clear. But I'll sacrifice looks if something comes out the clear winner in the space. Effectiveness of protection and not having to put on a new one every few months trumps looks in my book.


HillRider 11-21-20 02:54 PM

Chainstay protectors can protect the paint if you ride on rough roads, which is why they are more common on MTBs. I've had road bike that came with them and others that didn't so they are not universal. If you want to replace yours, Lizard Skin ans Bontrager (Trek) offer them as aftermarket items or you can make your own with Gorilla Tape or similar thick plastic adhesive film. Be sure to clean off any residual adhesive and any oil or dirt from the chainstay before applying the new protector or it will come off just as soon.

dsbrantjr 11-21-20 04:17 PM

Helicopter tape, used to protect the leading edges of helicopter rotor blades, has been used successfully. Do a Web search. As HillRider mentions, a clean. grease-free surface is essential for proper adhesion. Rounding sharp corners helps keep them from peeling up due to stress concentrations.

TiHabanero 11-21-20 05:36 PM

Innertube zip tied to the chain stay has worked on several mountain bikes and road bikes for decades.

sch 11-22-20 11:32 PM

"Real" helicopter tape is sold in sizing big enough for a helicopter blade and is priced accordingly. Numerous vendors
sell variants represented as such cut down for bicycle use with entirely unknown provenance. Another option is tennis
racket protection tape available at sporting goods stores. An elliptical smooth cut on each end and a tapering of the
applique to match the tapered chain tube is left to the user.

Or you go to amazon and type bicycle chain stay protector into the search and find lots of options.

commo_soulja 11-25-20 09:54 AM

Old inner tube zip tied, mastic tape, helicopter tape or one of the pre made jobs depending on your tastes.

Iride01 11-25-20 10:23 AM

I'm not going to notice what you put on your chain stay. It's not the part of your bike my eyes focus on. Unless perhaps you use some odd contrasting color.

When I got my Paramount, the previous owner had just used electrical tape. I removed it and used nothing.

sweeks 11-25-20 10:00 PM

Lizard Skins

tkamd73 11-26-20 12:43 AM

Go to they sell 3M leading edge tape, the price has really jumped in the last few years, but you can get a 2in wide strip for a $1.95/ft. You don’t need much for a chain stay protector. Works well, and easy to apply, if you use their wet method, practically invisible, cut it to any shape.

caloso 11-26-20 01:08 AM

Gorilla Tape.

Geepig 11-26-20 07:56 AM

Baler twine, wound round tight and secured well.


mdarnton 11-26-20 09:36 AM

On violin edges, as protection against careless bowing and hand sweat, we use clear Con-Tact paper (plastic) brand shelf liner. It is thick and soft and bends or stretches easily to fit odd shapes. It would be perfect for this application, and maybe you already have a roll.

Atlas Shrugged 11-26-20 12:01 PM

Bike shop chainstay protector under $10.00
Amazon chainstay protector down to $6.00
AliExpress chainstay protector $2.00

Take your pick and no need to faff with various improvisations and you get the right product for the right job.

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