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tsl 02-27-14 07:51 PM

Am I the only one smiling through the weather lately?
I know that I'm at the extreme end of the bell curve WRT to bike commuting--even here. But I can't help wondering if I'm the only one who's enjoying February.

Maybe it's because I was sick for the whole week of the 10th. I was off the bike for nine days straight, the longest stretch since I was hit by that car in April 2008.

I suffered mightily during the week of the 17th. Between the residual fatigue and weakness from whatever it was that I'd had (it really hit me hard) and the loss of muscle tone, every ride was a real chore. Yet, I pushed beyond just the same, and by the end of every ride, was enjoying myself.

This week, well today was the worst so far. Single-digits, winds in the 20s and 30s, and snowing. I took one of my longer routes because it's both protected from the wind most of the way, and is very low-traffic. I had a blast.

Climbing into the wind and snow, I was suprised to find a smile plastered to my face. I got to work wishing the ride had been just a bit further. Coming home tonight, same conditions, only it had been snowing on and off all day. As the winter wears on, the city is doing less and less to the side streets, which makes conditions better for me--no brown sugar.

I arrived home, happy as a clam. Not the least bit chilled, and as I had earlier, I wished the ride had been just a bit longer.

I'm subbing at another library tomorrow and Saturday. Weather and road conditions are forecast to be about the same as today. I find myself looking forward to the commutes, almost as much as I'm looking forward to the larger check.

So how about you?

-=(8)=- 02-27-14 08:06 PM

I wouldnt say I 'enjoy' it, but I dont let it stop me. Definitely better than the alternative!
Kentucky was pretty bad this year. The worst its been since I came here. The cold isnt too bad, but they are ill equipped to deal with the roads, so they retain ice longer than a state who is used to clearing roads. Vermont was my worst or 'most obsessed' state. There used to be an 'extreme commuter' or some such thread on BF in 2005 that I contributed to due to the craziness of commuting in those wack conditions.
I was obsessed then, not sure I would do that again :cry:
I've noticed traffic is a little friendlier in the extreme cold months. I do enjoy that :)

noglider 02-27-14 08:52 PM

tsl, you are an inspiration. Seriously.

Tuesday night, I rode to my choral rehearsal. It was in a spot other than usual; this time it was in Brooklyn. I rode over the Brooklyn bridge to get there and over the Manhattan bridge to get back. It was cold and windy. I was wearing almost enough, so I didn't get too cold. Plus, I rode my track bike, and riding a fixed gear makes the rider (at least this rider) generate more heat, so that helped. It's geared too high, so I had to charge up the slopes of the bridges.

The cold is supposed to break on Saturday, and I won't regret that.

Greg M 02-28-14 05:52 AM

Haven't ridden the last 2 days, getting over a bad upper respiratory infection. So I had an excuse not to ride
in the minus degree wind chills today. But even with the cold weather if I miss a day I feel a little bummed.
Although I'll be outside all day, so when its time to go home, jumping in the car won't be so bad. Yeah Tom,
tomorrow will be warmer, planning a nice 40 mile loop tomorrow up to the north shore. But Sunday and monday
are not looking to good for us.

Jim from Boston 02-28-14 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by tsl (Post 16533761)
I know that I'm at the extreme end of the bell curve WRT to bike commuting--even here. But I can't help wondering if I'm the only one who's enjoying February…

This week, well today was the worst so far. Single-digits, winds in the 20s and 30s, and snowing…I had a blast.

I arrived home, happy as a clam. Not the least bit chilled, and as I had earlier, I wished the ride had been just a bit longer…. Weather and road conditions are forecast to be about the same as today. I find myself looking forward to the commutes, almost as much as I'm looking forward to the larger check.

So how about you?

I've been loving it—posting like crazy about the joys and techniques of winter cycling. :D

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 16533909)
tsl, you are an inspiration. Seriously...

With apologies to my fellow Catholics: Bless me tsl, for I have wimped. It has been about four days since my last commute. :(

This winter, I have been more pumped to ride than any year previously. Whereas I have the opportunity to ride almost 100 miles a week during the winter, I’m lucky to do 40. My main problem is with work. On my job I sit most of the day preparing reports. I had fractured my sacrum in a cycling accident almost two years ago, and sitting becomes bothersome as the day progresses. So as the work load increases during the day, I take more frequent breaks for relief.

Since I take the Commuter Rail home with my bike, I’m tied to their schedule.

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston (Post 16528069)
…Fortunately I have the option of Commuter Rail home with bike, and I had to promise family and friends I would cut out the evening commute…

If I have to take a late train (~10:30PM), by the time I get home, I won’t get much sleep for my early morning commute. I have nice accommodations at work, so I can sleep over. The next morning I then get up around 4:30 AM and work fresh and productively (I’m a definite lark) while my sacrum is fine.

Don’t cry for me Argentina, though. I’m so fortunate to still be able to cycle comfortably, and I make a good living, but my cumulative mileage is lousy. Again with apologies:“The Flesh is indeed willing, but the Spirit is weak.” :o

BobbyG 02-28-14 08:11 AM

I'm finding I'm not as rseilient to the cold as I used to be. Also I'm no longer equipped to ride on snow or ice. But yesterday morning I did find 28F to be refreshing, and slightly invigorating and not nearly as harsh as 15F.

Rick@OCRR 02-28-14 09:04 AM

This year, at least until recently, winter seems to have been cancelled in Southern California. We are in drought conditions; overall bad but not so bad for commuting to work since it's been relatively warm and totally dry.

The last two days I've ridden in the rain and I've been enjoying it too! Not just because we need the rain so much but just because it's a different and challenging cycling environment. It was a steady rain yesterday and an absolute downpour today. I was the first one to work this morning because the freeways were so crowded, crash-filled and slow for my boss and the warehouse manager (and everyone else on the freeways, of course!).

I know, no big deal for most of you, and pretty much how it is daily in Seattle and Portland but for me in SoCal, quite the change!

Rick / OCRR

tjspiel 02-28-14 09:32 AM

For me most winters are mix of challenging commutes, commutes that are almost mystical, and commutes that are unremarkable.

Then there's this winter.

We've had 45+ days of below zero weather. It'll be around 50 by mid next week before it starts to warm up again.

And the roads, - particularly in the last week, have been as consistently bad as I can remember. I have to be hyper vigilant near all intersections so that I can both keep the rubber side down and keep myself clear of any car that might slide through.

There's no need to add any extra miles. A commute that normally would take me 18 to 25 minutes in the summer took nearly an hour yesterday morning because of the cold, the headwind, the gingerly manner in which I had to ride, and the drifts that had formed across the trail.

I'm ready for spring.

An recent article from the local paper: Twin Cities' winter bike community feels the pinch

modernjess 02-28-14 09:36 AM


We are all simply riding in your wake. Hat's off to you man! Even the heartiest winter loving souls around here are all pretty much at the breaking point. Myself very included.

e0richt 02-28-14 09:45 AM

I don't have studded tires so when there is snow and ice on the road, nope, not smiling... but when its just cold (for the most part) yeah, I am happy, though this morning was brutally cold and I aborted my ride pretty quickly. What was strange was the thermometer was showing a normal riding temperature for me... weird.

NOS88 02-28-14 09:55 AM

I think there is a difference between looking forward to the commute versus looking forward to the weather one will encounter on the commute. I look forward to all my commutes - not so much with all the weather. :)

rhm 02-28-14 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by -=(8)=- (Post 16533783)
I wouldnt say I 'enjoy' it, but I dont let it stop me....

That sums it up pretty well for me.

The roads are deteriorating, but all in all their condition is acceptable. I don't mind the salt on my bike. I haven't had more flat tires than usual. Really no problems. But that bitterly cold air on my face at 4:45 AM, I'm tired of it.

It doesn't help that the highlight of my ride is a half mile section of a the canal towpath, where I often see a great blue heron, a kingfisher, interesting duck-like birds, big turtles, snakes, and other interesting wildlife. It's been covered with snow for over a month, so I'm riding on busy roads. I'm not enjoying that, either.

wphamilton 02-28-14 10:16 AM

I'm enjoying it also although I could do without the occasional ice.

Jim from Boston 02-28-14 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Rick@OCRR (Post 16534958)
This year, at least until recently, winter seems to have been cancelled in Southern California....

The last two days I've ridden in the rain and I've been enjoying it too! Not just because we need the rain so much but just because it's a different and challenging cycling environment. It was a steady rain yesterday and an absolute downpour today.

I was the first one to work this morning...I know, no big deal for most of you, and pretty much how it is daily in Seattle and Portland but for me in SoCal, quite the change!

IMO I’ll take winter any day over rain, especially below about 45º F:

Originally Posted by WorldPax (Post 16231810)
We are the Commutinati and these are the Rules.

Rule #1- Velominati
If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
Fair-weather riding is a luxury reserved for Sunday afternoons and wide boulevards. Those who ride in foul weather; be it cold, wet, or inordinately hot; are members of a special club of riders who, on the morning of a big ride, pull back the curtain to check the weather and, upon seeing rain falling from the skies, allow a wry smile to spread across their face. This is a rider who loves the work.

Originally Posted by Jim from Boston (Post 16257412)
The last time I rode in such a drenching rain, about two years ago, I got so wet that I developed a presumed blister and subsequent abscess, “down there,” and was off the bike for two weeks. So if you ride in bad weather you may be a badass in more ways than one. :o

It’s a common occurrence on all these bad weather commuting threads that we make it on time when the cagers are late, if they show up at all.

no motor? 02-28-14 11:08 AM

I'll be smiling when it warms up. Which I hear will happen eventually.

wipekitty 02-28-14 11:33 AM

I love winter, but the combination of thick ice and high winds really wore me down this week: the wind blows and the cars slide around. Still going, though! I'll be happy when it gets back into the 20s so that we can get rid of the ice and maybe get some fluffy snow. You know, normal winter stuff, not extreme winter stuff.

tarwheel 02-28-14 12:12 PM

Winter is my favorite season for commuting, but the weather is much milder in NC than PA. I don't do snow and ice, but fortunately we get very little of that around here. I missed quite a few commutes in late January and early February due to several snowfalls that made roads dangerous, but this week I finally got back on track. We don't have enough snow/ice around here to make it worthwhile to get studded tires or other means for making in rideable in such weather. Sometimes we go years without any measurable snow, but we've had 3 storms so far this winter. I go stir crazy when I can't ride for a few days, so I hope we are through with the snow and ice for 2014 but I don't mind the cold.

jrickards 02-28-14 12:30 PM

I look at winter commutes as challenges, "F*** You, Weather God, I'm riding my bike today!" and out of that, I derive some measure of pleasure (hey, I'm a poet and didn't realize it!).

Today, however, with air temperatures at -28C (-18F) and effective wind chill (15kmh/10mph riding speed) of -39C (-38F), I wasn't prepared as well as I should have so the smile you may have seen was probably a grimace as my thumbs and toes got colder through the ride. Strangely, my face was fine: I wore a hat (Duh!), a balaclava as a neck gaiter (ready to pull it over my head, under my hat if I needed it but I didn't) and ski goggles and I arrived with a bit of a sweaty head (probably why my face was fine, plenty of heat above my shoulders).

WonderMonkey 02-28-14 12:37 PM

I won't say you are the only one smiling, but you are the only one OUT OF US TWO. I don't ride in the snow. That is a guaranteed way for me to hit slickness and get up a tree or in a ditch or this or that. I don't mind the cold I just mind being a mangled mess.

Mark Stone 02-28-14 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by tsl (Post 16533761)
So how about you?

I'm always smilin'. I live in El Paso, where a couple of days this winter may have gone under 50 degrees, and yes, you have every reason to be jealous :)

All seriousness aside, I lived in some cold climates for periods of time in my long life. When it was really cold and/or snowy I would hate the commute before the trip; but then Love it afterwards. I would start by saying:

Oh man I don't want to ride in this carp today!!
But when I was getting off the bike at work I would be pumping my fist:

THAT WAS GREAT!! Wooooo!!!

buzzman 02-28-14 09:13 PM

I've only missed 4 days of commuting this winter. And one of them I could have ridden but I admit the challenging winter commute this year had whipped my butt and I took the bus. Otherwise, like tsl I am, for the most part, totally digging this winter. The DCR, who tends to the bike path, have done a reasonable job of plowing- not great but enough to make it like a rough MTB trail ride on slippery single track with other sections cleared to pavement.

But tonight it was another cyclist who momentarily flattened the wind in my sails. I'm chalking it up to another one of winter's challenges and embracing it but still...

Giant Doofus 02-28-14 09:28 PM

I am also enjoying this winter, but in a very different way from tsl. I only began commuting in September, so this is my first winter. Every ride is a revelation. There is always a new thing to learn. It turns out that cold*, wind, and rain, are not really things to dread and fear (though, I confess that in combination, they are daunting). And also, I find myself weirdly proud that I can arrive at work under my own steam. Sometimes partway to work I'll get hit with a big gust of wind while spinning uphill and find myself grinning. "I can do this. I can actually do this. I can't believe I can do this" I think.

What a wonder.

* Um, yeah, I'm in Memphis so "cold" means something different to me than it does to many of you.

JanMM 02-28-14 09:54 PM

Helmets off to TSL!
If we get the predicted snowfall Sat. night and Sun. we will be beat the all-time winter snowfall total of all time! Go Mother Nature!
And then I am so ready for Spring.................
I do plan on riding Saturday while the streets are still clear and temp is to be a balmy 40F.

Duane Behrens 02-28-14 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by tjspiel (Post 16535062)
For me most winters are mix of challenging commutes, commutes that are almost mystical, and commutes that are unremarkable.

Then there's this winter.

We've had 45+ days of below zero weather. It'll be around 50 by mid next week before it starts to warm up again.

And the roads, - particularly in the last week, have been as consistently bad as I can remember. I have to be hyper vigilant near all intersections so that I can both keep the rubber side down and keep myself clear of any car that might slide through.

There's no need to add any extra miles. A commute that normally would take me 18 to 25 minutes in the summer took nearly an hour yesterday morning because of the cold, the headwind, the gingerly manner in which I had to ride, and the drifts that had formed across the trail.

I'm ready for spring.

An recent article from the local paper: Twin Cities' winter bike community feels the pinch

Wow. Grew up in Minnesota. Never considered riding between December and March. . . but good for you if you're making it work. DB

David Bierbaum 02-28-14 11:15 PM

It looks like March is going to be a repeat of February here, with another 4-8 inches of snow, along with 1/4 inch of ice and 2 inches of sleet possible. I mean it's almost literally a repeat of the start of February...

At least it's supposed to be up to the 50s (Fahrenheit) next Friday.

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