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PastorJim 12-28-17 02:27 PM

Have you been in an cycling accident? How long before getting back on bike?
I have been cycling for 6 years now (14,680 miles total) averaging over 2400 per year.
I have had to accidents with injury. This recent on took 4 months to get back on Trek.

Have you been in an cycling accident with injury?

After your crash/injury how long until you were cycling again?

Any changes in cycling since your accident?

It really amazes me the amount of injuries (scrapes/fall over don't count) cyclist have and still we get back on the bike again!


pesty 12-28-17 02:51 PM

Depends on the accident and the injury, your doctor should decide, but for me personally, as quickly as possible.

I've never been in an accident that involved a motor vehicle while on a bike, but I've had my share of wrecks. I ride on average about 6-7,000 miles a year and crash one to two times a year. Unless I actually have an injury that prevents me from being on the bike, I make a point to get on the bike the same or the next day explicitly to prevent me from making any detrimental changes to how I ride.

While I try to learn from my errors and what not to do in certain situations, the last thing I want is for a crash to make me afraid to ride. My last crash broke my frame. I spend that day and the next building up an old bike and test riding replacements. The prior two crashes, I still had to finish my ride/ride home. The last time I was injured I tore my ACL to the point that my doctor was close to doing reconstructive surgery. He didn't let me ride on the road for about 6-8 weeks, but he did clear me to spin lightly on a trainer after 4.

Take it for what you will, but I would say regardless of eagerness to get on the bike, follow doctors orders.

jefnvk 12-28-17 02:53 PM

I crashed on single track in 2004. Jumped into a tree and was laid up with bruised ribs and subsequent bronchitis for a couple weeks. Took til last month for me to bother with it again.

Then again I crashed the day before a tour, pulled a groin and left a blood trail through the hotel getting back to my room from two cuts that probably should have been stitched up, and I was (not comfortably) back on a bike the next morning.

As far as changes? I'm no longer allowed to cycle with glass beer bottles in my pockets, as those shards were the source of the cuts.

OldTryGuy 12-28-17 02:55 PM

Have you been in an cycling accident with injury?

2011 - 16 weeks in neck collar 24/7 (fortunately didn't need Halo), clavicle with arm in a sling for 4 weeks, Long Thoracic Nerve Damage (still to this day not healed).

After your crash/injury how long until you were cycling again?

Only walking allowed until brace was removed, could not even ride indoor exerciser

Any changes in cycling since your accident?


indyfabz 12-28-17 03:11 PM

Meh. I have had just as many injuries (as you define them) from walking as cycling, if not more, including a bout of PF that pained me for a long time. Never kept me from getting back on my feet.

katsup 12-28-17 03:12 PM

Broke my clavicle back in August 2017 (slow fall). After speaking with orthopedic, I opted for the non surgical route, and letting it heal on it's own. I put upright handlebars on my rigid mountain bike and was able to ride it comfortably in December. I have yet to be comfortable on my other bikes, despite trying. I get x-rays every few weeks and it is still "healing".

I have no plans to change my cycling behavior once I am fully healed.

Scarbo 12-28-17 03:13 PM

Too much cycling is bad for you.

fietsbob 12-28-17 03:37 PM

in the 70s.. typical broken bone healing time..

CliffordK 12-28-17 03:49 PM

I suppose it depends a lot on the accident.

I've had a couple of single-bike accidents in the last couple of years, and was back on the bike within 15 minutes. Perhaps deep bone bruises, or minor fractures.

The pain may actually get worse over the next few days. However, I'm pretty independent, and car-free. So, I ride as needed.

79pmooney 12-28-17 04:05 PM

Have you been in an cycling accident with injury?

Yes, more than a few times.

After your crash/injury how long until you were cycling again?

ASAP, but the "possible" has varied a lot. My big head injury - started riding rollers at week 15. On the road three weeks later. My first broke rib crash I was on the trainer in about 2 1/2 months. Next broken ribs, 1 1/2 months. Collarbones, three weeks or less.

Any changes in cycling since your accident

Not much.


PastorJim 12-28-17 05:09 PM

Glad you don't carry glass items "anymore"

Originally Posted by jefnvk (Post 20076840)
As far as changes? I'm no longer allowed to cycle with glass beer bottles in my pockets, as those shards were the source of the cuts.

Glad you're cycling again AND that you don't carry glass items "anymore"


PastorJim 12-28-17 05:14 PM

Why do we keep cycling!!! What I have learned.

Originally Posted by 79pmooney (Post 20077011)
Have you been in an cycling accident with injury?

Yes, more than a few times.

After your crash/injury how long until you were cycling again?

ASAP, but the "possible" has varied a lot. My big head injury - started riding rollers at week 15. On the road three weeks later. My first broke rib crash I was on the trainer in about 2 1/2 months. Next broken ribs, 1 1/2 months. Collarbones, three weeks or less.

Any changes in cycling since your accident

Not much.


We get back to cycling, which is good that we don't get scared away.

I learned from my crashes:

1. You can get hurt going 0 Mph if you fall wrong.
2. Do not ride with a full bladder (empty it) or it can distract you causing accident.
3. Don't try things on your bike that they do on Tour de France.
4. Be careful of your judgment / decision making when in extreme heat of Summer.

cyccommute 12-28-17 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by PastorJim (Post 20076775)
I have been cycling for 6 years now (14,680 miles total) averaging over 2400 per year.
I have had to accidents with injury. This recent on took 4 months to get back on Trek.

Have you been in an cycling accident with injury?

After your crash/injury how long until you were cycling again?

Any changes in cycling since your accident?

It really amazes me the amount of injuries (scrapes/fall over don't count) cyclist have and still we get back on the bike again!


I got hit by a car in 1981 that required surgery to repair a severely lacerated knee. I purchased a replacement bike by about the 4th week while still on crutches. I was back to riding by the 6th week after the brace came off.

I stress fractured an old broken ankle in the mid90s that required surgery to remove the pins and plates. It happened at Thanksgiving, the surgery was about a week later and I still managed to get a ride in on December 31.

I'd much rather ride a bike than do PT.

Gresp15C 12-28-17 06:07 PM

I took a spill on black ice, and broke a rib, a few years ago. I spent some time off the bike until the rib began to heal, because breathing and upper body activity were painful. Meanwhile, I ordered studded tires and was back on the bike before spring.

I had another health scare that resulted in some clinical attention, and part of the process involved answering a bunch of psychological questions. The gist is that health issues can lead to depression, and the medics are getting better at addressing that side of our health. I think if you've been sidelined by injury, it's a very good idea to keep a close eye on your mental health, because some of us may be inadvertently dependent on the psychological benefits of exercise.

europa 12-28-17 07:05 PM

Depends on the accident. I know a young woman who was taken out by a driver 'who didn't see her'... twice inside a couple of months. Result, one ankle and foot messed up rather badly. More to the point, even once she was strong enough to begin riding again, someone who previously loved riding, couldn't get on the bike. It took her husband writing off the family car and forcing her back on the bike to get her riding again (no choice). She's still not up to full strength but the mental fear has faded and the cycling love is back.

So your answer is in two parts - you have to be strong enough to ride which doesn't mean full fitness (doctors just do not understand this and will keep you off the bike for too long in most cases) and you need your head in the right place.

Reynolds 12-28-17 07:14 PM

I had some minor accidents that didn't keep me off the bike and a serious one (hit by a drunk driver, broken scapula, sprained ankle). Took 1 month to be on the road again, no consequences.

Altimis 12-28-17 07:21 PM

Until I got my bike checks and repairs as needed.

If I am not injuries much, I just got back on bike as soon as I want. But after bike check, that's it.

Even if bike got fatal, gone, trashed, I will find the way to get a new one . . . and I still keep ride it.

Basically, the only time I will not ride is my legs cut off.

Brooke1687 12-28-17 07:33 PM

I had a slow speed tumble off my bike in June of this year. I fractured my hand, partially dislocated 3 of my knuckles on the same hand, had a large road rash on one my knee, and a hematoma on the other. I got back on an indoor bike 2 days later. I had a cast for a month and got on my brand new bike, that arrived while I was injured, about a week after my cast came off. It’s been very slow and steady progress, I couldn’t put weight on my hand or grip the bars and everything hurt after just a short ride at first. Several months of PT later, and I’m most back to normal except for pain and stiffness in my knuckles and a permanently bent pinky finger. I’m more cautious now but haven’t changed much else.

Machka 12-29-17 01:50 AM

I have been in a few accidents. I try to get back on the bicycle the next day, but that doesn't always go well.

When I cracked my ribs, broke a toe and had a tetanus shot. I nearly threw up when I got on the bicycle the next day. So I waited a day.

Same when I separated a shoulder, had concussion, sprained my hand, bruised my left leg from hip to ankle and was covered in road rash at the 100 km point of a 200 km randonnee. I got back on the bicycle and finished the ride but it was 2 days before I attempted the 400 km and I only made it to 250 km before I couldn't go on.

I was off longer for a non-cycling-related injury.

jimmie65 12-29-17 06:05 AM

Took a tumble off the bike on a greenway, trying to pass a much slower moving family. Got irritated because they kept weaving and took up the entire path, cut over too quickly in front of them, and hit some mud. My knee managed to find a pointy rock. Road rash everywhere and busted the left knee up really bad - it swelled up so bad it almost tore the skin off. 10 miles back to the car was a lot of fun. Almost 4 weeks before I could walk any distance without that dang boot and 6 weeks before I could get back on a bike. ER doctor insisted I see an orthopedist so I avoided even my PCP till I was out of the boot.
For a while, I went back to really wide tires (I had just switched to narrow tires on a MTB I was using as a commuter) and I eventually sold it because I got nervous every time I got on it.
Been about 18 months now; the knee still hurts sometimes and I am far more careful on greenways now.

Wileyrat 12-29-17 07:01 AM

I've had a couple of concussions falling off the mtn bike. I let my wife decide when my eyes clear up on that one.

Last Dec, I tangled with another rider on a mup, and wanged up my left arm and back pretty good, along with some road rash. I ended up with 5 x-rays that all came up negative, but it took me a few weeks before I could ride again with the back.

gettingold 12-29-17 08:16 AM

Two accidents, both the last couple of years near the end of each season. This November I fractured my pelvis in 3 places and had a small frontal lobe hemorrhage. Started spinning again after 4 weeks and was on a fat bike for very short distances after 5 weeks. I am now almost 7 weeks out. I was just starting to feel completely normal when I tweaked the pelvis wrestling with a snow blower last weekend. I am going to give it another try on the fat bike or trainer this weekend but will take it slow.

gettingold 12-29-17 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 20076892)
Meh. I have had just as many injuries (as you define them) from walking as cycling, if not more, including a bout of PF that pained me for a long time. Never kept me from getting back on my feet.

I've never had a brain bleed walking. :roflmao2:

Brooke1687 12-29-17 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by gettingold (Post 20077981)
I've never had a brain bleed walking. :roflmao2:

My accident was a run in with a curb that misjudged. I went to the dentist shortly after still wearing the brace and explained it to the girl cleaning my teeth and she said “at least you were on a bike.” She told me she tripped on a curb while walking and ended up with a concussion. She’s a runner and fairly fit and active so not a dunce like me. It can happen. I could fall down the steps at work, or end up in a car wreck. I’m not going to stop riding because of one accident. Although I did refuse to ice skate every again after one fall, but I don’t enjoy ice skating.

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