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rumrunn6 10-18-17 09:34 AM

When do you put your bar mitts on?
wait until the temps reach 15 degrees? or sooner to help with dropping temps?

seems like the things can help early on before it gets crazy cold so you can still ride either w/o gloves or with lightweight gloves. I know it's only October but these are the questions that keep me awake during the day :innocent:

Aubergine 10-18-17 09:42 AM

I have Raynaud’s syndrome, so my Bar Mitts are already on the bike.

fietsbob 10-18-17 10:09 AM

Nope, Winter means Rain, here.

mcours2006 10-18-17 10:12 AM

I don't use bar mitts but I've considered them in the past. I tend to ride in the drops a lot in the winter, just because the wind seems to be a lot worse and getting lower not only helps with that, but also less chill on the chest. I have already used mittens this week when it was 3*C and I needed every bit of warmth from them on that morning.

wipekitty 10-18-17 10:04 PM

I use the cheapskate version of bar mitts - ATV handwarmers. I'm usually good without them until it gets very cold, like 5F or so. They're not as warm as proper bar mitts, but do their job at blocking that headwind blasting straight outta the north.

I got some much better gloves last winter, and didn't break the handwarmers out at all. Granted, it wasn't all that cold - only a few rides below 0F (for which the new gloves were delightful). Hoping for a more wintry winter this year :D

dabac 10-19-17 12:29 AM

I put them on and leave them on as long as I feel I can benefit from them.
I’ve had cold hands enough times already, don’t need to repeat that experience.
And I really don’t care in the slightest what someone else would think about it.

rumrunn6 10-20-17 09:51 AM

temps were in the 60s last night & I had a chat w a young lady (bike commuter) (while we waited at a light together) who had already mounted hers on her drop bars. she was bare handed, said she loves hers & while it was warm at the moment, it's quite chilly in the morning now

Leebo 10-20-17 01:41 PM

30 f or so.

salad_goat 10-20-17 04:44 PM

I go for 30f

rumrunn6 11-02-17 07:49 PM

finally tried a pair on my road bike. I like them!

tried some on the hybrid too. yikes, I'd better ride a lot this winter. good thing they're cheap

Murray Missile 11-06-17 08:12 PM

Bought a once used set last year and just put them on my snow bike yesterday. Low 40's, misty and windy. Went for a 3-1/2 mile ride to try things out, without gloves my hands were sweating half way through the ride. I do need to close up the inner ends by the stem though, I could really feel the cold coming through there. I had already fixed the loose strap on the RH side. ;)

rumrunn6 11-07-17 04:53 AM

I noticed a slight humid feeling too. chalked it up to using them at temps warmer than necessary. the other thing that occurred to me, is if we are using them w/o gloves or thin gloves then when we take our hands out for any reason, that hand may not be protected enough, so we'll need to carry an over glove in a pocket for temp use

Engineer 11-14-17 10:05 PM

I put them on the day after my hands felt like they were freezing. That was last week, it was around 30 F.

downtube42 11-14-17 10:25 PM

For me it's below freezing, though above 20F they can cause sweaty hands. I suppose in a rainy climate those temps may shift up.

kingston 11-15-17 06:44 AM

Low 20's

rumrunn6 11-15-17 09:10 AM

been using them in the low 40s & high 30s, low 30s tonight. my hands don't get wet. they do limit the bulk of what glove I can choose to wear. been trying them w no gloves, thin glove liners, thicker (but still thin) multi sport gloves & last night 2 layers of thin gloves. wutz the wind chill if the temp is 35 degrees & I'm travelling 19 mph? (11-15 degrees it seems) & 2 hours of that is not fun w/o protection

Wind Chill Factor

ericmerg1 11-15-17 09:27 AM

i've been looking at these, do the cheaper ones on amazon (no name brands) keep you as warm as name brand? it's getting pretty cold up north in the mountains of NYS and my normal gloves just arn't cutting it past 25 degrees.

rumrunn6 11-15-17 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by ericmerg1 (Post 19994537)
i've been looking at these, do the cheaper ones on amazon (no name brands) keep you as warm as name brand? it's getting pretty cold up north in the mountains of NYS and my normal gloves just arn't cutting it past 25 degrees.

don't see why not, it's just a wind break, I think. funny tho cuz with them you can't wear big thick gloves, without them you can. so is there any benefit? dunno, don't have enough experience with them. I mean in the rain then sure, clear benefit cuz what gloves are actually waterproof right? in falling sleet & wet snow, probably yeah a good benefit there too, even compared to big gloves cuz it will keep all that off your gloves. was thinking about covering a cpl holes I saw too

hope some experienced bar mitt ppl chime in here!

these are the ones I've been trying out

nosloedone 11-15-17 09:56 AM

I do not use bar mitts. I used Outdoor Research Mt Baker shells with heavy wool mittens. Hands near frostbite numerous times in AF working aircraft in winter. Bicycle here in Maine sometimes -5 to -10 below 0. My hands are toasty

rumrunn6 11-15-17 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by nosloedone (Post 19994609)
Outdoor Research Mt Baker shells


Outdoor Research Latitude Mitts & PL100 Liners

ShortWideChiGuy 11-19-17 07:44 PM

I found a pair of waterproof cold weather work gloves. $10, hands have been toasty and even sweaty in low 30’s over the last week or so. I’m looking for a lighter weight glove for the 30’s/40’s. I am tempted to try those $18 amazon mitts for the windy days

rumrunn6 11-20-17 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by ShortWideChiGuy (Post 20003313)
tempted to try those $18 amazon mitts for the windy days

used them again Saturday late day. ride ended w some drizzle. can't find any reason not to use them. so far extremely happy w the purchase! :thumb:

easy on - easy off but I see no reason to remove them until April!

Arrowana 11-27-17 11:30 PM

Somewhere in the mid 20's for me. My Bar Mitts go on and off super easily, so I take them off if it is too warm for them.

factotum 11-29-17 06:47 PM

I put mine on as soon as it starts raining here in the PNW . . . I'm extremely fond of my 9-speed Dura Ace STIs so I like to keep them dry and happy.

rumrunn6 02-15-18 02:36 PM

dare I consider when to take them off?

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