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AirPhantomPhoto 03-21-24 03:35 PM

DE - Ocean to Bay bike tour 4/26 & 4/27 2024
Its the 35th coral anniversary for the event, sponsored by the Bethany Beach/Fenwick chambers of commerce. Registration is going to be closing soon. Will be my 1st time doing it.

jemaleddin 04-02-24 01:16 PM

Hey! I’ll be doing that century on the 27th. It’ll be my first century, my first organized ride, and my first time going over 65 miles (unless I can get some good weather on the NCR Trail between now and then so I can do the full 80).

I don’t know if you’re looking for a ride buddy, but I’d be glad to have one. I’m turning 50 this year, but I do a metric century with a couple stops for fruit and a sandwich in about 4:30. (4:09 without the stops?) I don’t really know how to pace for a hundred miles, but am excited to figure it out.

AirPhantomPhoto 04-02-24 09:35 PM

good luck to you in this, since I'm just getting back into biking again so I was going to do the 10 mile "tour". Folks who do the century amaze me, I find that awesome. :)
Sadly, I'm having wrist surgery about a week and a half before so I have to bow out. :(

Have fun & thanks for the offer. :thumb:

jemaleddin 04-03-24 06:37 AM

Oh man, as a guy who had two hand surgeries last year, I wish you luck! Mine went as well as can be expected, but were still weird and not fun.

My wife has just started training for a century at the end of June in the Virginia Eastern shore (also very flat), and I think we’re doing the Seagull Century in September in Salisbury - all contingent on me surviving this ride! Once your wrist is recuperated, I hope you can get on the bike soon!

delbiker1 04-04-24 03:04 AM

I live 6 miles west of the starting point, which is in Bethany Beach, DE. My home is on a road, Burbage Rd, that is on the route. I have never done the ride, I do not like riding with so many others.
It seems to be a well organized and supported event, riders of all types. I always think of putting out water, maybe some snacks, and a table or 2 with bike stuff I would like to part with.
The day of the ride, I get out early and get away from the route to avoid the crowd.
The route is very flat, but the wind is likely going to be strong and gusting, and can be very chilling. A good wind blocking layer that can be removed and stashed is recommended.
I just may be hanging out in my front yard this time.

jemaleddin 04-04-24 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by delbiker1 (Post 23204610)
I live 6 miles west of the starting point, which is in Bethany Beach, DE. My home is on a road, Burbage Rd, that is on the route. I have never done the ride, I do not like riding with so many others.

Understandable! I live in Baltimore and once a month hundreds is cyclists take to the streets for Bike Party and do a slow 10-mile ride from a park to a bar. I’ve started thinking about it a last training for riding in a pack. 😀

Originally Posted by delbiker1 (Post 23204610)
The route is very flat, but the wind is likely going to be strong and gusting, and can be very chilling. A good wind blocking layer that can be removed and stashed is recommended.

Good call! I’ve been thinking about reducing the storage on my bike, but maybe a bag to stuff a jacket into is a good plan.

Originally Posted by delbiker1 (Post 23204610)
I just may be hanging out in my front yard this time.

Well, if you see a 6’ ginger ride by looking bewildered and tired, say hi!

AirPhantomPhoto 04-07-24 09:38 PM

Well, if you see a 6’ ginger ride by looking bewildered and tired, say hi!
LOL, too funny. Also a 6' ginger female but many mistake me as a dude. And thanks for the well wishes.

I live out near Long Neck/Georgetown Airpark but my office used to be near the circle in Reho. Theres a bike ride in umm Aug that one starts in DC the other in B-more and both take the backroad that intersects my road. I'm gonna have to remember to not use that road that day. LOL

jemaleddin 04-29-24 02:37 PM

Hey, I did this ride! It was my first organized ride of any distance, and I finished in 6:21:01 (including stops and breaks) and felt pretty good! I'm excited to do two more century rides out on the Eastern Shore this year. If anyone is doing the Seagull Century and wants a ride buddy, let me know!

AirPhantomPhoto 04-29-24 05:13 PM

Glad it went well for you, especially since it was your first one :) Always a nice thing to hear, its gonna be a long time for me if I'm ever able to do a Century, but I'm okay with that, I like my short rides.
When I was down there friday picking up my swag bag & packet I heard they had around 2000 riders signed up overall, seemed it was a decent turnout & they were happy. Not sure but possible they were turning away last minute riders. Seemed last years event was a wet one & the turnout wasnt as good.

Hope to see you at next years ride :giver:

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