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mr geeker 01-01-16 06:22 AM

2016! how was your commute today?
Its currently 20, feels like 9. It's gonna be another cold one.

Happy new year folks!

Revised: 19, feels like 6.

mcours2006 01-01-16 07:47 AM

-2, windchill -7C here, and flurrying, no wait, snowing pretty damn hard here. Thankfully I'm not going anywhere today.

PatrickGSR94 01-01-16 08:19 AM

Aw darn I missed making the thread for this year. Oh well. I've been off work all this week so either Tuesday or possibly Monday should be my first 2016 commute.

bulevardi 01-01-16 09:23 AM

My first commute for this year will be today... as my bike is parked at the railway station where I left him yesterday, and I'll arrive around 9h20 PM, will ride 1,4 miles to my home :)

I'm at work right now, on new years day ^^

Sir Coastalot 01-01-16 11:19 AM

Had to work Friday, and woke up early enough for once to be able to ride in, taking the folder on a 50-km scenic route to boot. Hopefully this augurs well for lots of bike commuting this year.
Left the office after sunset when temps had dropped, so rode part way and then folded the bike up and took the train home.

mr geeker 01-01-16 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by PatrickGSR94 (Post 18427894)
Aw darn I missed making the thread for this year.

I was up and noticed no one else made the 2016 thread, so I took it upon my self.

joeyduck 01-01-16 03:54 PM

Happy new year!

Here's to a good commuting year for all.

mr geeker 01-01-16 08:05 PM

well, my ride home was fairly awesome, I got off early and was able to ride IN THE SUN!

mr geeker 01-02-16 07:37 AM

hopefully this gets stikied soon or it might get lost...

It's the weekend, that means I can show up late for work! Gonna be another chilly one.

Darth Lefty 01-02-16 12:24 PM

Let's talk goals and etc. If I commuted by bike every day rain or shine I'd be in the 2000's. As it stands I made about a third of that. I'm not satisfied with that but I don't see it changing in the new year due to other commitments - most notably the need to rescue the nanny or daycare from the toddler while maintaining a normal work schedule. The guys doing 5000 miles a year have >20 mile commutes and do them rain or shine, they have my utmost respect.

mr geeker 01-02-16 06:02 PM

I'm gonna be cycling somewhere along them numbers due to the company I work for changing its location to twice as far from where I live.

Sir Coastalot 01-03-16 01:35 AM

Originally Posted by Darth Lefty (Post 18430396)
Let's talk goals

My commute is on the longish side at 40 miles (64 km) round trip, but it's mostly flat and my company has showers. Moreover, there's very little hostility between motorists and cyclists here, so it's mostly a stress-free ride. Last year on a whim I bought my first folder, and liked it so much I ended up picking up two more. Now, I can ride one way or part of the way and catch the train for the remainder, which allows some time in the saddle even when stretched thin time-wise.

As for goals, I'm conservatively shooting for at least one round-trip commute or two one-way rides a week this year. That would work about to around 2,000 miles (3,200 km) for the full year.

Wishing everyone a safe and drama-free year of commuting.

mgw4jc 01-03-16 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Darth Lefty (Post 18430396)
Let's talk goals and etc. ... The guys doing 5000 miles a year have >20 mile commutes and do them rain or shine, they have my utmost respect.

I broke 5,000 last year for the first time. My round trip is 25ish minimum, but I often take some alternate ways through a neighborhood or whatever and add a couple of miles. Here in North Carolina it is pretty easy to ride year round. It will be cold during January and February, but very little snow. I don't ride in real rain unless I get caught in it, but I will ride in light rain, drizzle, wet roads, etc.

If I don't move or change jobs (no plans to do either), then I'll probably hit 5,000 again this year. We are a one car family and my wife has to taxi the kids quite a bit, so I am somewhat forced to ride. Although if I had a car at my disposal I'd still ride as much as possible.

Happy New Year! Happy Commuting!

bmthom.gis 01-03-16 09:54 PM

Tomorrow will be my first bike ride of the new year! Looking forward to it

joeyduck 01-04-16 01:33 AM

My goal this year is to ride outside. Let's hope another surgery isn't needed, but if it is necessary I hope it goes well.

Have nice rides tomorrow friends.

Sidebar. I saw a guy out this morning on his sleek Cervelo TT bike and based on the direction he was going he was on his way home, this was 8:30 am and there was a heavy frost and fog that morning. I'd noticed the streets were greasy the night before when I brought the babysitter home. Brave, foolish, or dedicated?

dcb23 01-04-16 06:00 AM

Happy New Year everyone! First inbound commute of the year, 36F/3C. Light headwind and pretty dark out there.

Goals this year are to continue riding to work M-F Rain, shine, snow as I have for 5+ years now. I am now on a 20mi round trip as opposed to a 8mi round trip so whether I make it through the full Winter ins TBD. This will also be the first year I have GPS mileage tracking the whole 12-mos so I will go over to the mileage thread and sign up.

mgw4jc 01-04-16 07:27 AM

Woo-hoo! 2016 thread, so shiny and new! And back to page 1.

A nice, chilly 33F ride in this morning. Traffic was noticeably more abundant with school back in session and folks back from time off.

It looks to be a colder week this week with morning lows at or below freezing.

Happy Riding!

locolobo13 01-04-16 07:44 AM

Light shower, temps in the mid 50ish F. Nice for my first commute this year.

RidingMatthew 01-04-16 07:52 AM

first commute of the year. winter is here cold weather this week

Woo-hoo! 2016 thread, so shiny and new! And back to page 1.

A nice, chilly 33F ride in this morning. Traffic was noticeably more abundant with school back in session and folks back from time off.

It looks to be a colder week this week with morning lows at or below freezing.

Happy Riding!
so shiny and new love it! hope I am on page one haha
first inbound commute today. 32-33F on the ride in this morning. Did almost a metric century New Years Day. Polar Bear Ride with local bike store-- 200 people where there it was fun to ride with a big group! 61 miles and averaged 16.9mph in 46avg temp degrees. I was pleased with the ride but kicking myself for not riding an extra mile. It was a good ride other than a little cramping here and there for the last 20 or so miles usually if I stopped. Between NYE and NYD I rode 102 miles which could explain the cramping.

@Darth Lefty

Let's talk goals and etc. If I commuted by bike every day rain or shine I'd be in the 2000's. As it stands I made about a third of that. I'm not satisfied with that but I don't see it changing in the new year due to other commitments - most notably the need to rescue the nanny or daycare from the toddler while maintaining a normal work schedule. The guys doing 5000 miles a year have >20 mile commutes and do them rain or shine, they have my utmost respect.
thanks :thumb::)I got 4706 for 2015 and really did not do too much riding in the rain but I do have >22 round trip if I go straight to and from. thankful for the family understanding my addiction/ therapy is the bike! I try to cram as much riding into the week as possible so that I am free to do other things on the weekend. It works out pretty well.

esmith2039 01-04-16 08:12 AM

This cold weather is a killer. Just cuts my stamina to a 1/4, fills like it anyways. Changed my hours at work to 7-3.. must says there's alot of idiots on the road. Already miss the earlier commute.. just not waking up earlier.

principia 650 01-04-16 08:23 AM

little cool this morning not too bad though . ride home will be cooler real cold stuff blowing in from canada . little snow out there this a.m. not going to add up. last week was tough had to break the old MTB with studded tires out.

arsprod 01-04-16 08:50 AM

26F with light snow. First commute of the year and first since shoulder surgery about 3 weeks ago. Yikes, how quickly riding shape evaporates. I also know it only takes a few days to get back up to speed but I wish it wasn't in 20's temps! Oh well, very glad to be back on the bike.

My goal this year is the same as previous years, to ride every day possible without using weather as an excuse. This year was about 4300 miles but I haven't figured out days ridden which is more important to me. I'm guessing (based on previous) it's about 220 which means I drove less than 10 days.

bmthom.gis 01-04-16 08:55 AM

Well mission accomplished! I could tell it has been a few weeks since I last had a ride. It was slow going...a little chilly, but enjoyable. I have to futz around with my RD. Put some new wheels on the commuter and I think I am a little bit off, but not enough where I felt like stopping during the ride.
The only bummer was my work bike has a flat. Grrr. Thorn resistant tubes can be patched, right?

Steely Dan 01-04-16 08:58 AM

28 degrees, but a bit windy, 20 mph out of the north (my general direction of travel) making it feel like 15.

lake effect snow started falling when i was ~1/2 mile from work; they say we may get up to 3" today.

all in all, not too bad for my first commute of 2016. going home tonight could be slow and messy.

wphamilton 01-04-16 09:03 AM

Back at work after a short vacation and feeling 100% again! I'm still riding the fixed gear bike that I gifted myself with in December, traditional commuter style gussied up with rack, fenders, lights even my home-brew chain case. Pretty slow but that was one of my goals, to have a little more effort through the winter but cut back on speeding on the Greenway. All that I need to complete that ensemble now are larger tires, 32 or 35 if I can fit.

Awesome commute for me this morning, just under freezing but clear which means for me a ride without changing or cleanup at work, and sharing the path with mostly just the deer and smaller forest animals. This is going to be a good year.

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