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worldtraveller 07-17-11 12:15 PM

thirsty after using gatorade
I have been using gatorade for my long rides and it works wonders for electrolytes etc.

However an hour and more after a ride i am really thirsty all the time, so need to drink and desire to drink lots of water

is this because of drinking gatorade
with all that sodium?
should i change to something else? coconut water? etc?

ericm979 07-17-11 01:17 PM

I use two bottles- one with sports drink, one with plain water. That way I can use what appeals to me (or what I need) at the moment.

Gatorade mixed full strength is too concentrated. That's why it's making you thirsty. Try mixing it half strength, or using something better like HEED.

RonH 07-17-11 01:39 PM

I have two Camelbak Podium Chill bottles. I fill one with ice and then add water to the top. I fill the other 2/3 full with Gatorade and then add ice to the top. The ice melts while I'm riding and waters down the Gatorade so it isn't so strong and keeps it cool too.

Machka 07-17-11 04:02 PM

Try bringing a bottle of water and a bottle of HEED on your next ride.

worldtraveller 07-17-11 05:20 PM

Do they sell HEED in grocery stores?

c.miller64 07-17-11 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by worldtraveller (Post 12942481)
Do they sell HEED in grocery stores?

No, but they should- in the laxatives section.

gregf83 07-17-11 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by worldtraveller (Post 12941274)
However an hour and more after a ride i am really thirsty all the time, so need to drink and desire to drink lots of water

How much weight did you lose during the ride. It's pretty common to lose a few pounds on a long ride. You're likely thirsty because you're dehydrated. Weigh yourself before and after your next ride.

ericm979 07-17-11 06:31 PM

A few people have a problem with HEED. It works for the vast majority.

You have to buy HEED from Hammer Nutrition.

There are plenty of other sports drinks available in powder form. Do some research and experiment to see what works for you.

dahut 07-17-11 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by worldtraveller (Post 12941274)
I have been using gatorade for my long rides and it works wonders for electrolytes etc.

However an hour and more after a ride i am really thirsty all the time, so need to drink and desire to drink lots of water

is this because of drinking gatorade
with all that sodium?
should i change to something else? coconut water? etc?

I detest Gatorade while riding. It becomes cloying and "icky" once I get to exerting.
Instead I use water and dried apricots.

The dried fruit offers tons of essential compounds, and the water... well, it's water.
The one trouble is that the dried fruit requires extra water to metabolize. Carry an extra bottle and stop when you need to to water up.

Machka 07-18-11 02:24 AM

Originally Posted by dahut (Post 12942959)
I detest Gatorade while riding. It becomes cloying and "icky" once I get to exerting.


Even Powerade is better than Gatorade.

I just use water for centuries (100 miles) or shorter rides while I'm riding. On rest stops, I'll have a diet coke or orange juice or iced tea or something.

For longer rides, I will break out the HEED. It's got a much better flavour than Gatorade, and sits so much better.

OldsCOOL 07-18-11 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by gregf83 (Post 12942794)
How much weight did you lose during the ride. It's pretty common to lose a few pounds on a long ride. You're likely thirsty because you're dehydrated. Weigh yourself before and after your next ride.

There it is.

Listen to your body after a ride and it will tell you how to fuel it during a ride.

OldsCOOL 07-18-11 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by Machka (Post 12944181)

Even Powerade is better than Gatorade.

I just use water for centuries (100 miles) or shorter rides while I'm riding. On rest stops, I'll have a diet coke or orange juice or iced tea or something.


For the inbetweener distances (60-80mi) I'll even grab a diet Mt Dew and a favorite beef jerky to add to the fruit snacks that often get mundane if I dont mix things up.

DataJunkie 07-18-11 10:46 AM

I used to detest gatorade until I fixed a few stomach issues. I tend to grab a bottle at a convenience store later in a long ride. That is unless I want a Coke instead.
Water is pretty much my go to drink.

zowie 07-18-11 06:23 PM

Funny, I had my first Gator-aid ever yesterday in the middle of a hot 50 miler and I have NEVER been so thirsty on a bike ride that I was on the second half of that ride. I cut it with water, as I do with all drinks with sugar. Never felt like this while drinking Cliff powered drink or Poweraids.

worldtraveller 07-18-11 07:16 PM

Really?? so u think i should try some poweraid or something else?

zowie 07-18-11 07:31 PM

If you were responding to my post, I'd say it's not enough of a sample to draw conclusions. My preference is for the Cliff electrolyte drink mix. But at $1-2 per bottle, why don't you just experiment and see what's good for you?

dizon510 07-18-11 08:48 PM

gatorade shouldnt be causing hydration issues. hydration is what gatorade is made for. its not meant to supply calories.

sports drinks take advantage of the sodium/glucose cotransporters in the epithelia of the intestines. as the glucose and sodium get transported together, water gets absorbed as well, orders of magnitude more than you absorb without sodium and glucose.

add flavor to encourage you to consume more.
use a low sugar concentration so that you dont get gastric emptying problems.
add electrolytes to replace those you lose through sweat.

if you had an issue with the food coloring, i think you would have some tell-tale symptoms.

id be really surprised if simply switching to powerade solves all of your problems.

if anything, gatorade is not popular among cyclists because it simply doesnt have the calories that hammer, accelerade, etc can pack. you're going to struggle to stay hydrated with 2 bottles on the bike, its just worse to bonk and hit the wall too.

Machka 07-18-11 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by worldtraveller (Post 12948560)
Really?? so u think i should try some poweraid or something else?

Yes ... try several different things. That's how most of us know what we like ... we try stuff and decide if it will work for us or not.

And by "work for us" I mean, will it stay down, sit well ... and not make my teeth and tongue all fuzzy like gatorade does after the first bottle.

dahut 07-18-11 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by zowie (Post 12948286)
Funny, I had my first Gator-aid ever yesterday in the middle of a hot 50 miler and I have NEVER been so thirsty on a bike ride that I was on the second half of that ride. I cut it with water, as I do with all drinks with sugar. Never felt like this while drinking Cliff powered drink or Poweraids.

I have done this myself - use water to cut the Gatorade, Poweraide, (supply name of favored sport drink)...
For long rides today, I would bring the drink as powder and mix it for consumption at stops.

On the road, I prefer water and to munch on apricots/raisins, brine/oil cured olives and maybe sneak in a few Rye crisps or Triscuit. Power shakes, Ensure, or some malted milk/choco powder 'shots' work, too.
And lots of water.

Its best to keep things liquidy, carb heavy and ingested in small, easily digested bits while actually pedaling.

I also like things that are easy to carry, and commonly obtainable at any grocery store.

DataJunkie 07-19-11 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by zowie (Post 12948286)
Funny, I had my first Gator-aid ever yesterday in the middle of a hot 50 miler and I have NEVER been so thirsty on a bike ride that I was on the second half of that ride. I cut it with water, as I do with all drinks with sugar. Never felt like this while drinking Cliff powered drink or Poweraids.

They have a few different types. Whatever it was that I used last time tasted just fine but the Coke tasted wayyyy better.
No thirst issues for me.

worldtraveller 07-19-11 04:27 PM

Just curious as so many of you say you drink pop/soda on a bike ride, like Coca Cola

isn't that bad for you, no benefit in anyway?

as it is just liquid sugar?

what are the benefits to drinking a Coke on a long ride?

ericm979 07-19-11 04:32 PM

Sugar and caffeine. Sugar is not evil when you're riding.
I don't like Coke while riding but I know many who like a Coke on long hot rides.

10 Wheels 07-19-11 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by worldtraveller (Post 12953499)
Just curious as so many of you say you drink pop/soda on a bike ride, like Coca Cola
isn't that bad for you, no benefit in anyway?
as it is just liquid sugar?
what are the benefits to drinking a Coke on a long ride?

Drink a Coke or Pepsi at about 40-50 miles on a long ride and you will feel the kick from the caffeine and sugar.

worldtraveller 07-19-11 04:34 PM

Ok , but after a few more miles after that, wouldn't u just crash. your energy levels and bonk out?

10 Wheels 07-19-11 04:36 PM

No. Have you been watching the Le Tour De France?

The Pros are drinking Cokes.

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