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danhill70 02-28-24 11:32 AM

Be careful with Prime bicycles
Hello everyone! I write this post very much to my regret, to inform you about the treatment that this brand, described by themselves as the quintessence, give to their customers. A brand whose cheapest bicycle costs more than €7,000.

I bought a Prime Thunderflash back in October and everything has been disappointment. I wanted to change the brakes, and the internal wiring has a route that requires the swingarm to be removed. When going to loosen the through screw that holds the shock absorber, the lower one in this case, the mechanic observed that the screw, an Allen that acts as an axle, with a head on one side and a thread on the opposite side, did not rotate, either due to excess of sealant (loctite), or due to something abnormal in the screw itself or one of the two bearings inside. The fact is that it didn't turn and it didn't loosen. The mechanic, who had to stay still, had to use more force than necessary, and turned both the screw and the piece where it screws in, a black piece, supposedly fixed, that is embedded in the frame. And this piece, as it rotated, raised paint. Mechanic's failure, but a failure preceded by the fact that the screw did not turn. Meanwhile I wrote to Prime Bicycles, and they began to wash their hands, first to explain to me how to loosen a screw, and then to tell me that you have to hold the “fixed” black piece, which is impossible since it is embedded. I told them that I was no longer manipulating the bicycle, because it has a lifetime warranty, and because to loosen a screw I don't think so much difficulty is necessary. FOR SEVERAL WEEKS, AND AFTER SIX EMAILS, THEY DID NOT ANSWER ME. Of shame. That you spend thousands of euros on a bicycle and they don't even answer. I prepared a claim to European Consumer Affairs, and as a last bullet, I left them negative comments on social networks. What a coincidence, the next morning they were already writing to me. An engineer contacts me, and they tell me to send the bicycle. I send it, and I have a very big problem with the shipping company too, the bicycle is retained, it was even lost and in a lost and found warehouse, for almost a month, but well I am not going to go into the details of this. The problem was excess dimensions. The box must have been about half. Then I sent just the painting. Another circumstance that Prime Bicycles couldn't tell me before... It's clear, to me, that they didn't want the bike to get there. Because we are talking about weeks and months, in which they still do not answer emails, both to me and to the shipping company. I send it again, and after almost two weeks there, where I have also had to tell them what was happening, why didn't they solve the problem and inform me now, they answer me that the screw is already removed, that I had no problem and they told me They attach videos of the disassembled piece. And since it is fine, and it has been a consequence of manipulation in my workshop, then I should pay for the shipping of everything. I have answered that the aesthetic defect is indeed the fault of my mechanic, that I am not asking him to paint it or anything, but that the bicycle was sent for something, that it was not sent because of not knowing how to loosen an Allen screw, that something had, the What, we don't know... And I would have liked to see how they did it. They still won't admit their mistake, sarcastically sending me photos of an Allen wrench and a rubber hammer. I do not know what will happen. There are friends who recommend I pay it and forget about it. I've been riding since October, the bike hasn't even been released

In short, it is a shame that this treatment is received, especially after everything that has happened. I'll let you know what finally happens. I of course accept advice on how to act.

Thank you all for your attention. All the best

bboy314 02-29-24 07:43 PM

So, in summary:

-the mechanic didn’t know how to remove the pivot bolt, and Prime replied to you with instructions.

-you shipped the bike to them and had issues with the shipping.

-when Prime received it, they removed the bolt (presumably at no charge?) and saw there was no issue, so they’re asking you to cover shipping cost.

What exactly is the issue with how they handled this?

seat_boy 02-29-24 08:04 PM

Why is it always people with one post that bring things like this up?

danhill70 03-01-24 01:13 AM

No estoy reclamando que me pinten la bicicleta ni que se responsabilicen de nada que no sea su culpa. De hecho no estoy reclamando nada, estoy simplemente informando del trato que dan al cliente. Llevo 6 meses, efectivamente, para un tornillo, porque me han ignorado continuamente, me han dado excusas absurdas, no han contestado numerosos correos electrónicos, ahora me exigen el pago de unos envíos, de los cuales pido factura y justificación y tampoco me lo mandan. Es decir me piden dinero sin justificarme nada. Eso es de lo que quiero informar, de su servicio postventa

Mod edit - Google Translate

I am not demanding that they paint my bike or that they take responsibility for anything that is not their fault. In fact I am not complaining about anything, I am simply reporting the treatment they give to the client. I have been in trouble for 6 months, effectively, because they have continually ignored me, they have given me absurd excuses, they have not answered numerous emails, now they are demanding payment for some shipments, for which I ask for an invoice and justification and they do not send it to me either. . That is to say, they ask me for money without justifying anything. That's what I want to inform you about, your after-sales service.

danhill70 03-01-24 01:15 AM

Y el tornillo no salía, es un tornillo, si es una operación súper simple. Es imposible que una operación tan simple dé tantos problemas. Porque algún problema tenía aunque ellos no lo admitan

Mod edit - Google Translate

And the screw did not come out, it is a screw, it is a super simple operation. It is impossible for such a simple operation to cause so many problems. Because I had some problem even if they don't admit it

dmickey68 03-29-24 04:38 PM

totally agree

ARider2 03-29-24 05:10 PM

Hmmm. I never do this but... :popcorn

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