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Wildwood 03-17-24 11:20 AM

Clear your handlebars and your mind will follow
Glad to see an article that endorses one of my favorite sayings.

'Absorb the world around you and let your mind wander' - you may find that it's more addictive than data | Cycling Weekly


79pmooney 03-17-24 11:25 AM

Proof. My bars have tape, two levers and plugs. That's it. And it can be argued my mind is empty. :)

Well, two of my bikes have headlight mounts. And one of those has a computer mount because riding the trainer is best done with a mind filled with junk!

Iride01 03-17-24 11:29 AM

Would it be okay if I only look at the clock or timer and ignore the other bits of data presented by my GPS? Generally that's what I do. The GPS is mostly there just to record what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. I'll look at that data well after the ride is over. It's rare I even navigate with it.

So for the most part I agree with you! I like looking around me too. That's why I pedal so frantically, so I can see more in the limited time I have to pedal.

Koyote 03-17-24 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Wildwood (Post 23186905)

My mileage does vary.

mpetry912 03-17-24 01:09 PM

good article, thanks for sharing it


slow rollin 03-17-24 01:11 PM

My mind is so clear I wonder if I have an issue. I was thinking of trying a bike computer since then I could see what speed I am doing. I just know there is slow, good, and fast....
One time I rode with no handlebar tape, and since my preferred grip is the curve before the hoods I was slipping. Handlebar was too clear.
This article wasn't directed to how I ride.

13ollocks 03-17-24 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Wildwood (Post 23186905)

I leave the head unit on, ‘cos “if it didn’t happen on Strava……etc etc”. However, if I don’t need the GPS, I’ll switch it to battery save mode, so the screen is only displaying when the Varia radar is alerting. I really don’t need to see data while I’m riding.

3alarmer 03-17-24 02:50 PM

...I have a couple of these. But they're not much of a distraction.

Mtracer 03-17-24 09:18 PM

You'll have to pry my Garmin from my cold dead fingers.

I like data, I don't give hoot about sharing it. I use Strava, I have maybe 6 followers, none of which probably care or even understand any of the data. I usually have some target metrics for rides. I plan my routes, and I usually have a goal concerning effort based on power. But sometimes, I just ride the route and pay little attention to the power.

I also like the data as while riding I like to do math calculations in my head. Estimating when I will get somewhere, how long it will be to when I get back to where I am now on an out-and-back. That type of thing. That doesn't mean I never notice my surroundings, though of course sometimes I don't.

I'm definitely not obsessed with the numbers, though I do like to see the miles add up as the year progresses.

But I get where the article the OP linked is coming from. If you're tracking data with a big goal to share it with others as some form of validation, then that doesn't sound healthy to me. Sure share race results or other event results, but not everyday rides.

rsbob 03-17-24 09:28 PM

:popcorn “One more time with feeling and two part harmony.” Alice’s Restaurant

JohnDThompson 03-18-24 07:51 AM

My most complicated "cockpit." Thank goodness the bell is clearly labeled to avoid any confusion:

mstateglfr 03-18-24 08:24 AM

A GPS that is recording but not displaying data is effectively no different from not having a GPS there at all.
A light kinda helps to see and be seen when its dark. Safety and whatnot.
A bell kinda helps to be heard when needed. Safety and whatnot.

I did chuckle when I saw which media outlet wrote that article. CyclingWeekly's articles are overloaded with moving banner ads, auto-play videos, mid-article display ads, and a pop-up ad.
I get that they need to make money, but somehow another Cycling website manages to produce quality online and pod content without all this clutter.

Clear your website and more readers will follow.

CAT7RDR 03-18-24 08:48 AM

Even my simple Cateye Padrone is a constant reminder I'm not pushing hard enough rather than just enjoying the ride.

staehpj1 03-18-24 08:50 AM

I like to have data recorded, but mostly ignore it while riding. I do look at the temperature once in a while. I may glance at the mileage sometimes or not. Near the end of a ride I may look at the time. I trail ride so I tend to enjoy the woods and the various wildlife. I post so friends know what I am up to, but I mostly mention the weather, the sights, the wildlife spotted, what song was playing in my head, and overall how the ride was. Times and fitness data may come up, but it definitely isn't a central focus.

DirePenguin 03-18-24 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by Mtracer (Post 23187430)
You'll have to pry my Garmin from my cold dead fingers.

Me, too. Although it’s not to seek validation by sharing, I love having the data right in front of me.

I think, if I’m not at least checking in on my power and heart rate numbers and just “enjoying the ride,” I’m not really going to improve, which is important to me.

Polaris OBark 03-18-24 09:01 AM

My Garmin default display is simply a clock. I do record and log data, but have little need for it in real time. The Garmin navigation features (maps, error-prone directions) are the other main real-time use (but only in unfamiliar territory). My first Garmin was the 25. I also had the 130. The minimalism is a nice feature.

Polaris OBark 03-18-24 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by mstateglfr (Post 23187683)
Clear your website and more readers will follow.

Ghosterly prevented me from seeing what you are talking about (and trackers can't follow ... ).

JohnDThompson 03-18-24 09:33 AM

Originally Posted by mstateglfr (Post 23187683)
A GPS that is recording but not displaying data is effectively no different from not having a GPS there at all.

Beg to differ. My phone/GPS stays in my jersey pocket out of sight until I need it, e.g. unexpected road construction to detour around, etc.

A bell kinda helps to be heard when needed. Safety and whatnot.
Very handy on the MUP.

Clear your website and more readers will follow.
I aggressively filter all my internet traffic. I used to run a web site, but the proliferation of spammers/scammers made it too tiresome to maintain.

Smaug1 03-18-24 09:57 AM

A good article and a good reason to have more than one bike.

Two example bikes from my fleet:
  1. Trek Domane AL3 - This one has the GPS and I usually wear a chest strap heart rate monitor when I ride it. I have goals for myself that I want to meet. Trying to get 5k miles this year, for example. I find myself sometimes pushing too hard, and the pulse data displayed on the screen helps. I'm 47; I try to keep it below 180 and usually below 170. Now that I double-check it, I'm pushing a bit too hard: (220 - age) x 90% means I should rarely go over 156, but I'm routinely in the 160s... My max should be 173. On this bike with metrics, I have a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Electra Townie GO! 7D - When I ride my wife's cruiser eBike, I have just as much fun, but a different brand of it. Its only display is a simple LED bar graph showing the level of assist and battery power left. No data on me or the ride at ALL. I also notice when I ride this bike, the upright posture encourages me to look around more, as opposed to having tunnel vision like the forward leaning Domane gives me. By comparison, it's an effort to look around! It is very liberating; reminds me of what it was like to cruise around town on a BMX as a kid.

Wildwood 03-18-24 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by mstateglfr (Post 23187683)
I did chuckle when I saw which media outlet wrote that article. CyclingWeekly's articles are overloaded with moving banner ads, auto-play videos, mid-article display ads, and a pop-up ad.
I get that they need to make money, but somehow another Cycling website manages to produce quality online and pod content without all this clutter.

Clear your website and more readers will follow.

When Velonews and Cycling News went 'pay for basic articles'. I left their readership. ¿And I wonder if their views have increased?
I'm a guy who just does not think he should have to pay to read who won Europe's biggest races.
Pick your poison.

mstateglfr 03-18-24 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by JohnDThompson (Post 23187758)
Beg to differ. My phone/GPS stays in my jersey pocket out of sight until I need it, e.g. unexpected road construction to detour around, etc.

I meant its effectively no different when it comes to enjoying the ride vs focusing on metrics during the ride. Thats the topic of the article and thread, from what I can tell- unplug and experience in real time.
Yes, having connectivity is nice when you need to reroute mid-ride.

genejockey 03-18-24 12:13 PM

For me the key is having ridden tens of thousands of miles to the point where the head unit is just something that's there, not something to obsess over. I sometimes ride my C&V bikes without data, but I don't get any feelings of Nirvana from the absence. Admittedly, they look cooler naked.

zandoval 03-18-24 12:16 PM

Yep... My Bars are clean. But I have seen worse...

squirtdad 03-18-24 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 23187951)
For me the key is having ridden tens of thousands of miles to the point where the head unit is just something that's there, not something to obsess over. I sometimes ride my C&V bikes without data, but I don't get any feelings of Nirvana from the absence. Admittedly, they look cooler naked.

This, I have small garmin that feeds from my watch, I use it mainly to check HR, especially when it is really hot, and a little bit to look at miles and speed, but it the battery dies (it has short battery life) I don't stress. rest of handle bar has bell and light....nothing need to clear my mind from

genejockey 03-18-24 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by zandoval (Post 23187956)
Yep... My Bars are clean. But I have seen worse...

Is THAT why mountain bike bars are so wide? I wondered!

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