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ozziejones 01-24-13 04:28 PM

GLBT Clydes?
Today I was asked by a new friend in the Clyde community quiet bluntly "Are you Gay?". I wasn't mad, I'm not ashamed, my answer was "Yes." He went on to tell me that he was just curious, and that he was suspicious that there were others he knew.

If this isn't the place for this kind of thread please moderator remove it! But Two months ago before I bought a bike I never imagined I'd find a community that had plenty of riders in my "weight class". Maybe it's not outrageous to think I'm not the only Gay clyde, so I'm willing to take the first step forward.

(Remember what your Mama told ya' "If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything!)

Beachgrad05 01-24-13 04:39 PM

Welcome! I would hope this forum is accepting.

youcoming 01-24-13 04:44 PM

Welcome to the forum. While I'm just about as straight as a person can be I have many gay friends, I've just never saw an issue with it. Live how you like too, I have never understood why it should affect how others think of a person but on the same hand I've never understood the need to announce it. I have never walked into a room and announced I'm straight.

howsteepisit 01-24-13 05:06 PM

Not gay, don't care. Welcome

Mr. Beanz 01-24-13 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by ozziejones (Post 15194559)
quiet bluntly "Are you Gay?".

I think your writing skills are more of a concern on a cycling forum than your preference.:D

I'm surprised he'd ask and I'm suprised you'd announce it on a cycling forum.

Either way, doesn't matter to me. Heck, I've met several Clyde members and I think 25% of them are gay. :D

But since we're speaking out, I am heterosexual and my wife keeps me that way!:D

chefisaac 01-24-13 05:31 PM


What until you see Mr. Beanz in lycra!

ozziejones 01-24-13 05:35 PM

Like I said, if this is the wrong place please remove my thread.

I'm just curious to see that's all I did not mean to offend.

ozziejones 01-24-13 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by chefisaac (Post 15194788)

What until you see Mr. Beanz in lycra!

Oh Isaac, your too funny.

making 01-24-13 05:41 PM

Hi and welcome.

Mr. Beanz 01-24-13 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by ozziejones (Post 15194805)
Oh Isaac, your too funny.

Yeah, I'm just having fun as always. :D

goldfinch 01-24-13 06:01 PM

There are others here who have mentioned they are gay. And gay people certainly are not exempt from Clyde or Athena status. :)

bwilliams 01-24-13 06:03 PM

hi and welcome,it does not matter to me..

JakiChan 01-24-13 06:21 PM

It's interesting - on the Different Spokes SF rides I've been on (an LGBT bike club in SF - 30 year anniversary this year) I was often the only clyde. However on the ALC training rides I've been on there are more - but I make no assumptions about their orientation.

So do we exist? Uhm, yeah. How many? No idea.

chefisaac 01-24-13 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by ozziejones (Post 15194805)
Oh Isaac, your too funny.

Thank you. I try! :)

magohn 01-24-13 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by ozziejones (Post 15194803)
Like I said, if this is the wrong place please remove my thread.

I'm just curious to see that's all I did not mean to offend.

If any clyde is offended or unaccepting, I'd rather we remove them. :thumb:

Welcome to the herd!

magohn 01-24-13 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Beanz (Post 15194784)
I think your writing skills are more of a concern on a cycling forum than your preference.:D

I'm surprised he'd ask and I'm suprised you'd announce it on a cycling forum.

Either way, doesn't matter to me. Heck, I've met several Clyde members and I think 25% of them are gay. :D

But since we're speaking out, I am heterosexual and my wife keeps me that way!:D


vesteroid 01-24-13 07:17 PM

Life long Republican. That being said, I can't stand my parties position on social issues. I dont often get worked up enough to "demonstrate" or "join a cause" but I believe whats going on with laws limiting survivor benefits, and marriage to gay and lesbian couples is nothing short of criminal.

Equally, I dont understand why any of us need to announce our sexual orientation on this or any forum really.

JakiChan 01-24-13 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by vesteroid (Post 15195189)
Equally, I dont understand why any of us need to announce our sexual orientation on this or any forum really.

For some it's an issue of visibility and assumptions.

iforgotmename 01-24-13 07:27 PM

Here in clyde club we have no sexual orientation...channeling my inner Tyler Durden.

Doesn't matter...just ride.

bassjones 01-24-13 08:28 PM

Straight, born-again Evangelical, Libertarian here, and I'd ride with you any time. One of the guys in my Clyde riding group here is rather flamboyantly gay and three of his best friends are evangelicals... Two of them are pastors. Most of us aren't WBC sympathizers :)

nevermore1701 01-24-13 08:43 PM

Gay or straight makes no difference to me brother.You ride and that's all that matters.I plan on moving to Pa this summer and ill ride with you anytime.

cplager 01-24-13 08:59 PM


I assume the same fraction of people here are LGBT as the population at large. In general it doesn't come up too often on the forums here, but there have been occasional threads, such as touring in South America and questions about how open to be about ones sexual orientation, etc.

In any case, welcome. :D

Cheers, Charles

thestoutdog 01-24-13 09:00 PM

Clyde is a clyde is a clyde, rock who you are and ride on!!

Bluish Green 01-24-13 09:19 PM


kookaburra1701 01-24-13 09:37 PM

Yo. Lesbian Athena here, though usually I hang out in the Commuter subforum.

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