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arreyonskyy 07-12-06 05:18 PM

I Was Hit By A Car!!!!!!!!!!!
3 Attachment(s)
I deleted my post because of the stupidity of several people. ThIs WaS NoT a PoSt On GrAMmEr, NOR ON WHEN OR WHEN NOT TO USE CAPS PER ThE BeDfOrD HaNdBoOk FoR WrItErS. When i ride, i do not carry what ever that device is that messures speed (but i am sure some KNOW IT ALL WILL SAY).
Neither do I have Super Measure Man abilities to judge distance with an aprx. number.
All i can say concerning her speed is what the Trooper *noted on the accident report* and what the driver *REPORTED TO HER INSURANCE COMPANY*

******* BY THE GRACE OF GOD*********
that was directed to the "crash consulant" or what ever he is

What did the witness say SHE WAS ON THE CELL PHONE GOING FROM SIDE TO SIDE ON THE ROAD. BY ALL MEANS SHE WAS RECKLESS. Her child was in the front seat (an infant child) with the car seat in the back seat. MAY I REPEAT RECKLESS

so carry on

Brian Ratliff 07-12-06 05:23 PM

Damned... you're lucky. Most hit-from-behind accidents are deadly. Whatever your lucky charm is; hold onto it and never let it out of your sight!

Was she on a cell phone at the time by any chance?

genec 07-12-06 05:34 PM

Sorry to detract from the thread, but what is up with all the upper case letters in your commentary. Did you go to high school? Did you learn that only the first word in a sentence (except for "proper names") generally only are upper case? Do you realize how difficult your writing is to read in this fashion. Have you noticed that you don't have to hit the shift key for every word if you don't use upper case?

-=(8)=- 07-12-06 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by genec
Sorry to detract from the thread, but what is up with all the upper case letters in your commentary. Did you go to high school? Did you learn that only the first word in a sentence (except for "proper names") generally only are upper case? Do you realize how difficult your writing is to read in this fashion. Have you noticed that you don't have to hit the shift key for every word if you don't use upper case?

Totally meanspirited, unnecassary and irrelavent.
Not surprising though.

More on topic and relevant...

"I Was Riding On The Shoulder And Was Coming Up On My Road ( A Left Turn. Looked Behind Me And Saw That There Was A Car About A 500 Ft Away. I Put My Left Arm Out To Signal That I Was Making A Left Turn, Then I Moved Out Into The Road. "

Im very sorry to hear about this unfortunate accident but for future
riding practice riding on the shoulder and then moving onto the road
is a recipe for trouble, signal or not. As inconveniencing as it might
be, if you prefer the shoulder you should consider stopping until
its clear to cross as if you were walking.
I hope you heal soon.

nelson249 07-12-06 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by genec
Sorry to detract from the thread, but what is up with all the upper case letters in your commentary. Did you go to high school? Did you learn that only the first word in a sentence (except for "proper names") generally only are upper case? Do you realize how difficult your writing is to read in this fashion. Have you noticed that you don't have to hit the shift key for every word if you don't use upper case?

Oh for heavens' sake. I am sick to death of the bloody grammar police on these message boards.

Helmet Head 07-12-06 05:49 PM

I Put My Left Arm Out To Signal That I Was Making A Left Turn, Then I Moved Out Into The Road.
Classic. How many others out there think merely signalling your intent gives you the right to pull out in front of someone else?

Next time, please consider looking back and making sure anyone approaching is aware of you, and is yielding the right of way to you, before you pull out in front of them.

nova 07-12-06 05:52 PM

And what will he get out of all this for his trashed bike ? Likly not a single red cent. If some one ever hits me like that their car will never be road worthy again i will make damn sure its totaled.

With that said law suit time and maybe just maybe youll be lucky enough to get your bike and bills paid for.

chephy 07-12-06 05:56 PM

You are lucky to get away with only minor injuries after being hit from behind by a 55 mph car!

I totally agree about the inadequate punishment for drivers like that. They are being extremely careless, if not intentionally reckless and intimidating! - with a deadly weapon. That should earn them some jail time! At the very least they should have their licence taken away from them for life.

At least you messed up the little *****'s car pretty good. :)

Originally Posted by genec
Sorry to detract from the thread, but what is up with all the upper case letters in your commentary. Did you go to high school? Did you learn that only the first word in a sentence (except for "proper names") generally only are upper case? Do you realize how difficult your writing is to read in this fashion. Have you noticed that you don't have to hit the shift key for every word if you don't use upper case?

I think OP is trying to convey his shock to us. It works to an extent, but sure makes the post difficult to read. But hell - if this sort of thing happened to me, I'd probably be writing in all caps bold face...

Originally Posted by nelson249
I am sick to death of the bloody grammar police on these message boards.

Well, and I am sick to death of the general ignorance and illiteracy that pervades the internet.

genec 07-12-06 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by nelson249
Oh for heavens' sake. I am sick to death of the bloody grammar police on these message boards.

And yet oddly enough most of us conform to the basic grammer standards.

If one expects responses from posts, posting in a readable manner is a key ingredient. I did not question the spelling, nor the grammer; just the very useless and time expending upper case shifting of each and every word... which is not even cute... while typing in lower case has often been recognized as such. It is a PaIn iN thE BuTt to rEaD sOmEoNe'S CoMmEnTaRy wHeN tHeY cHoOse tO iGnOre cOmMoN cOnVeNtIoN.

genec 07-12-06 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by chephy

Well, and I am sick to death of the general ignorance and illiteracy that pervades the internet.

Thank you.

nova 07-12-06 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Helmet Head
classiC. hoW manY otherS ouT therE thinK merelY signallinG youR intenT giveS yoU thE righT tO pulL ouT iN fronT oF someonE elsE?

Next time, please consider looking back and making sure anyone approaching is aware of you, and is yielding the right of way to you, before you pull out in front of them.

Was wondering when youd show up in this thread to protect your precious VC
Ahh yes of corse some one is hit square on from rear while in center of lane and you find fault with them. All to keep your record clean of no one ever gets hit from the rear.

"And Saw That There Was A Car About A 500 Ft Away. I Put My Left Arm Out To Signal That I Was Making A Left Turn, Then I Moved Out Into The Road. With My Arm Still Out. A Couple Of Feet Later"

He seen a car about 500 feet back and moved in to the lane. 500 feet back not 5 not even 50 or 15 but 500. little less than 1/10 of a mile further back than a foot ball feild get the idea?

I know of roads shorter than this mine damn near is the one directly across jhonson road from me most deffently is. So by your logic if im hit from behind on one of these roads i wasnt always in the center of the lane instead ive only been on there for less than 100 feet. Sorry hh your logic does not hold up. Had he been center of lane after turnign off a cross street with her 500 feet or so back (more than safe to pull out in to a road with that distance he would still have gotten hit. Had he been on the road and she made her turn and was 500 feet behind him with him dead center of road again same thing smack on the ground bike trashed.

Your statistics just got a big red mark on them.

rando 07-12-06 05:59 PM

OMG I am glad you're relatively OK. Your guardian angel must have been right there that day.

flair1111 07-12-06 06:01 PM

yOu shOuld aT leAsT geT yOUr biKe paid For bY thiS Person. You goT reALlY lucKy!

sentinel4675 07-12-06 06:10 PM

I have a slight problem with your story. I am a traffic crash reconstructionist and investigate crashes like this quite often. If the speed limit is 55 MPH and she said she was going that speed, you changed lanes too fast if she was only 500 feet away. There is generally a 1 second reaction time for a young person. That means it takes about 1 second to recognize the need to stop. Using a formula to determine the time it takes to stop when traveling 55 MPH it showed that it should take roughly 4 seconds to travel 500 feet at 55 MPH. She lost 1 second of reaction time, that means you left her about 3 seconds to stop at 55 MPH. If she was going faster than 55 then you left her even less time.

nova 07-12-06 06:25 PM

Off topic sort of but thats one of the new vacities. Do us all a huge huge favor and get good pics of the damage the bike has esp the welds and bends in any tubing and post them in the road cycling foru here. Im sure many will be intrested to see how it survived such a crash. Its the new walmart bike and seems pretty good from pics but a crash survivability pic would be great (use a better camera if possible please :)

EricDJ 07-12-06 07:05 PM

If she was cited, then her insurance should be covering medical bills and the bike?

CommuterRun 07-12-06 07:14 PM

Don't sweat it, arreyonskyy, your post makes perfect sense. All you were trying to do is stress certain points without the benefit of verbal speech.


Glad to hear you're alright. Here's a couple of links you may find useful:

Go after the driver and her insurance company to cover all medical expenses and replace everything that was damaged.

unkchunk 07-12-06 07:15 PM

Glad to hear you survived. But instead of getting angry it would have been better to ham up the injury, like World Cup soccer players, and then fake passing out on her hood with your face pressed on the windshield with glazed eyes looking straight at her. Finish it off with a simulated death quiver and it would freak her out for the rest of her life.

Wait! Even better is to store ketchup packs, quickly apply, then press you face against the windshield... and do a slow slide down so it leaves streaks. Extra points if you can get that sqeak sound.

nova 07-12-06 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by EricDJ
If she was cited, then her insurance should be covering medical bills and the bike?

should be sure will be doubtful. My brother had is 72 checy nova totaled by a just under legaly drunk woman with 3 duis (over the years) who had lic and insurance driving for airborn express. She was clearly at fault her insurance fought it tooth and nail all the way in the end my brother got nothing.

If a insurance company can weesel out on that they can easly do so with a bike. They will argue it to the point where his time simply is worth more than the setlement.

Remember were talking a walmart schwinn varcity a 200 dolor bike and probably 2 grand of med bills incoming soon enough.So 2200 bucks. Insurance will ither setle right off or fight till he gives up on it (or his parents dont know how old the op is)

nova 07-12-06 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by CommuterRun
Don't sweat it, arreyonskyy, your post makes perfect sense. All you were trying to do is stress certain points without the benefit of verbal speech.


Glad to hear you're alright. Here's a couple of links you may find useful:

Go after the driver and her insurance company to cover all medical expenses and replace everything that was damaged.

Well as for op i looked at his other posts and he does not do the same. As others have said hes stressing a point though be it a little over done. But hey guess what i got the idea and under stood the post with out isues.

Sence hes fine im now very instrested in the bikes condition with good pics. The thing is mega cheap and has been posts asking about it so im curious if this 200 dolor dept bike survived well how it was trashed i should say i dont think even the top of the line bikes could survive that hit heh.

sbhikes 07-12-06 07:37 PM

Is it hard to Type Like That? And Why Do You Do It? I've seen this a couple of times and can't figure out why anybody would go to so much trouble. I can't read it. Sorry.

john bono 07-12-06 08:01 PM

Will everyone just STFU and realize that the OP was a victim of the MS Word "feature" that capitalizes the first letter of every word? The guy got rear ended by some idiot who was yakking on her cell, is lucky not to be dead or turned into a vegetable, and the thing that gets you angry, really gets your collective goat, is that the OP has problems with his capitalization? To quote Bill Shatner--GET A LIFE!

nova 07-12-06 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by sbhikes
Is it hard to Type Like That? And Why Do You Do It? I've seen this a couple of times and can't figure out why anybody would go to so much trouble. I can't read it. Sorry.

Na Not So Hard At All Realy It Just Takes A Little Longer Is All.
Dont know if i could do a longish post that way though.

What i haeve seen in proffesional docs is stuff like this
This Is The Title I Typed Each First Letter To Grab Attention

Then the rest is dont with normal grammer rules etc More often than not first letter is capped and bold.
If you look at your local news paper you may see this alot same for adds in magazines and web site titles. In fact have a look at the title bar of your browser when you hit reply

Bike Forums - Reply to Topic -Mozilla (moz for me ie for you maybe etc)
Also look at things like mark all forums read members list etc all are caped first letter of each word.

medfurd 07-12-06 08:04 PM

I'm amazed that none of you kids have pointed out that the CAPs lock filter was on. You can't type an entire sentence in capitals; the board software will change it to what you see.

JohnBrooking 07-12-06 08:05 PM

Here's what I've learned about making left turns from a main road onto a side road (with no separate turn lane). I can't tell from your story if you did exactly this, or if it would have helped if you had, so it is not meant as criticism. I'm just sharing what seems to work for me.

1) Look back, if it seems clear, signal, look again, move if still clear. (That's two looks. It occurs to me just now, after reading your story, that one advantage of looking twice is that it probably helps you to better guage how fast the car behind you is approaching you than just one glance does.)

2) When preparing to turn left, move quickly to the left half of the lane, not just the middle (after step 1, of course).

Glad that you are okay, and seemingy undeterred!

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