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Pratt 10-16-23 05:50 PM

Work Stand, Boy Was I Dumb!
Just got a Park work stand. After I put it together, I put my bike on it and couldn't believe how easy it was to work on it. I'm still kicking myself for spending, literally, decades making bike maintenance so much harder than it has to be.
Don't be like me, if you are even halfway thinking of getting one, cash in the kids' college fund and get it!
Want to be forever remembered as a great friend? Get your bike riding friend one for Christmas.
Seriously, it is a game changer.

DeadGrandpa 10-16-23 08:13 PM

I definitely agree. I was recently asked what was my best bicycling related investment, and at first I said my trike. But discounting that to previous two wheel oriented acquisitions, there's nothing like a work stand for working on a bike. And my next step is to fashion a table top work stand for my trike.

MyRedTrek 10-16-23 08:27 PM

Yup - I tell people this on occasions when the subject of bike maintenance comes up on Facebook.

I'm sure anything with the Park Tool name on it will get the job done, I think Bike Hand 2-leg portable stands have a superior design. Besides really simple setup and takedown none of the Park stands I find pics of have a head that allows storing like this:

john m flores 10-16-23 08:32 PM

Yup. I purchased a budget Performance stand 20+ years ago It makes almost everything easier. It's showing its age but I'm gonna use it until it's good and dead.

Rick 10-16-23 08:36 PM

I worked in a couple of bicycle shops when I was younger. One of them closed down one of there shops. The owner sold me one of his park doubles. I am spoiled.

macattack71 10-16-23 10:48 PM

I feel great about the $30 I paid for the bike stand from ALDI. I haven't done much work lately, but an upgrade to 11 speed next year will give it some use.

Jughed 10-17-23 04:29 AM

Wife got me a el cheapo bike stand for my birthday a few years back. At first I was like MEH, I made it this far without one...

Probably the most used item in my garage at this point.

Billlyy 10-17-23 05:25 AM

I made
I made one, stays in the workshop
picture coming

Billlyy 10-17-23 05:34 AM

My rack
I made this Tilts an elevates Easy to clean up the tyres

jpescatore 10-17-23 05:48 AM

My wife gave me a Park stand 25 years ago, a bit of rust on the bottom now but still the best present ever!

RB1-luvr 10-17-23 08:21 AM

agreed. I have a Park "consumer stand". I can't remember what year I got it, maybe in the mid-eighties? That and a Silca pump were my first quality tool investments.

rlmalisz 10-17-23 10:23 AM

Not inexpensive, and a bit too much weight to haul around for daily riding, but can see one of these being nice-to-have for longer touring, especially if could go in a SAG vehicle:

Am intrigued.


Koyote 10-17-23 11:26 AM

I was just given one of these, and it's a beast. Overkill for all but the heaviest bikes or busiest mechanics, but it's pretty sweet. But yeah, a mid-level Park Tool repair stand will last for decades.

veganbikes 10-17-23 12:29 PM

The work stand makes it super easy. We got one of those Topeak E-Up stands at work and it is super handy for lifting heavier bikes more easily. It is not perfect but it certainly is way better than having to purely lift it up high.

Good tools and things that make it easy to work on bikes are always well worth it.

bOsscO 10-17-23 12:32 PM

Lucky enough to 'inherit' a Park stand last year from a friend who moved to Wales.
He inherited it from his father; i think it's probably 20-25 years old and still works great.

SoSmellyAir 10-17-23 03:44 PM

Amen! Plus one never knows when one has to cook in the rain.

msu2001la 10-18-23 08:23 AM

Bike work stands are a game changer - I bought a cheap one on closeout from Nashbar probably 15 years ago and still use it.

Medium Size Dog 10-18-23 04:06 PM

I got lucky when some friends gave me a gift certificate to a LBS that I like to shout out to and deserves your business, Budget Pro Bikes in Eagle Rock near Los Angeles. It made the pain of getting a nice Park workstand easier to take. Which is more correct? Saying 'a local bike shop' or saying 'an ell bee ess'?

Kabuki12 10-18-23 05:32 PM

I was gifted a Spin Doctor basic stand years ago and used the heck out of it. It was too light for any real heavy duty work like bottom bracket maintenance but very useful. I recently upgraded to a Topeak Prep stand elite( almost identical to my friends Feedback ). It has very nice sturdy legs and a speed handle for the clamp. Very easy to set up , sturdy , and easy to adjust the height or rotation (tilt) . It was a bit expensive but I had built up some rewards with Bike Tires Direct and when they had a sale , I pulled the trigger.

retswerb 10-19-23 12:55 AM

I've carried my bikes on a hitch-mounted tray for a long time but recently got a good deal on Craigslist for something like this. Subsequently I've found it's a pretty handy work stand as well, although limited compared to a real one. Now I see what I've been missing and I'm drooling over a better stand.

chaadster 10-19-23 01:09 AM

I don’t usually bandwagon, but I will for this topic!

It took nearly 20 years of my ride life to see the light, and it’s been about 20 years since getting my first repair stand. I’m only on my second one, which was a step up in luxury and accoutrements, and my first one still lives on having been passed to a younger brother, so in terms of value-over—time, repair stands are excellent value!

Borrowing a phrase from Ferris Bueller, they are “so choice, if you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.” :love:

mcours2006 10-19-23 05:32 AM

I bought on a while ago, and have used it whenever it was absolutely necessary for the wheels to be off the floor. But as a general rule I'm lazy, so I avoid bike maintenance and bike work as much as possible, and if there is work I can get away with without setting up the stand, I will do it I'll even turn the bike upside down to work on it if it means avoiding setting up the stand. If, however, I had space enough to have the stand permanently set up in a dedicated bike repair space, then ya.

bruce19 10-19-23 05:41 AM

Originally Posted by Pratt (Post 23044335)
Just got a Park work stand.

Bought a Park work stand back in the late '80's. Still as good as the day I bought it.

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