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CrimsonEclipse 04-15-24 12:30 AM

Bug Mask
Summer is coming.
I'm already riding through clouds of gnats and it's only going to get worse.

All I am asking is for a bug mask.
A Google search gets me:
neck gater
Filter masks
Baklavakatabakas- Bakla- Ski masks
Face shields
WWI Chem masks
Even saw a airsoft mask (mesh is just a tad too big)

I just need something like a medical mask, but a mesh that will stop gnats.
Not viruses, .0003 micron carcinogens or Captain Trips.... just gnats

Realistic and/or sarcastic replies requested.
(sarcasm will be graded)

hidetaka 04-15-24 01:41 AM

Can't post picture or links but Google 'Lana Del Rey face mask' ;)

indyfabz 04-15-24 04:19 AM

I give this attempt a grade of C-.

See me after class.

soyabean 04-15-24 04:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just think how cool you'll look, making all the other cyclists jealous.

freeranger 04-15-24 05:45 AM

Maybe trim off part of horse fly mask, and if you know someone who can sew, have them sew some velcro around where you cut it. Or maybe you could glue the velcro. Pro-Force Equine Fly Mask | Horse Fly Mask with UV Protection | Adjustable Fit for Comfort | Without Ears : Pet Supplies

terrymorse 04-15-24 11:06 AM

Better go with a full face shield. Some of those gnats hit hard:

locolobo13 04-15-24 11:10 AM

I grin with my mouth closed. That's usually after the first one goes down my throat. Ouch!

Seriously, if they were too thick I would try a bandana until past the cloud..

Iride01 04-15-24 11:11 AM

Chew and spit or chew and swallow. I tried a neck gator once and for cycling, it's hot as heck to wear when generating so much heat that needs to be carried away. Those bugs, though annoying will be gone soon anyway. But they are protein too!

You'll find that masks like we wore for COVID are hard to breath through when they get wet with sweat.

The netting, I don't know. How will you keep it from being blown against your sweaty face?

Troul 04-15-24 12:03 PM

could filter them out using a coffee filter...

I'll be here all evening, try the 995 bug free soup.

indyfabz 04-15-24 04:07 PM

phughes 04-15-24 08:11 PM

I like this one.

Steel Charlie 04-16-24 08:48 AM

rumrunn6 04-22-24 09:28 AM

not for everyone but may I cue up my head-net?

I often ride thru a nature preserve w/ lots of water features including marshy areas. I use a standard head net in some areas that are thick w/ biting flies. during covid I even tried a combo approach
I can roll it up to uncover my face when I'm not in a bug cloud. with a hole for my camera mount, it stays in place
w/o the camera hole it tends to slide back. still works but moves around a bit
using a diff. camera mount now so I made a diff. opening but use the old opening w/ a little tape to keep it in place. had to remove the visor for the camera mount. a visor helps keep the net from touching my face. w/o the visor I occasionally pull the net away from my face
but if the bugs are swarming, it really works very well
Wifey uses one when she does her walks thru the woods

we don't wear them constantly, just where the bugs are bad

squirtdad 04-22-24 11:03 AM

Go with the flow, ride with your mouth open, bugs are good protein

genejockey 04-22-24 11:26 AM

Maybe something like this?

CrimsonEclipse 04-22-24 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by rumrunn6 (Post 23220752)
using a diff. camera mount now so I made a diff. opening but use the old opening w/ a little tape to keep it in place. had to remove the visor for the camera mount. a visor helps keep the net from touching my face. w/o the visor I occasionally pull the net away from my face

but if the bugs are swarming, it really works very well

we don't wear them constantly, just where the bugs are bad

I have one of those.
Used it in Alaska during the summers.
Yes it was necessary to breathe.

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 23220872)

Not sure I could stab them all fast enough...
I'd be called: "The Gnat Stabber"

I settled on something like this. They come with filter inserts but I just leave those off.
The mesh is small enough for small bugs but not for dust and pathogens
(which isn't my focus)
Not too hot and not much restriction.

EDP 04-22-24 04:20 PM

I had a dragonfly hit me right between the eyes at about 14 mph once. That was a mess...

rumrunn6 04-22-24 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by CrimsonEclipse (Post 23220904)
Not sure I could stab them all fast enough...
I'd be called: "The Gnat Stabber"

haha, no, a fencing mask has a fine mesh screen face covering

rumrunn6 04-22-24 06:40 PM

I guess we share a lot w/ horse riders. how about this?

Smaug1 04-23-24 08:44 AM

I haven't read all the responses, so please forgive if this is a repeat comment: If you're not riding at full lung capacity, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
I've eaten a few bugs already this year. Thank God none were yellow jackets or bees.

CrimsonEclipse 04-23-24 09:06 PM

Tested the mask today since there was 100% of gnat clouds.

Worked perfectly!
I'm.... shocked actually.

So... hooray!

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