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Vaios 04-28-24 09:01 AM

Find a fixed gear brand
Hello everyone. Internet is a big place and i desperately try to find a bike brand that i read about long time ago but forgot the name. A clue i recall is that only produced two bike models. One for track racing and another for street riding. Geometry and tubing was very carefully selected for each purpose and people was swearing that this was as far as good a fixed gear frame could go. If i remember right it was two brothers who created the company and which name starts with "G" (but i'm not sure about this). It was some years back maybe at 2000 era, not any longer in bussiness as far as i know it was very limited.

If rings a bell please share what you know. Any information would be helpfull. I want to build a bike frame and i think it would be a great starting point.

veganbikes 04-28-24 10:20 AM

If you know what you want there are tons of great customer builders who can get you something built to your needs. The problem with going for a potentially 24 year defunct company is getting support for the product should something happen and potentially finding that product. My reasonable dream (not the full bank dream) is a custom Ren Yarak from Dave Levy (who also does Ti Cycles and Radhaus PDX and a bunch of other stuff) the Yarak is more track oriented but he also makes road and gravel bikes and a ton of other stuff and has the ability to customize so I can get nearly what I want. The ultimate dream is probably a Firefly or Sturdy Cycles frameset but that would be significantly more price wise. There are also others building in steel and aluminum who can make you the bike of your dreams and give you some support and all of that or there are established brands that are still around that can get you a fixed gear bike.

I am trying to go into the archives and find a company as you describe but nothing coming up. I will keep thinking.

Vaios 04-29-24 07:06 AM

Im sure there is plenty of manufacturers and fabrications to admire. But i want to find information about that which have stuck in my mind. I hardly remember anything but i recall it was italian maybe. One thing im sure is that it only produced two frames. One for track and one for street.

veganbikes 04-29-24 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by Vaios (Post 23226323)
Im sure there is plenty of manufacturers and fabrications to admire. But i want to find information about that which have stuck in my mind. I hardly remember anything but i recall it was italian maybe. One thing im sure is that it only produced two frames. One for track and one for street.

I gotcha sometimes that memory is hard to shake I remember when I saw a Mosh BMX bike again after getting rid of mine as a kid and getting a new bike that I didn't care for much but I still couldn't find the model I had. I cannot think of any brands that just did 2 models and only fixed gear.

Trakhak 05-07-24 04:51 AM

Two brothers and a bike brand whose name begins with "G" - could be Guerciotti. They had more than just two frames in the lineup, but, given your hazy recollection, you may be misremembering that detail.

From this page:

"The history of the Guerciotti brand started in 1964 when the brothers Italo and Paolo Guerciotti – at the time road and cyclocross riders, respectively – opened a small workshop on the outskirts of Milan."

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