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kenkayak 06-26-09 01:00 PM

Did you ride today?
Ive worked hard and with bad weather ect ect I should be happy with my progress.//;Even at 69 yrs.old im not. I stayed on the bike and pushed when I could for 20 hilly miles and I cant say that when finnished fatigue was a problem. I want to be strong when I go to Canada but im afraid with only two or three weeks before I go I doubt it. Ill keep you informed on my progress///I enjoy reading you bikers training regimens so pease tell me what yer doing.Kenneth

PaulH 06-26-09 01:30 PM

Hooked up the Trail-A-Bike and took my daughter 5 miles to dance school and continued 5 miles to my office. My third ride of the day will be when I come home in a few hours.


Robert Foster 06-26-09 02:02 PM

If you pushed for twenty hilly miles and weren’t tired you are doing fine.

Yes I rode today. 34 miles with several small climbs that ran my tank dry. Normally I have something left for the ride home but today I was toast almost all the way home. If I didn’t have two friends to draft off of I would have taken much longer to get home.

Sometimes you have to push yourself to improve, not every ride and not every day but now and then you have to test yourself to see how much you have left and then know when to back off to 80 percent.

Hermes 06-26-09 02:04 PM

Rest day.

DnvrFox 06-26-09 02:06 PM

Standard almost daily about 20 mile ride. Everything was gorgeous. We have had a lot of rain for our area, and the flowers are absolutely beautiful, the grass is high, our little creek is full, and it was about 65F - perfection!!

stapfam 06-26-09 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by Hermes (Post 9173024)
Rest day.

I'm having too many of those at present.

Red Rider 06-26-09 02:46 PM

Forty miles doing sprint intervals on the tandem.

RonH 06-26-09 02:53 PM

We went house hunting in north Georgia yesterday (lots of sitting in the car and driving for miles and miles and ... ) so today was ride day. :) While in N. GA I stopped in at Cycle South in Blue Ridge and noticed that they sell only mtn bikes. I asked about road bikes and they said they could order one. Not many folks up that way ride road bikes. They said there aren't many roads that are bicycle friendly. :(
Tomorrow is also ride day because Sunday is work day.

palookabutt 06-26-09 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by Hermes (Post 9173024)
Rest day.

+1. Long day in the saddle tomorrow...

cyclinfool 06-26-09 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by Hermes (Post 9173024)
Rest day.

Me too. Hammered hard for a few days this week - tomorrow a 75 mile ride up to camp in the Adirondacks. Besides - T-storms today. Tomorrow - high of 75 - I love the summers in NY!

Mojo Slim 06-26-09 03:55 PM

Club ride. 43 miles. Moderate pace. Moderate hills.

John E 06-26-09 04:19 PM

Sat: 24mi w/ club

Sun: 8mi RT errands

Tues: 15mi RT to work

Wed: 10mi RT w/ club -- I had to return early for a teleconference

Thur: 22mi RT to a symposium on Long Term Evolution (next-generation high-speed wireless communication technology, for you non-geeks)

Fri/today: 15mi RT to work + 5mi RT to YMCA & shopping

That's almost 100 miles for the week, just like my old car-free days in Los Angeles in the 1970s.

bcoppola 06-26-09 04:27 PM

Lunch run on the Super Le Tour with its new Nitto Technomic Deluxe stem (90mm reach) and gaudy new Nashbar red/black marble bar tape that would give certain C&V habitues the vapors. :) Round trip about 15 miles. Wore safety yellow jersey but cargo shorts over padded cycling undies; Fred enough for you? ;) Fish tacos, yer basic rice & refried beans, then a side trip for some frozen custard. No hammering - maybe 14.something average but I didn't check.

And tomorrow - the regular Saturday morning club breakfast ride - about 38 miles round trip, maybe 15-ish MPH average. Will ride the SLT again. Really enjoying that bike!

FLN333 06-26-09 04:30 PM

Live in New Jersey - guess i dont need to say more. I cant remember the last time I rode. Grrr wanted to go tonight but thunderstorm watch and a tornado.

Floyd 06-26-09 05:01 PM

Good job on your ride...I agree if you can go 20 and feel a lack of tired you are doing OK in my book. Have not ridden for a couple of days because the thermometer is reading in the 3 digits. I did get up early one morning this week for a short one but too much heat for a middle of the day ride.

kenkayak 06-26-09 05:23 PM

hello Stapfam well your not going to the Arctic either:crash:/Kenneth

kenkayak 06-26-09 05:28 PM

greetings Red rider/ IVE posted your blog to FAVORITES/Kenneth

kenkayak 06-26-09 05:33 PM

Thanks forumfriends enjoyed the responces every one/Kenneth

oldster 06-26-09 05:38 PM

Rode downtown to play 3 cushion billiards, Played , and returned via the post office to check the mailbox...18 miles...Beat the rainstorm...

Barrettscv 06-26-09 05:42 PM

I took my 36 mile loop from Chicago to Highland Park and back. I use the North Branch Bike trail as i travel north and Sheridan rd along the lakefront as I return.

It's a good route with very little traffic.


BremenCole 06-26-09 05:44 PM

In Texas, did my 10 after work today. All week... 100 plus degrees, wind, and ride on blacktop.... 10 miles and I'm tired :)

But, tomorrow is Saturday, up early and get 20 or 30 in before the heat....

kenkayak 06-26-09 05:49 PM

Thanks im going to try the food diary/Kenneth

kenkayak 06-26-09 05:53 PM

thats what ive got a 3700 great bike if a little heavy/Kenneth

BremenCole 06-26-09 06:06 PM

@kenkayak... The 3700 is the perfect MTB for me. We do rail trails on the weekends and it is just great. Great value....

The Weak Link 06-26-09 06:07 PM

Nada today.

30 miler with the hammerheads in the AM.

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