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RobbieTunes 10-20-11 06:00 PM

Poll: Headset choice and Drewing
I'm going to paint and build a 1989 Cinelli SC that has already been stripped.
However, it has eyelets brazed to it, fore and aft. Not my cup-o-tea.
Locally, no one will touch it, they all say "no" to heat and recommend I grind them off.

It also came with a nice Stronglight A9 headset. I've been looking at Campy.
The used prices are as high as a new Record threadless. The Stronglight is pretty nice.

I need advice, and poll numbers, because I can't seem to decide anything lately.

thinktubes 10-20-11 06:03 PM

Maybe one of the Velo Orange offerings. I've had a Stronglight on the Battaglin for the last 15 years with zero problems.

Chombi 10-20-11 06:08 PM

Stronglight A9 is great, but I understand if you don't like the Italo/Franco mix on such an Italian frame. You can maybe go with a Miche Primato (Italian) needle bearing headset, if you want similar performance.......and maybe durability (Can't totally vouch for Miche as much as Stronglight in that category).
I agree about grinding the eyelets off to avoid any heat damage to the frame and the brazing at the DOs. I assume that the DOs are painted anyway and that you will not see the work, but as long as you take your time, you might be able to do it clean enough to make it almost undetectabel.


gaucho777 10-20-11 06:09 PM

What's your build plan? Mostly vintage Campagnolo?

4Rings6Stars 10-20-11 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by gaucho777 (Post 13392904)
what's your build plan? Mostly modern campagnolo?


Old Fat Guy 10-20-11 06:31 PM

Robbie, you can get a new Campy threaded headset for under $100, and take the silkscreen logo off. My LBS has them in stock ( If you have connections, I think QBP prices them around $50.

Dremel and sand/file the fender mounts. Buy a 10 spd Centaur group from Velomine. I may have an extra set of Open Pros laced to Chorus/Record 10 spd in AZ. I'll be there in a few weeks.

bigbossman 10-20-11 06:45 PM

Grind 'em and sand smooth, use the Campagnolo headset. It's a Cinelli, for Christ's sake.

pastorbobnlnh 10-20-11 08:00 PM

Glad I tied things up. Can't believe you can't make a decision. Do what feels best.

RobbieTunes 10-20-11 08:01 PM

Dropouts are chrome, far enough away not to be compromised.

Record headset is $80-$85 shipped, I'm a little worried about stack height.

Build plan is set, group and wheels are here.

Maybe I'm too cheap to own this bike....then again, I just bought the seat stay buttons and a proper binder bolt. ouch!

RobbieTunes 10-20-11 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by pastorbobnlnh (Post 13393304)
Do what feels best.

Can't, all that stuff is illegal, now that I'm over 18...

Old Fat Guy 10-20-11 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 13393311)

Maybe I'm too cheap to own this bike....then again, I just bought the seat stay buttons and a proper binder bolt. ouch!

Hope you didn't pay through the nose for them. TreeFort is a Cinelli dealer.

Michael Angelo 10-20-11 09:18 PM

Add more eyelets and use a Tange HS.

balindamood 10-20-11 09:49 PM

Drew and Campy. You know it is what you want. It will piss you off later if you don't.

vjp 10-20-11 10:43 PM

Keep the eyelets if there is decent room for fenders. Campagnolo.

mazdaspeed 10-20-11 10:44 PM

Definitely drew it

delicious 10-20-11 11:38 PM

Can't wait to see it built up :)

And I thought that it had the proper seat bolt already - no?

pastorbobnlnh 10-21-11 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 13393317)
Can't, all that stuff is illegal, now that I'm over 18...

That's what I'm here for- virtual confession time. :lol:

I see I am being far and away out voted on leaving the bike be. :mad: I guess I could throw down all the guilt nonsense of "It's only original once, yada, yada, yada...," :innocent: but that won't do since I'm pretty guilty of that C&V sin. :o

But I think I see another trend emerging--- you are going after "sex appeal." :eek: It's more manly, and virile, and studly, to ride a bike sans eyelets decked out in Macho Italian Campy. :p

Robbie, it is time to get in touch with your softer side. :rolleyes: Think fenders. Imagine racks. Dream about bells and handlebar bags. All while leisurely riding through the NC countryside wearing tweed on your Gentleman Cinelli SC. ;)

Don't forget, we will demand pictures. :twitchy:

rhm 10-21-11 06:19 AM

I voted to keep the eyelets and go Campy, and here's why:

First, as to the headset. It's just a matter of doing the thing right. In my mind, the names 'Cinelli' and 'Campagnolo' go together. Anything that can say Campagnolo on it should say Campagnolo on it, unless it can say Cinelli on it, in which case it should say Cinelli on it.

Eyelets. I say keep them because I like them. Since you ask, I assume they were nicely done; am I right? If they' were sloppy workmanship you wouldn't have asked at all. If it's just a matter that you don't like them, and they're not original anyway, you shouldn't have asked my opinion to begin with :lol:. Since you say they are not your cuppatea, I presume you don't have a bike with fenders? Well, then, you need one. The trick will be to find Cinelli branded fenders... .

Have you chosen a color for the frame? I suggest a color that will work well with black fenders; but would not rule out having a pair of fenders painted the same color as the frame. Now, that would look sharp.

miamijim 10-21-11 07:01 AM

Keep the A9 and if the eyelets are OEM leave them, if they were added remove them.

One of my golden rules is to never repalce a headset unless the old one is dead. Once a crown race is screwed its alway screwed...once headtube is loose its always loose.

paulkal 10-21-11 07:21 AM

Originally Posted by miamijim (Post 13394652)
Keep the A9 and if the eyelets are OEM leave them, if they were added remove them.

One of my golden rules is to never repalce a headset unless the old one is dead. Once a crown race is screwed its alway screwed...once headtube is loose its always loose.

I agree, the eyelets are probably OEM. The Stronglight A9 is maybe better than a Campagnolo.

cudak888 10-21-11 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by pastorbobnlnh (Post 13394501)
Robbie, it is time to get in touch with your softer side. :rolleyes: Think fenders. Imagine racks. Dream about bells and handlebar bags. All while leisurely riding through the NC countryside wearing tweed on your Gentleman Cinelli SC. ;)

But fenders are macho.


Little Darwin 10-21-11 08:59 AM

I voted to keep both since I like the saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

But then again, James Brown sang, "It's your thang, to do what you wanna do..." and B. T. Express told us (almost), "Drew it till you're satisfied."

So the vintage song vote seems to say to drew it...

I can't think of a Stronglight / Campagnolo mandate from vintage music.

lotek 10-21-11 09:20 AM

Send me the A9.
Campy and keep the eyelets.
seriously it's what it came with, Cino thought they were
okay, ya know?
Pastorbob... I only did it once in college and I didn't inhale, is that okay???


gaucho777 10-21-11 11:11 AM

I voted campy and keep the eyelets, but was very tempted by keep both eyelets and A9. Judging by the poll results, we are not making this decision much easier for you.

mazdaspeed 10-21-11 11:14 AM

The whole fenders fad on this forum irks me because I know most of these super nice bikes will NEVER see conditions where the fenders will actually be useful. Same with the SC. Drew those *****es off.

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