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TomRoche 04-12-24 06:48 PM

Done business with Bike Parts USA lately?
me: longtime HPV/bike driver, do nearly all my own repairs. (I.e., "bike mechanic" only with big-ass air-quotes :-) Recently got new-to-me e-bike, so now need a few new small tools, plus wanna {replace, get a spare for} some tools I already have.

Bike Parts USA:
  1. is the only online vendor I currently see with (in-stock) all the stuff I currently wanna get, and at decent prices
  2. has a URL which I can't post yet due to low post count, but you can create their URL by starting with

    (more about that below), then adding
    1. colon slash slash
    2. www
    3. dot
    4. bikepartsusa
    5. dot
    6. com
    7. slash

Hence I'd just [register with, order from] Bike Parts USA, except for some matters of concern:
  1. Their website doesn't do HTTPS. In addition to the insecurity, that seems very 2014.
  2. Their website doesn't have a shopping basket/cart function. Not only does that seem odd, it seems very odd for it to have been down for awhile, because ...
  3. While their website does have the following text regarding the missing shopping basket/cart function, I've seen posts online from 2 years ago (IIRC, possibly earlier) citing the following text:

    Due to the recent internal changes linked to the ownership transfer to another company the Shopping Basket will be inactive for a while.
    We want to ensure our customer’s satisfaction, therefore its activation will be done as soon as possible. Please come back soon!

Hence, I'd like to hear from anyone who has done, or attempted to do, business with Bike Parts USA "recently" (say, Apr 2023 or after). Did your transaction(s) go well, and so I should just get over my quibbles? Or did you enter a burning hell of criminality/incompetence? Or something in between?

TiHabanero 04-13-24 03:06 AM

This is a joke, no?

Wileyrat 04-13-24 08:31 AM

Biggest concern I see is you can’t buy anything from them right now even if you wanted to.

Fwiw, never heard of them

Iride01 04-13-24 08:49 AM

Very inventive how you obfuscated the URL. So I give you credit for that!

A little too involved though. You might have just done www . bikepartsusa . com

Most of us could figure out that we need to remove the spaces. And if the spam filters still balked at that then www dot bikepartsusa dot com

As for that place, I wouldn't buy online from a site that doesn't use https. Even if they themselves have good intentions, http leaves their site open for others to do you harm or mischief.

Welcome to BF.

soyabean 04-13-24 09:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I've never understood new ebike owners.

They buy a lowest priced BSO of an ebike, and go thru great lengths and effort to find the lowest priced ebike parts.

Afterall, LBS are evil to rip us all off.

Quality cycling experience is an expensive thing.

A popular idiom: You get what you pay for.

mstateglfr 04-13-24 12:34 PM

Just buy the parts from different vendors instead of all from one.

jaxgtr 04-13-24 01:32 PM

I've used a company below for small parts that I need and every transaction has been perfect. There was a part I needed that was out of stock but their system allows you to be notified when it is in stock, I got my email, ordered my part, boom, delivered in a couple of days. Is this what you are wanting ?

veganbikes 04-13-24 02:17 PM

Never heard of them but like I say every single time, DON'T BUY FROM THEM. If you have a doubt there is nothing that will change that or should change that for you. I wouldn't want to give money towards shady people even if I got another random internet person to say yeah you should buy from them.

In the end buy from your local shop, you may not save that buck but you will have the opportunity for good support and service down the road and you can generally be assured you are a getting a legitimate real product from an authorized seller and they have a physical location you can go to and verify if you want to shop there. If you develop a good relationship it benefits you greatly and helps out your local shop and the local economy which is a good thing.

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