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shapelike 10-28-07 02:14 PM

CX Race Photos
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Snuffleupagus 10-28-07 06:53 PM

I'm down with the triptych.

truckin 10-29-07 09:48 AM

Very nice, snuff. Shapelike, good idea, and I really like the second and third ones you posted- showing the beauty of the area as well as the racing itself. How about a few from the B race the same day as Snuff's shots:
CX3 Start:
Making up Ground:
Spiral of Doom:

SaddleBags 10-29-07 10:09 AM

Man that's alot of tape.

elysdean 10-29-07 10:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Wife got this pic at my first race this year.

truckin 10-29-07 11:16 AM

Saddlebags, yeah, you should have seen the whole course layout. There was a truly amazing amount of tape out there between the spiral of doom, the longer straight stretches, and the short zigzags in between them. It looked very cool fluttering in the breeze.

Snuffleupagus 10-29-07 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by truckin (Post 5540585)
Saddlebags, yeah, you should have seen the whole course layout. There was a truly amazing amount of tape out there between the spiral of doom, the longer straight stretches, and the short zigzags in between them. It looked very cool fluttering in the breeze.

I heard a lot of references to the spiral of doom as a "toilet bowl."

I was impressed with the sheer amount of man hours that went into setting that course up. It was very fun/unique, that's for sure.

truckin 10-30-07 06:33 AM

Yep, Charlie Storm outdid himself with that one :)

truckin 10-30-07 06:35 AM

BTW, Snuff, you'll really like this coming weekend's course. And by that I mean you'll absolutely hate it. Unless they change it a lot from last year, it has a long uphill dirt/mud grind- if you manage to ride it all the way up, you struggle to the very top... and find barriers so you have to dismount anyway. We cursed the course designers' names all day long last year.

Snuffleupagus 10-30-07 07:38 AM

Hey, I'm good with the long riding part. If I'm losing time anywhere it's through corner lines and dismounts!

billh 10-30-07 01:03 PM

leaping small dirt mounds in a single bound . . . St Louis Bubba #3 Spanish Lake (B race winner Dan Williams) . . .

truckin 10-30-07 01:07 PM

billh- why were people dismounting and jumping that mound? Is there a barrier we can't see? The worn-in patch on the backside makes it look like people were riding over it...

It's an impressive stride, to be sure!

billh 10-30-07 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by truckin (Post 5547260)
billh- why were people dismounting and jumping that mound? Is there a barrier we can't see? The worn-in patch on the backside makes it look like people were riding over it...

It's an impressive stride, to be sure!

This kid is fast and only 15 yrs old!

I'd say about 90% of the racers rode this one. However, to ride it without catching air and doing an endo (like me in practice), you have to slow quite a bit on the approach. First lap, we were bunched up and the guy in front of me started to apply brakes for the mound. I dismounted at pace and actually ran along side him as he looped over the mound, lost a little ground on the downside, but on remount was about even. I ended up running it about half of the time and riding it after I got dropped. An interesting obstacle. The other was a nice 180 ridable runup . . .

Snuffleupagus 10-30-07 01:56 PM

The PBR can on the mound adds that special something :D

billh 10-30-07 02:15 PM

they don't call it Bubba for nuthin . . . :)

some guys got in the Halloween spirit . . . audition for Cats?

'nother 10-30-07 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by elysdean (Post 5540310)
Wife got this pic at my first race this year.

The flying remount (without the *****-step) always looks awesome.

truckin 10-30-07 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by billh (Post 5547459)
This kid is fast and only 15 yrs old!

I'd say about 90% of the racers rode this one. However, to ride it without catching air and doing an endo (like me in practice), you have to slow quite a bit on the approach. First lap, we were bunched up and the guy in front of me started to apply brakes for the mound. I dismounted at pace and actually ran along side him as he looped over the mound, lost a little ground on the downside, but on remount was about even. I ended up running it about half of the time and riding it after I got dropped. An interesting obstacle. The other was a nice 180 ridable runup . . .

Cool. Me likey.

somnambulant 10-31-07 02:10 PM


Singlespeed guy remounting:

Me on the gRUNt-UP:

EuroJosh 11-05-07 08:32 AM

Hup Hup
Over the hill
Around a tree
My teammate Tim bringing some pain (different race than mine)

This week I'm holding my 22nd spot in masters 35+ (didn't get lapped this week!). I pulled 9th in CX4.

John Wilke 11-05-07 09:13 AM

Here's one pic taken yesterday (Sunday) at Estabrook Park in Milwaukee. More pics when I get my photo PC running again ( :o )

lordconqueror 11-05-07 09:47 AM

gonesh9 11-05-07 02:46 PM

Your guys' cross races all look way too clean and tidy! Oregon cross is where it's at! :)

This was Barton last year:

...and this was Barton this year (yesterday, unseasonably dry)...

Here's one from Rainier a few weeks ago:

And a few from Horning's Hideout earlier this season:

somnambulant 11-06-07 08:39 AM

Yeah, they have all been nearly bone dry this season... At least the ones I've been to. We had a 2-day "stage race" a couple weeks ago which had a little rain/drizzle and even a little hail, but it only made the course a little slick in sections, no real mud.

*new*guy 11-06-07 02:12 PM

DDYTDY 11-06-07 02:49 PM

My first!

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