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bananabacon 08-31-15 06:53 PM

Anyone here who is 5'10.5 and rides a 60cm?
Hey all.
So for the moment I have a Specialized Allez Epic that is at a 56cm. Lately the curiosity has striked me if I might be to big for the frame or for a better way to say it, might be one for a larger frame. It would make sense since as a teen I used a Specialized Hardrock that was meant for someone 6'2". Loved the bike to death. Learned how to ride it well. So not sure if that has anything to do with this.

The seat is a bit to low for me. I will be able to adjust the seat hight after a bunch of project parts come in (snapped eyelid, only hope is heavy duty epoxy with the faith of clamps bending/ pressuring the eyelid bits back togather). It should be noted that if the Specialized Allez Epic frame is compromised in the process. I will look for a new frame immediately and sigh a regretful "good riddance" under my breath.

So there is the seat hight. Where on a 58cm or 60cm I figure I could at the worst slam the seat post down. Also the drops seem to be a bit to low atm. And thinking if a bigger frame would allow me to use(get that low stack look) no stacks. Its already 3 stacks up. And honestly feel that I need about 5 stacks to get the right feel maybe.

So are these indicators that I need a bigger frame? I ask for 60cm because there are a few frames out on Craigslist and pinkbike that are the right price. 1" steerer tubed (to transfer the Ritchey carbon fork).

Or do I just need too, and more likey need to flip the stem for added hight and tinker with the 56cm frame and dial in? Or get a 58cm?/

Thank you to any who could share some information.

GlennR 08-31-15 06:58 PM

I'm 5'10" and ride a 56cm with a 90mm stem.

I've had 2 pro fits and a 56 is my size.

rpenmanparker 08-31-15 07:00 PM

You are talking about riding a frame two sizes too big for you so you can get the "look" of a slammed stem? Are you kidding? The rest if the bike will look like something out of the circus just so you can slam the stem. Work on your core so you can get lower on the frame you have.

bananabacon 08-31-15 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by rpenmanparker (Post 18126895)
You are talking about riding a frame two sizes too big for you so you can get the "look" of a slammed stem? Are you kidding? The rest if the bike will look like something out of the circus just so you can slam the stem. Work on your core so you can get lower on the frame you have.

Wicked tired of negative responses. It reminds me of a bike shop keep that I respected at first. Took his **** because I was learning new things. But after his son sold me a wrong sized helmet because he couldn't take a second to fit it. I had enough. Contacted the brother shop and transferred my store credit and dealt with new people. He sold me a helmet that was not fit for me.. A ****ing helmet!; you know the thing that protects you from life or death.!!

The point is. No matter how right you might be. I'm going to ignore this for now. Tired of negative responses.

datlas 08-31-15 07:27 PM

I think you will be happiest with a 58, but it's your choice.

Mumonkan 08-31-15 07:38 PM

if you think thats a negative comment, youre not cut out for the 41.

where are you getting your terminology, eyelid? stacks?

im the exact same height, and my most comfortable fitting bike is a 53. everyone is different. none of us are in any place to tell you what the right size of bike is for you on an internet forum, especially not with a picture of you on said bicycle

how bout you try the subforum dedicated to fit

Fitting Your Bike

jrossbeck 08-31-15 07:38 PM

I think you'd really be pushing the limits. I'm 5'11.5" and ride a 56 Trek Madone. Fits me well. Test rode a 58 Emonda and they eyeball made it fit but it was noticeably less nimble. Also had a 54 Spesh at one point as a back up and made that work. I can't imagine fitting on a 60 (or a 52.)

Bluechip 08-31-15 07:38 PM

I'm your height and ride a 56cm top tube with at 110mm stem. A 58cm would be about the biggest you could go unless you have "freaky" proportions.

If you ask a question you may not always like the answer you get and you did ask the question. Were you just looking for everyone to agree with your idea? If so then this is probably not the place.

loimpact 08-31-15 07:40 PM

Don't consider a strong opinion 'negative' right off. He's just giving you his opinion which is his to share. He feels it is not reasonable and there's a good possibility it isn't.

Lance is (was...har har) 5'10" and rode a 58cm frame, though most likely massaged for his preference. Nevertheless, he could probably have ridden a few different sizes & still killed it.

I think one important consideration is that a 60 from one mfgr is not a 60 from another. I, for example, ride a Cannondale EVO in 60cm and I'm 6'2" tall. (exactly 188cm so literally 6'2-1/64" tall) And still, my 60 is probably more truthfully a 59 as that is the ETT (effective top tube). Sure the seat tube is 60cm but an EVO is built slightly more right-triangle than most sloping bikes today.

If I were you, I'd probably start shopping a 58.....(to give you an idea, a Tarmac I'd probably shop in a 58 myself as its ETT is 58.2.....damn-near my 60 EVO's 59 ETT). A couple interesting things usually happen between 56 and 58 also.

Cranks usually get longer (172.5 to 175.....not always but sometimes)

Seat tube & head tube angles tend to shift and coincidently stack & reach start to favor height over reach.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't make a 58 work for you and I think 5'10.5" is doable for 58. 60 is probably pushing it, but if you thought it more comfortable, then it's ultimately up to you!

scplus5 08-31-15 07:43 PM

I'm 5'10" and ride a 56 with a 80 mm stem. Went through 4 stems until I found one short enough to be comfortable. Nooooo way I'd ever try to ride a bigger bike.

inspclouseau 08-31-15 07:46 PM

I think this part, "Are you kidding?", took what could have been a sought out opinionated post and turned it into a condescending one.

I ride a 56, and feel the bike is too small. I feel cramped and my shoulders tighten up. I am 5'10.5" myself. I'm going to get fit soon. Of course that doesn't mean we have the same torso/leg proportions.

bananabacon 08-31-15 08:12 PM

I haven't properly measured my inseam yet, as I remember a rough inseam measurement told me 56cm to 58cm.
My logic was this and still is. If I have about 5 lets say six stacks for stack height, there is room to do so as the steer tube hasn't been cut yet. And if I can't get a proper range of leg motion (which yeah I will admit, this will probably easily be solved by adjusting the seatpost). Then what were or are the odds that in a long run, I need to resize. If the seat collar eyelids or binders, what ever they are called, is beyond repairable after it is tinkered with. A new frame will be needed very shortly as there will be no way to clamp the seatpost at all.

So what I'm guessing at is. This could be an opportune moment to get into a 58cm. The OP was posted as I have no clue where to go. And an assist to have some experience point me in the right direction to come to q conclusion would be a luxury.

If having to get a professional fit from some person who has read all the books dating from Bianchi and has a schooled himself and has been through it all and still keeps oneself up to date is needed. Then that is the only way to get a real right answer it seems.

cale 08-31-15 08:18 PM

I'm a quarter inch taller and have ridden 56 and 57 cm frames since achieving this magnificent height. That includes several years on an Allez Elite in a 56. It is a small frame, I'll agree, but in every respect, effective top tube length, stem length, etc, it fit like the other 56s and 57s.

If you were to buy a bike two sizes too big, you would get wider handle bars, a longer stem, and longer crank arms too. These would probably be undesirable given your otherwise "petite" dimensions.

Are you, OP, particularly disproportionate? Not meaning to be rude, but recognizing that exceptions always exist to the rules.

greenlight149 08-31-15 08:23 PM

I'm about the same height, 54cm with 80mm stem. Can ride a size smaller as well, but I don't think I'll be comfortable on anything bigger.

And what are eyelids?

can you post a picture? it would help the process a lot.

spdracr39 08-31-15 08:31 PM

Ride whatever size and configuration you want. Most of us prefer comfort and proper fit over a certain look but to each his own.

WalksOn2Wheels 08-31-15 08:34 PM

I think he means eyelets and I think he's referring to the back of the seat clamp where the bolt is. And I really don't think epoxy will fix that. Even a quick tack weld would be much better. You could probably find a welding shop that would do it for a little more than the cost of the epoxy that won't work.

But yeah, I'm 6'2" and I ride a 56 in all 2 (soon to be 3) of my bikes. I think I had a 58 before, but I could be wrong. I COULD get on a 60 if that was the fit I wanted. Depending on what you want, a 56,58 or 60 might be fine for you. Best thing to do is ride a few and see.

bikemig 08-31-15 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by bananabacon (Post 18126957)
Wicked tired of negative responses. It reminds me of a bike shop keep that I respected at first. Took his **** because I was learning new things. But after his son sold me a wrong sized helmet because he couldn't take a second to fit it. I had enough. Contacted the brother shop and transferred my store credit and dealt with new people. He sold me a helmet that was not fit for me.. A ****ing helmet!; you know the thing that protects you from life or death.!!

The point is. No matter how right you might be. I'm going to ignore this for now. Tired of negative responses.

You're right. No matter how right someone might be, you should ignore any advice you disagree with. Be wrong and be happy.

rms13 08-31-15 08:40 PM

5 10.5 and I ride a 54

Mumonkan 08-31-15 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by bananabacon (Post 18127104)
If I have about 5 lets say six stacks for stack height, there is room to do so as the steer tube hasn't been cut yet.

these are called spacers. and vary in thickness. none of us have a clue whether you have 5 mm worth of spacers or 5cm, or the amount of steerer you have to work with. therefore this information is incomplete, and thus largely irrelevant.

Originally Posted by bananabacon (Post 18127104)
If the seat collar eyelids or binders, what ever they are called, is beyond repairable after it is tinkered with. A new frame will be needed very shortly as there will be no way to clamp the seatpost at all.

eyelids are bodyparts, they have nothing to do with bicycles. this is a seatpost clamp. is it built into the frame or is it removable? more incomplete information.

the only thing i can surmise from what youve told us is that your current frame is broken, and you dont feel comfortable on it. im not trying to make fun of you here, but noone can really help you unless youre speaking the same language, and right now you might as well be speaking latin.

do yourself a favor and get some proper measurements of yourself, then prioritize your frame selection in relation to the top tube length. keep in mind that even with this information, this is still only a rough estimate to base your decisions on, and is not a professional fit. but noone is saying that you need one either.

Homebrew01 08-31-15 08:49 PM

I'm 5' 10" riding 56 cm. Could probably ride a 54 in some cases.
58 ? no way
60 ? you nuts or sumpin' ?

Originally Posted by bananabacon (Post 18126878)
Or do I just need too, and more likey need to flip the stem for added hight and tinker with the 56cm frame and dial in?

Most likely

NormanF 08-31-15 10:13 PM

Ha ha - in my youth, I rode a 60 cm Peugeot Super Vitus 980.

At 5'7", I could barely clear the frame. But I could still ride it. Was my first real road bike! :thumb:

smarkinson 08-31-15 10:31 PM

It doesn't look like anyone has mentioned it yet but your main problem here is going to be the top tube length and not seat tube length. Going for a bigger frame means the top tube is going to be longer. Going from a high stack height on your existing frame (which brings the handlebars closer to you due to the head tube angle) to a slammed stem on a 60cm frame and that means you are putting the handlebars even further away from you. Ask yourself if you can ride your bike with the handlebars 2" further away from you?

BTW 6' tall and rides a Giant TCR with an effective top tube length of 55.5cm (they don't specify the effective seat tube length). The biggest bike I've ridden is a 58cm though and I've ridden 56cm as well.

EnellCH 08-31-15 10:39 PM

Wow. There is no way on this planet you'd fit a 60. My guess is 54 or possibly a 55 at the most.

I am 5'11 and ride a 54 with a 120mm stem. Depending on head tub hight (stack to be more precise) i have ~15mm spacers to get the drop right. Given a choice, always go for the smallest frame you can fit unless you have some kind of physiological issues.

EnellCH 08-31-15 10:46 PM

PS, for reference, Chris Froome is 6'1" and is on a 56. Peter Sagan is 6'0" and is on a 54.

If you ride a similar geometry frame, you probably need 10-20mm spacers, and if your far from as flexible and want a much more upright fit go for a 'endurance' oriented geometry with a taller stack and longer head tube (e.g. Cervelo R series, Trek Domaine, Specialized Allez etc.). Getting a size too big and then use a short stem (less than ~90mm) is simply a statement that the frame is too large or not the right geometry for you needs.

79pmooney 08-31-15 11:06 PM

I'm 5'11 1/2" (down from 6' 1/2" due to age) and very long limbed, basically a monkey. I raced a traditional 59 cm. My 5 bikes are (3) 59s, a 57 and a 55. I've ridden 61s and did not like them. So if you are two inches shorter than I was and you feel comfortable on the biggest bike I ever owned, let's just say that you are much more of a monkey build than I am. Or you enjoy your seat way too high. Or you feel a seat an inch or two over the top tube is cool (and are comfortable with the idea that your manhood may be in jeopardy if you ever put both feet down fast).

If this is the road you choose to travel, I won't say another word. This is just based on my experience, experience accumulated over nearly five decades and miles adding up to nearly 8 laps around this planet.


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