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ChristAir 05-01-08 06:04 AM

Can't figure out which bike to buy?'s your thread for answers. All of us have come to "that" decision once before. However, to avoid conflict, I ask that you do a few things:

1) State your budget. Please realize that almost any NEW BMX less than $200 is worthless unless it's on sale.

2) Do your homework. Please don't ask which bike to buy, but rather give 2-3 choices (preferably with prices) and let us help you decide.

3)Don't buy an aluminum bike for tricks.

4) If you're looking at a USED bike, state the condition (get a pic or link if you can), the price, and why you want it. For example, you might want it for a particular part. Then we can tell you if the part is worth the price of the bike, but only if you tell us the needed info.

5) Take advice. Don't go buy the bike everyone says not to and expect us to help when something breaks on it.

So, give us your choices and we'll do our best to help you.

For those who reply:

1) Don't post something like "odyssey sux" or "that bike's junk!" Give a reason for your claim.

2) Realize that money is an issue. Some people can't afford certain brands. For instance, a lot of riders do not prefer Eastern, but that's the best some of us can do.

That's it. So ask questions and we'll give you answers.

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 12:55 PM

I have a chance to pick up an eastern element for $150 and someone offered me $100 for my backtrailx2.... what should i do???

ChristAir 05-04-08 12:57 PM

What years are the bikes, conditions of both, and do they have three-piece-cranks? Oh yeah, single, double, triple wall rims?

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by ChristAir (Post 6634637)
What years are the bikes, conditions of both, and do they have three-piece-cranks? Oh yeah, single, double, triple wall rims?

2007 Element
2005 backtrail x2

FuzzyRyder 05-04-08 02:58 PM

yes the eastern is a good buy

ChristAir 05-04-08 04:30 PM

Sorry I took so long to respond. Sell the X2 if you want, BUT DON'T PASS UP THE EASTERN! The Eastern Element is a great ride and near the top of the line. The X2 is near the middle. If you have the money for the Eastern, keep the X2, otherwise sell it.

eightdip 05-04-08 04:49 PM

element is utter ****e, better than the x2 though

ChristAir 05-04-08 04:55 PM

Yeah, but for $150, come on. STEAL.

FuzzyRyder 05-04-08 05:01 PM

at least the element is full chromoly. its a decent bike. the x2 is garbage

ChristAir 05-04-08 05:06 PM

Funny thing Haro and Eastern are both based out of the same city.

wethepeople 05-04-08 07:39 PM


ChristAir 05-04-08 07:44 PM

Oh..well...I meant in America, Greenville, NC.

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 09:23 PM

picked up the eastern. Feels more solid weighs in at a few pounds lighter as well... small crank set feels nice and is out of the way... however it came with no brakes... Which i really need i ride trials around my house and they just dump out in to traffic most of the times... whats the advantage of running a strait cable over a gyro??? the thing seems well balanced for manuals but kinda heavy up front... Anyone know any decent brake setups at a reasonable price. The kid i bought the bike from said he has them but forgot them but then tried to tell me he wanted $180 for the bike and was over all a horrible person to deal with. So i doubt ill see the brake set up. He told me i can come back and get them but im not sure if a 40 minute drive is worth it. ill post pics of the eastern in a few minutes... it has animal grips and bar ends... and ill have to say this might of been worth the $50 over my haro's stock grips... Thanks for the help

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 09:25 PM

Also im holding on to the x2. my brother was going to buy it... but he hates chrome so he wants me to build my mirra 540 back up for him...

ChristAir 05-04-08 09:33 PM

I run a straight because it provides better braking power and is lighter. A gyro has a limited amount of play in the wire, so your brake handle can only move the brakes so far. This is the reason the top gyro cabe has a set screw in the bell. But a straight has unlimited play in the cable, so you can set the handle's range to as far as it goes. If it's heavy in the front, trade some forks and see if that makes it better. Glad you're happy with the bike.

ChristAir 05-04-08 09:35 PM

You outta strip the chrome since you're handy with the cans. Paint it Haro Green.

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 09:59 PM

I think all these eastern stickers need to go...

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 10:01 PM

I just got an e-mail from the kid saying he wants the bike back after i drove over an hour out of the way today to pick it up...

live4muzic2 05-04-08 10:46 PM

Tell him he needs to pay you more than what you paid,and get you some gas.

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 10:49 PM

Think he just found out its worth more or something? I just think ill stop talking to him... The kid doesent have a car and right now the bike is located in Atlantic city NJ and he is in Philly.

ChristAir 05-04-08 11:12 PM

The bike is worth a lot more than $150! He probably needed drug money and couldn't get the drugs. Keep the ride and lose contact with the kid.

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 11:27 PM

will a standard U type brake work??? all i need is a lever and cable then??

ChristAir 05-04-08 11:30 PM

Yep. You got it.

ChristAir 05-04-08 11:33 PM

Man, you are blessed. It's sick! You got an Element for $150! <goes and checks> Bah. Still nothing.

NJ Jersey Fresh 05-04-08 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by ChristAir (Post 6637609)
Man, you are blessed. It's sick! You got an Element for $150! <goes and checks> Bah. Still nothing.

Got a bunch more near me...

DK 4 pack $250 lot of work done...
DK rage $150
DK 6 pack $150
Backtrail x3 $80
And another element for $650 lol

and here is decent parts kinda out dated though

Lots of bikes in south jersey/ Philly area

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