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sqharaway 06-13-10 10:40 AM

Washing the chamois on tour
What do you use to wash your chamois while on tour? Anyone ever use a light multipurpose sort of soap like Dr. Bronner's? My thinking is that it's mild enough that it won't damage the chamois at all, but I'm not sure if it would linger in the foam...

I don't know, advice is appreciated! Thanks!

Wanderer 06-13-10 11:36 AM

Liquid hand soap works very well. Rinse until you get no soap bubbles in the water, and you will be fine.

Blues Frog 06-13-10 04:14 PM

This is a good question for the new folks. Blues Frog

vik 06-13-10 05:34 PM

I used to use biodegradable camping soap to clean my bike shorts...until I decided to skip the trouble and just wear regular synthetic boxer briefs...they wash very easily and dry in a few hours.

badamsjr 06-13-10 05:36 PM

I have read in a couple different books on touring/long distance riding, that it is a good idea to use one soap for dishes, laundry, showers, etc. Does anyone with lots of touring experience have any recommendations?

jeveretts 06-13-10 05:54 PM

...your supposed to wash em??

catfish 06-13-10 07:45 PM

I use the "camp soap" sold at REI and other sporting goods even wall mart has it/ I use it for dishes and washing bike cloths works for me

lucille 06-13-10 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by jeveretts (Post 10957056)
...your supposed to wash em??


stringbreaker 06-13-10 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by lucille (Post 10957683)


electrik 06-13-10 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by stringbreaker (Post 10957891)

I am suddenly overwhelmed by a horrible stench.

lucille 06-13-10 09:10 PM

Heh heh... Well, I'm still hoping that was a joke. Please?

sqharaway 06-13-10 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by jeveretts (Post 10957056)
...your supposed to wash em??


valygrl 06-13-10 09:38 PM

Dr. Bronners. I like the peppermint. Rinse the chamois thoroughly. ;>

If I'm staying at a campground that has liquid hand soap in the bathroom, I usually just use that to wash my bike clothes in the sink. Every week or whenever I take a day off I'll wash clothes at a laundromat or laundry machine in a campground or hotel with real laundry soap, bough in the single-use package on the spot.

stringbreaker - eeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!

Machka 06-14-10 03:44 AM

You know that dispenser they have in laundromats? You put in a few coins and a little box of laundry detergent drops out? That's what I use to wash my cycling shorts when I'm on tour.

jeveretts 06-14-10 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by sqharaway (Post 10957995)

I blame it on Droid... I speak my text input and sometimes it misses.

Yan 06-14-10 07:22 AM

Campsuds: biodegradable liquid soap. I also use it to wash my hair, body, and cookware.

indyfabz 06-14-10 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by badamsjr (Post 10956958)
I have read in a couple different books on touring/long distance riding, that it is a good idea to use one soap for dishes, laundry, showers, etc. Does anyone with lots of touring experience have any recommendations?

CampSuds. You can even brush your teeth with it, but I would recommend springing for a travel-size tooth past tube.

AdamDZ 06-14-10 07:29 AM

On my first tour I just used regular bar soap and washed my shorts (cyclocross shorts->thin chamois) and my shirt under the shower. However, I quickly found that nothing dries here overnight due to humidity so I stopped bothering. I had two pairs plus tights so I was good for a few days and I was lucky to find laundromats along the route. Otherwise I'd have to take a break during the day and dry my stuff on the hot asphalt.

Cyclesafe 06-14-10 08:44 AM

Train your butt to forgo the chamois. As stated above, they're difficult to dry.

Wear seamless synthetic briefs under whatever bike shorts you like and then wash or change the briefs daily. Besides, only some of us have butts that don't provoke reflexive nausea when framed by too thin bike shorts.

lucille 06-14-10 09:56 AM

If you wash shorts at the laundromat, do you dry them too? I would think that's not good for the lycra, but it's a pain to always hang stuff and hope for it to dry.

valygrl 06-14-10 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by lucille (Post 10960003)
If you wash shorts at the laundromat, do you dry them too? I would think that's not good for the lycra, but it's a pain to always hang stuff and hope for it to dry.

Hang dry if possible, drier on low if not. That's why I do my main laundry on a rest day, so there's time for stuff to hang dry. On regular days, I hand wash the bike clothes in camp, hang them overnight, then finish drying them lashed on top of my rear rack during the day the next day. I carry 2 sets of bike clothes & alternate wearing/drying them. It only doesn't work if it's raining, at which point I don't wash the clothes at the end of the day, and then I either have to wear dirty clothes or find somewhere to do laundry - which gives me a great excuse to not camp in the rain, or to camp at an RV park where there is laundry and usually some indoor space i can hang out during the rain.

nstrav10 06-14-10 11:31 AM

washing on tour...? :lol:

Machka 06-14-10 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by lucille (Post 10960003)
If you wash shorts at the laundromat, do you dry them too? I would think that's not good for the lycra, but it's a pain to always hang stuff and hope for it to dry.

Of course I dry them ... in the dryer. They won't self destruct. Up till I moved to Australia where we don't have a dryer, I always dried my cycling shorts in the dryer.

I don't bring anything, in the way of clothing, with me on a tour that can't be tossed into the wash machine and then tossed into the dryer. I can't be bothered wasting time fussing with my clothing.

robi 06-15-10 01:21 AM

I tend to have a bar of soap with me on tours and that is it. I wash clothes, hair, body with it, it works fine. That is what everybody used long before all these liquid and powdered soaps came about.


Blues Frog 06-22-10 04:49 PM

I had thought the biodegradeable descenting soap for hunters sounded good. If bought in large enough quantitiy it is cheap. I use it to hand wash clothes and for showering. It doesn't leave my hair feeling nasty like most bar soap. Guess I'll use it while on my first road trip to see how it works. Blues Frog

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