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2ndGen 12-22-11 06:47 AM

A call to those who serve...BF Members in The Military.
Upon finding out that one of our fellow BF members was about to ship out overseas to serve our country, it struck me that we could, as an online community, help our fellow members who serve in the military by sending them care packages for the little things that might mean a lot to them.

Besides their "regular" needs, how cool would it be for them to receive
cycling-related gifts like DVDs, Magazines, Books, Posters, Gear, etc...?

We could adopt them as our own and do our small part in supporting them
with the simple things that their non-cycling family & friends might miss.

Service Members:
If you are a member of the military about to go overseas, please let us know so that we could
upport you. Tell us what type of cycling you like (Road Biking, Mountain Biking, Urban, etc...).

BF Members:
Here is a great website that is approved by The Government with sites that have been pre-screened. We can show our support for the troops in general with contributions of gifts or by financially supporting the groups listed...

Our Military:

And to all those serving, thank you and Godspeed.

Walter 12-22-11 06:56 AM

A quick note: 2ndGen approached me with this some weeks ago and I got with "higher ups" so it's approved.

I want to give him some props for deciding to do this. No one has to participate but if you do I'm sure it will be appreciated.

Obviously, this is NOT the place for any political commentary.

tagaproject6 12-22-11 10:43 AM


2ndGen 12-22-11 04:50 PM

Thanks. :)

Sapper89 12-26-11 10:59 AM

This is great! I just returned from a year overseas and the same old cycling DVDs got pretty old. I still managed to carnk out 3,000 miles on the trainer.

Trek760 12-26-11 11:49 AM

I love this idea. I was USAF for 8 years so I appreciate the kind of support we can offer.

mark1974 12-26-11 02:52 PM


2ndGen 12-26-11 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by Sapper89 (Post 13641302)
This is great! I just returned from a year overseas and the same old cycling DVDs got pretty old. I still managed to carnk out 3,000 miles on the trainer.

Thanks for serving brother!
And welcome home.

What did you miss most "cycling related" while you were there?
What can we do to help our buds overseas in places where they have little or no access to a PX?

2ndGen 12-26-11 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by Trek760 (Post 13641449)
I love this idea. I was USAF for 8 years so I appreciate the kind of support we can offer.

I hope we can put a smile on someone's face over there.

There was a member here who mentioned that he was getting ready to ship-out to Afghanistan.
I lost track of the thread and I've tried using the search function to find him, but I got zip.
If anybody knows of him or of anybody else who's a member here who's about to ship,
please let me know here.



WHOOOSSHHH... 12-27-11 02:24 AM

Excellent idea 2ndGen...:thumb:

2ndGen 12-27-11 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by WHOOOSSHHH... (Post 13643576)
Excellent idea 2ndGen...:thumb:

Thanks. :)

stlcards 12-27-11 11:35 PM

Great idea! I did 2 years in Iraq and I'd say contact with the real world through the different web forums that I belonged to were a great motivator. Not sure about different gear as each place has its own rules and amenities, but we loved to get magazines related to our interests. It didn't matter if it was a sales flyer like you get with an online purchase or a real monthly mag, it connected you with something normal.

thedave80 12-28-11 03:51 PM

I'm currently deployed and i've been using the forum to maintain my biking sanity. I'd agree with sticards, magazines are big and usually the bx's have a really poor selection. Other than that i'd say just getting mail is a big thing lol, around here a lot of people view mail call as the highlight of the day.

2ndGen 12-28-11 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by thedave80 (Post 13648862)
I'm currently deployed and i've been using the forum to maintain my biking sanity. I'd agree with sticards, magazines are big and usually the bx's have a really poor selection. Other than that i'd say just getting mail is a big thing lol, around here a lot of people view mail call as the highlight of the day.

What can you use brother?
How can we help you?

jlp1976 12-28-11 06:30 PM

I know personally as a Soldier it's just great to know that people are still remembering us after all of these years. I am about to go on my fifth deployment soon and knowing that people still support us just by saying thamks is great. My wife ordered me a subscription to a bike magazine and will be sending it monthly so I will get to have some great reading. Unfortunetely I will miss the Tour this year. But I just want to say thanks for all of the support. That is really what all of the Service Members need. Thank You.

2ndGen 12-28-11 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by jlp1976 (Post 13649395)
I know personally as a Soldier it's just great to know that people are still remembering us after all of these years. I am about to go on my fifth deployment soon and knowing that people still support us just by saying thamks is great. My wife ordered me a subscription to a bike magazine and will be sending it monthly so I will get to have some great reading. Unfortunetely I will miss the Tour this year. But I just want to say thanks for all of the support. That is really what all of the Service Members need. Thank You.

I hope someone can record it for you on DVD and send it to you. :)

kc0yef 12-28-11 07:15 PM

My Wife is leaving for Korea She is a Vintage Hard Tail Mountain Biker Specialized Hard RockI have a 1991 Hard tail Trek 7000 She has served in CUBA, Bosnia, Germany, Belgium, Iraq now to Korea... I am prior Service and met her we both signed up after 9/11...

2ndGen 12-28-11 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by kc0yef (Post 13649511)
My Wife is leaving for Korea She is a Vintage Hard Tail Mountain Biker Specialized Hard RockI have a 1991 Hard tail Trek 7000 She has served in CUBA, Bosnia, Germany, Belgium, Iraq now to Korea... I am prior Service and met her we both signed up after 9/11...

Godspeed to her.


(I went in after 9/11 myself)

qcpmsame 12-29-11 07:57 AM

Great idea 2nd Gen, I'll gladly help out with sending things to service members on deployment. Maybe we could have a data base sticky thread from the service members here that we could access. One other helping hand is to support the USO. We have one in the airport here and one at N.A.S. Pensacola that always need cookies, soft drinks, coffee and personal hygine items for the service members passing through on their way to NATTC or to their first command. Our church keeps a list of service members (our priest is a retire LTC, ChC USAR) Just let us know what we can do here.

Scottswnsn 12-29-11 10:38 PM

As a two time Iraq war veteran I think this is a great idea! I'd def. be willing to send stuff overseas to BF members currently deployed.

2ndGen 12-29-11 10:41 PM

Thanks guys! :thumb:
I'm working on some ideas.
Will post on them soon.

harpon 12-30-11 12:09 AM

Don't forget the elephant. Break a leg.

DGlenday 12-30-11 12:30 AM

I was in the military (different country, a war most here never knew about) and my son is in the US military right now.

If someone (2ndGen?) could make a list of BF members who are deployed at any given time, and perhaps be the gatekeeper for mailing addresses etc., my wife and i will gladly send care packages. With our son having done 4 deployments, we know the drill.

2ndGen 12-30-11 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by DGlenday (Post 13654494)
I was in the military (different country, a war most here never knew about) and my son is in the US military right now.

If someone (2ndGen?) could make a list of BF members who are deployed at any given time, and perhaps be the gatekeeper for mailing addresses etc., my wife and i will gladly send care packages. With our son having done 4 deployments, we know the drill.


That's what this thread is for. It's open to anybody shipping out.
They are welcomed to list their contact information here.
I hope those members who do ship out take us up on our offer.

Also, if anybody reading this knows of any BF members that are overseas,
please let us know and share their contact information.


DGlenday 12-30-11 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by 2ndGen (Post 13655918)
That's what this thread is for. It's open to anybody shipping out.
They are welcomed to list their contact information here.
I hope those members who do ship out take us up on our offer.

I'll monitor the thread - thanks.

Originally Posted by thedave80 (Post 13648862)
I'm currently deployed and i've been using the forum to maintain my biking sanity. I'd agree with sticards, magazines are big and usually the bx's have a really poor selection. Other than that i'd say just getting mail is a big thing lol, around here a lot of people view mail call as the highlight of the day.

Where are you deployed? How long will you be there? What branch of the military?

Originally Posted by jlp1976 (Post 13649395)
...I am about to go on my fifth deployment soon

Similar questions:

When is your deployment, and to where? How long will you be there? What branch of the military?

Thank you both for your service.

(Note - I'm wearing a Navy jersey in my avatar - purchased to show support.)

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