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shaun16 03-04-03 02:17 PM

I'm so envious of you guys. Most of you have jobs and can afford ace bikes and upgrades. I have no job (only 16) and a not TOO bad bike for a beginner just to start trail riding. But im still Jealous.


Cyclesister 03-04-03 02:22 PM

Originally posted by shaun16
I'm so envious of you guys. Most of you have jobs and can afford ace bikes and upgrades. I have no job (only 16) and a not TOO bad bike for a beginner just to start trail riding. But im still Jealous.


In time, when you have a good job and all, YOU will have the ace bike and 16 year-olds will be envious of you!

Bikedud 03-04-03 02:31 PM

Most of you have jobs and can afford ace bikes and upgrades
I hate to blow your bubble but having a good job and making good money ain't all it's cracked up to be. You probably have more time to ride your bike than many of us.

As for myself, with a wife and three children, most if not all of my money goes to things other than cycling. Heck, I have a 16 year old son and you KNOW he always has his hand out pleading for some cash. Anyone have a free car for a needy 16 year old?

Maelstrom 03-04-03 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Bikedud
I hate to blow your bubble but having a good job and making good money ain't all it's cracked up to be. You probably have more time to ride your bike than many of us.

Have to say I agree...the more money I make the more hours I seem to work...that and being on call...try being all the way up Whistler mountain on a mountain bike and getting an emergency page...sometimes I consider taking a pay cut and going to a mindless job...a LOT easier on life :)

tomkatz 03-04-03 03:05 PM

Bikedud and Maelstrom beat me to it, enjoy the freedom you have to just go ride, it's not really about the bike anyway. (Remind me I said this if you hear me talking about getting a new bike everyone)....tom

montlake_mtbkr 03-04-03 03:10 PM

any bike is better than no bike. I rode with some friends this weekend and one of 'em had her fully rigid stumpjumper. and she was keeping up better than I was. I wish I had time to bike on the weekdays to build my skills up, but alas work calls.

KleinMp99 03-04-03 03:24 PM

Originally posted by shaun16
I'm so envious of you guys. Most of you have jobs and can afford ace bikes and upgrades. I have no job (only 16) and a not TOO bad bike for a beginner just to start trail riding. But im still Jealous.


People are envious of others all the time. I know that some are envious of me, but I am envious of alot of people too. Take the kid from california for example....he's in the race face UFC, rides an ellsworth dare and clears HUGE jumps and he's 16.

sebring 03-04-03 03:28 PM

Try working a 7-7 shift 4 days a week with 2 of them being over nighters. I can't do night rides because by the time I get home it's almost 8 and I need dinner. I get up 5:30 or earlier depending on the station I'm working out of. Gotta get some sleep. My bike really isn't all that either. It's a great starter bike and I don't think I'll be needing anything new any time soon especially since I can upgrade everything. Only benefit to a new bike would be a lighter frame which I couldn't care about. Even paying for replacement-upgrades hurts my pockets significantly. Not all of us are that well off. Just enjoy the fact that you can get out and ride.

Maelstrom 03-04-03 03:38 PM

Originally posted by KleinMp99
People are envious of others all the time. I know that some are envious of me, but I am envious of alot of people too. Take the kid from california for example....he's in the race face UFC, rides an ellsworth dare and clears HUGE jumps and he's 16.
Which one..there seems to be a whole crowd like that this year. :)

a2psyklnut 03-04-03 03:44 PM

Envy is a sin! Enjoy what you got, and strive for more! Get a part-time job in a shop. I started out doing nothing but rebuilding coaster brakes on rental bikes for about 6 months. That and taking out the garbage.


dirtbikedude 03-04-03 06:49 PM

...try being all the way up Whistler mountain on a mountain bike and getting an emergency page...
Atleast it is at the top and you can still bomb down the hill.

If you are 16 go get a job at the local bike shop. Save the money you make for a new rig and you will also get parts and a bike alot cheeper.

skdsl 03-04-03 07:11 PM

just remember. The grass may be greener on the other side, but it still needs mowing :P more often too

Maelstrom 03-04-03 07:35 PM

Originally posted by dirtbikedude
Atleast it is at the top and you can still bomb down the hill.

YEs that is true...but that just isn't as much fun when my hotel is at the base and just waiting for me to get back to work haha :)

Lost Coyote 03-04-03 07:56 PM

You want some cheese to go with that whine? No, wait you're not old enough. OK, here comes the part that sounds like a broken record "Get a good education then you can get a good job that you like". No, really it's true. If you don't educate yourself you will be stuck in job that sucks. The better educated you are the more doors you can open.

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