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eja_ bottecchia 02-26-17 11:41 PM

Best place to carry weight?
I have a Lezyne Caddy Sack. I am debating on getting rid of the saddle bag and just putting all the "stuff" in the Caddy Sack and carrying it in a jersey pocket. (And no, I am not contemplating this because of Rule #31.)

The question is: does it make any discernable difference whether I carry the weight of the content of my saddle bag on me (back jersey pocket) or on the bike (attached to the saddle).

Intution suggests that weight on is weight, regardless of where it is carried, but I could be wrong.

Any ideas?


no1mad 02-27-17 12:33 AM

Since you've already got the Caddy Sack, you could just go ahead and experiment with it.

Maelochs 02-27-17 02:49 AM

Best place to carry weight is as low down as possible ... but the amount you could fit in a jersey pocket without ripping the jersey is inconsequential. The best place to carry not weight, but the gear you need, is wherever you find it most convenient.

I recommend hiring a chase vehicle to carry your CO2 cartridges.

Machka 02-27-17 02:56 AM

I prefer to carry things on the bicycle, not on me. YMMV.

dabac 02-27-17 04:28 AM

Anything I carry on me tend to get sweat soaked. And isn't always nice to land on. I'm not sensitive enough to notice the weight of a reasonably tight saddle bag.
The Rules are fun, but I'm not gonna let them decide on my comfort.

eja_ bottecchia 02-27-17 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by Maelochs (Post 19405429)

I recommend hiring a chase vehicle to carry your CO2 cartridges.

Best suggestion! :D

bikecrate 02-27-17 07:54 AM

I got a medium sized saddle bag. I put spare tubes and tools in there. In my jersey I have wallet, keys and phone. I guess my logic is the saddle bag has the items I don't want to forget, but don't need elsewhere. The stuff in the pockets are things I use off the bike. I couldn't imagine putting the stuff from my saddle bag in the jersey pocket. It would be too bulky.

jefnvk 02-27-17 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by Machka (Post 19405432)
I prefer to carry things on the bicycle, not on me. YMMV.

+1. You're never going to convince me that I'd rather have a tube in my jersey pocket than in a saddle bag.

exmechanic89 02-27-17 08:05 AM

When I ride I carry a bottle of water, energy bar, credit card, and phone. I carry all in my jersey pockets. Doesnt bother me, I feel like that's what the pockets are for. I've never warmed up to using bottle cages for some reason.

shafter 02-27-17 08:24 AM

I just switched to using a rack on my road bike. That way I can carry lots of stuff comfortably- I don't like the feel of lots of stuff in my pockets.

DrIsotope 02-27-17 08:58 AM

I'm just here to echo a lot of the above comments-- tools and spares go in the saddle bag, consumables and wearables go in the jersey pockets. Where do the "I'll never use a saddle bag" people put their jacket or warmers when it gets hot? Their jersey pockets should be full of stuff.

kickstart 02-27-17 09:04 AM

Another vote for carrying stuff on the bike. I have a dislike of carrying stuff in pockets in general, and jersey pockets in particular to the point that I don't even wear them anymore.

kickstart 02-27-17 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by DrIsotope (Post 19405801)
I'm just here to echo a lot of the above comments-- tools and spares go in the saddle bag, consumables and wearables go in the jersey pockets. Where do the "I'll never use a saddle bag" people put their jacket or warmers when it gets hot? Their jersey pockets should be full of stuff.

I saw a guy in full kit with aero helmet on a tri bike with so much stuff in his jersey pockets the first thing that came to mind was Quasimodo. :p

DrIsotope 02-27-17 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by kickstart (Post 19405827)
I saw a guy in full kit with aero helmet on a tri bike with so much stuff in his jersey pockets the first thing that came to mind was Quasimodo. :p

I see these guys on the road sometimes-- all three pockets stuffed to overflowing. I guess they've gotten used to it, but when I even have to cram the jacket in the middle pocket, I notice it all the way home.

exmechanic89 02-27-17 09:48 AM

I ride 40-50 hilly miles a day to keep in shape, and I dont carry most of the stuff people in here are talking about, so I guess for me it's not an issue using jersey pockets. Not sure what I'd do if I had to drag all that other stuff along though. A light backpack, maybe?

ClydeTim 02-27-17 10:04 AM

Being a Clydesdale, I don't like adding extra weight on myself. I try to stay as light as possible on the saddle for comfort reasons. Not to mention, on a ride I tested a small mini pump (10 inches) in my jersey pocket. Several times I stood up to climb, it would pop out of my pocket. :D

fietsbob 02-27-17 10:43 AM

Best place to carry Weight ?
Low and in the center, you can do that on many Recumbents.


chopsteeks 02-27-17 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by eja_ bottecchia (Post 19405624)
Best suggestion! :D

Originally Posted by Maelochs (Post 19405429)
Best place to carry weight is as low down as possible ... but the amount you could fit in a jersey pocket without ripping the jersey is inconsequential. The best place to carry not weight, but the gear you need, is wherever you find it most convenient.

I recommend hiring a chase vehicle to carry your CO2 cartridges.

Biking Sherpas ? More info please.

ClydeTim 02-27-17 11:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by eja_ bottecchia (Post 19405331)
Any ideas?


You have so many bikes, you should take one alongside of you to carry your supplies like the cowboys did in the old days! :D

eja_ bottecchia 02-27-17 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by kickstart (Post 19405827)
I saw a guy in full kit with aero helmet on a tri bike with so much stuff in his jersey pockets the first thing that came to mind was Quasimodo. :p

He must have been carrying high on his back then.

eja_ bottecchia 02-27-17 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by clydetim (Post 19406260)
you have so many bikes, you should take one alongside of you to carry your supplies like the cowboys did in the old days! :d


TimothyH 02-27-17 11:24 AM

Too much stuff stretches out jersey pockets and after a while they sag.

Jerseys are too expensive for that.


79pmooney 02-27-17 11:39 AM

I hate weight on the bike far back and high. With weight there, I have to ride out-of-the-saddle keeping the bike centered and still instead of rocking it in the manner that comes so naturally to me and is such an aid in climbing. Rear racks and panniers, while convenient and easy, are a last resort for me. Lowriders and their lower weight placement close to the steerer axis? I love 'em!

A little weight in back is OK in my book. A small tool bag under the seat, a one pound chainwhip strapped to the top tube, all of this secured firmly so there is no movement. Half my bikes have rear racks. I use them with panniers for farmers market runs, touring and local hauling. (It is a sad fact that rear panniers can handle very large, unlikely objects well, sad because the weight location riding-wise is so poor!) For both market runs and touring, I pack the bags so heavy stuff goes in the front panniers. The rear panniers are for salad greens and overflow, tent, sleeping back and bulky clothes. Root veggies, apples, cans and tools go up front.

Jersey pockets? For stuff I will need while riding or may want quick access to. Wallet, keys, Leatherman, riding food, clothes that go on and off while riding (armwarmers, hat, light jacket). That means my pockets are stuffed on winter day rides and long summer rides. That's what the pockets are for.


kickstart 02-27-17 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by eja_ bottecchia (Post 19406280)
He must have been carrying high on his back then.

It was a fleeting view from the rear as he blew by me in a deep aerobar tuck, so that's exactly how it looked to me, a big deformed lump on his back.

eja_ bottecchia 02-27-17 11:56 AM

Thank you for all the helpful suggestions and input.

Until I can hire my own mechanic to follow me around, or can get my hands on a group of bike Sherpas, I will have to do what the old Tour riders did...carry my own stuff with me.

I am going to give the Lezyne Caddy Sack a try (I had bought a while back ago, put it away and never used it. This weekend I "found" it while cleaning out some drawers).

If it doesn't feel right I will go back to my SciCon 430 saddle bag.

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