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dstke 10-31-19 02:31 AM

What's the best way to secure triangle frame bag? Velcro? Laces? Bolts?
Looking to have a couple of frame bags made for a tandem. Whats the best way to secure a large triangle frame bag and the one in the stoker's even larger frame space?

Velcro would seem to be the easiest, especially for easy removal and re-attaching.

Using water cage bolts might keep it tighter, but would seem to make it very difficult to remove the bags. Same would apply to laces. Solution would be be to keep the bags on and only remove the contents.

Speaking of contents, any opinions on partitioning the bag for a water bladder? And another for tools? Are partitions generally a good thing?


Tourist in MSN 10-31-19 04:51 AM

I have found lots of good ideas at this other forum here:
DIY / Make Your Own Gear (MYOG)

raybo 10-31-19 07:11 AM

I have a custom-made frame bag that uses 2-inch wide strips of strong velcro. It is held in place securely. I'm not sure what your concern is.

I leave the bag on the bike and rarely take it off. I have cut down the velcro so that there isn't any "extra" bits beyond what is needed as the velcro is sharp and also grabby on lycra shorts. This makes it a bit of a hassle to grab the velcro and pull it apart. Keeping the velcro halves from sticking back together is also a bother.

I have an S&S coupled bike, so I have to periodically separate the velcro to check on the tightness of the couplers.

I have a velcro separator in the frame bag and an opening for a water tube. I put raingear, leg warmers, and first aid kit in the top (larger) compartment and tools in the lower one. I have some leftover room that I don't use when I am not touring.

I have not used the frame bag to hold a water reservoir (I prefer a camelbak), so can't comment on that.

I would think that bolting the frame bag on would be both a hassle and create an opening for water to intrude. I don't think laces would be a problem but I think the laces hanging over the bag (the bits left after knotting) might rub against a rider's leg, which should be avoided, if possible. I'd go with velcro.

DeadGrandpa 10-31-19 07:03 PM

I have a frame bag made by Revelate that fits the triangle perfectly and attaches with velcro and a couple of vinyl belts. I rarely remove it. It has an upper section and a lower section, with robust zippers that are pretty much waterproof, or at least rain resistant. There is a another long but thin upper compartment on the other side of the bag, good for a phone, protein bar, bandana, map, etc.

I don't miss the water bottle cages; I have one cage on the forward side of the down tube that I use for a bottle of alcohol stove fuel.

The top compartment holds three large water bottles, a spare tube, a bear spray canister, and a Topeak pump (held by straps to the inside top of the compartment. There are also interior velcro panels that serve to keep the bag from spreading too wide, which you can use or not. I used a 3 liter bladder for a while but I prefer the bottles to drink from, whether riding or stopped.

The bottom compartment holds one large and one regular size water bottles. Even though the bag is black fabric, the interior of the bag keeps water cold longer than the same bottles (filled with ice water) in bottle cages on my fiancee's bike.

The bag is pricey but I believe it's a great value. It is of high quality construction and materials.

I ride in coastal Carolina where the wind is frequently stiff and gusting, with a headwind that rotates from one side to the other. I occasionally drift off the pavement due to rubber necking, but never am I blown over or off the road.

PedalingWalrus 11-01-19 05:05 AM

I have frame bags with only velcro and I have frame bags with laces, bolts and velcro. Both work fine but here are my observations about the application and practicality of the options:

Velcro leaves a mark on your paint job (after a while)
Top laces are kinder on the paint job
Bottle Cage bolts are kinder on the paint job

Bottle Cage attachment is less pain to remove than what I initially thought

Top laces attachment is probably the slowest to do but we are only dealing with a difference of a couple of minutes

For some reason my bag came with one side bottle attachment and the other side was velcro. Next time I would insist on having the bottle attachment on both sides and try to minimize velcro altogether (laces on the top)

Laces do not impede, nor rub during cycling

You can still attach your bottle cages on the inside of Your frame bag - it adds extra insulation to your drink and it makes retrieval of a water bottle easier than rummaging in a full frame bag of stuff. (or you just use handlebar feed bags for your bottles)

It seems that no matter what additional fancy attachment I choose the manufacturer still manages to put some velcro somewhere 🤪

Photo of Laces on top tube, bottle attachment on the bottom tube, velcro on the seat tube:

Here the same: laces on top, bottle attachment on bottom tube and velcro on seat tube:

In this photo, on my fat bike, velcro everywhere and it works fine:

dstke 11-04-19 01:37 AM

Thanks, that was super informative! Especially with the pictures. Bottom line seems to be 'don't worry about it,' they all work. If I'm worried about the paint avoid velcro and water bottle cage attachment is easy enough to remove the bags.

Thanks again.

linus 11-10-19 06:03 PM

I think Velcro works the best.

My Salsa/Revelate bag was not made for my frame, but it fits well and velcro straps don't hide my S&S couplers. I think Velcro straps help to fit tight.

veganbikes 11-18-19 11:03 PM

I will say both of the frame bags I have owned (currently a Oveja Negra 1/2 pack) have had hook and loop fasteners (and might have been Velcro brand) but the idea of something bolt on is cool however one must have enough bolt ons and that bag wouldn't work on other bikes without those same mounts. The idea of laces sounds neat but a lot of faff. I would probably stick with the hook and loop fasteners.

I do like having multiple pockets and especially with a large bag that would be helpful. I like a bit more organization for touring and bikepacking then in my normal life.

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