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TakingMyTime 02-15-22 09:07 AM

Gloss, Matte or Satin?
I'm really disappointed seeing how many new bikes are coming off the line with either a Matte or Satin finish. I really prefer a Gloss shine to my frames. Now that I'm in the market for a new bike it's become even harder finding something I like (Gloss).

What do you think?

freeranger 02-15-22 09:15 AM

Gloss for me also. Seems to hold up better. A good friend has a bike with a matte finish frame, and a car with some matte finish parts. The bike and parts on the car seem to show every scuff. He is careful and keeps everything he owns in top shape. He is getting the bike repainted, or perhaps powder coated. I should add that my very old is what I would call a "satin" finish and is holding up very well. So not all paint jobs are created equal. But given a choice, still gloss for me.

livedarklions 02-15-22 09:27 AM


Reflector Guy 02-15-22 10:09 AM

I voted Glossy. I like things to be shiny. You know, like a reflector.

_ForceD_ 02-15-22 11:06 AM

I voted gloss. And also would like to add “a color” too, and with not too many decals. IMO, too many bikes today are all black or all white.


base2 02-15-22 11:24 AM

I voted "gloss" for well, obvious reasons...

Check out the video. Urushi is now my new bike pr0n.

indyfabz 02-15-22 11:30 AM


Troul 02-15-22 11:31 AM

I prefer a hammered finish. Saves me from a lot of future work.

phughes 02-15-22 11:58 AM


Reflector Guy 02-15-22 01:04 PM

I am tempted to someday take an old (or not so old) bike and paint it up in a "patina" paint scheme.... Like what people often do on old classic cars and trucks. Fade the paint, dab on countless "rust" areas using artist's oil paint, and maybe have some old primer or other paint color showing through in places. A real junker! It would be particularly fun to do on a bike that is not even made of steel.

sdmc530 02-15-22 01:20 PM

I have both finishes I like them both....if I HAD to chose one i think gloss still wins...super sexy!

Rolla 02-15-22 02:58 PM

I have four glossy bikes and two in matte. I like 'em all exactly as they are.

Iride01 02-15-22 03:47 PM

It really depends on everything else. And it's personal too.

Clipped_in 02-15-22 04:19 PM

Dimpled gloss, like a golf ball...:thumb:

wolfchild 02-15-22 04:27 PM

I don't like shiny and glossy bikes. I would choose matte black or dark grey or dark green.

rosefarts 02-15-22 04:46 PM

Gloss, I want it to look clean when I clean it off.

veganbikes 02-15-22 04:59 PM

Bead Blasted

PeteHski 02-15-22 05:06 PM

I find gloss easier to wipe clean. My wife has a matt finish mtb and it's a pita to clean. Not that I bother much with cosmetic bike cleaning, but gloss only needs a quick wipe down to look good. Matt finish shows every little scuff

WhyFi 02-15-22 05:54 PM

After owning a matte bike for a few years, I wouldn't do it again (unless it was a deal that I just couldn't pass up); they always look grease-smudged and are a pain in the ass to clean.

Troul 02-15-22 06:09 PM

enough cleaning, & before you know it, that dull finish becomes shiny. It's like a 2fer1 paint job deals.

wolfchild 02-15-22 07:00 PM

What ??...people actually clean their bikes just to get them to shine ??..:lol:

Camilo 02-15-22 07:59 PM

Gloss is much easier to keep clean looking, imho.

Kedosto 02-15-22 08:52 PM

I hate the shiny grease spots that inevitably show on matte finishes. I had a matte black motorcycle helmet that looked terrible with every fingerprint and smudge. Cleaning it back to a true matte finish was difficult. I briefly owned a matte black bike and couldn’t sell it fast enough for the same reason. Gloss for me. I have a satin finished bike but it’s pretty close to a gloss and wipes down easy and because it’s a great bike I deal with it.

3alarmer 02-15-22 10:45 PM

frogman 02-15-22 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by wolfchild (Post 22410810)
What ??...people actually clean their bikes just to get them to shine ??..:lol:


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