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noglider 04-04-24 05:56 AM

Video: Decent advice for beginners

Classtime 04-11-24 06:48 AM

Does he have a video of changing a tube during his commute on that IG wheel?

noglider 04-13-24 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by Classtime (Post 23211523)
Does he have a video of changing a tube during his commute on that IG wheel?

I've seen most or all of his videos since I discovered his channel. No he doesn't have such a video. I don't think he shows repair procedures.

I don't consider IGH hubs to create much extra difficulty, but then again, I used to be a shop mechanic. You need a wrench for the axle nuts. You need to disconnect the gear cable. If there are complications with a chain guard, then it gets pretty involved.

Classtime 04-13-24 09:24 PM

Ya. But then adjusting the gear cable?

noglider 04-14-24 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by Classtime (Post 23213948)
Ya. But then adjusting the gear cable?

I suppose it's tricky for some. I learned to do it on a Sturmey Archer when I was a kid. Right now, I can literally do it with my eyes closed. I do it by feel and sound.

jfouellette 04-14-24 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by Classtime (Post 23211523)
Does he have a video of changing a tube during his commute on that IG wheel?

He probably has puncture resistant tires. The commuters best friend when you have an IGH.

Derailed 04-15-24 04:25 AM

Originally Posted by jfouellette (Post 23214688)
He probably has puncture resistant tires. The commuters best friend when you have an IGH.

I can't speak for the person in the video, of course, but that's the same bike I have (Priority Continuum Onyx), and after two inconvenient flats, I replaced the tires with a pair specifically marketed for puncture resistance. It's hard to say for sure that my flat susceptibility improved with the new tires, but I've now had two flat-free years.

I wish the bike had come with such tires in the first place. I wouldn't say that fixing a rear flat is incredibly difficult with the Enviolo hub, disc brakes and belt drive, but it's not something I'd want to do roadside. In fact, I don't even bother to carry provisions for flat repair, so prevention is key for me. (I'm rarely more than a few miles from home, so that affects my risk tolerance regarding having to walk the bike home.)

noglider 04-16-24 02:02 PM

It's interesting to see different people's different approaches to these risks. My own approach is to be prepared for the most likely mishaps and maybe a few unlikely ones. It's not a question of if I get a flat, it's a question of when. When I get it, what will I do?

Smaug1 04-18-24 09:45 AM

I love Shifter's videos. He's so down-to-earth. I wonder how many people he has inspired to start bike commuting?

He's a fan of a simple 3 speed IGH and seems to take it everywhere.

I do judge him a bit for not wearing a helmet. (he did a video on "Am I stupid for not wearing a helmet" and I think he is) Helmets may not help much against concussions, but they certainly help with skull damage; there is no real downside, other than it might mess up his hair. (and he has better hair than I do) On the flipside, he rides in Canada, where people are overall friendlier.

noglider 04-18-24 12:57 PM

I like his videos, too, but I find it eerie that his city is so empty. Where are the people on foot and on bike? Perhaps he chooses places to film that are empty, but I don't know.

Smaug1 04-19-24 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 23218006)
I like his videos, too, but I find it eerie that his city is so empty. Where are the people on foot and on bike? Perhaps he chooses places to film that are empty, but I don't know.

I think they're in their day jobs, where for Shifter, making those videos IS his day job! (or is it?)

Derailed 04-20-24 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by noglider (Post 23216316)
It's not a question of if I get a flat, it's a question of when. When I get it, what will I do?

I agree. Even with tires designed / marketed to reduce flats, of course I know the risk is not zero. Personally, I've decided that I'd rather deal with walking home (and pushing the bike) when it happens than always carrying the materials to make the repair and making it roadside. Were my commute distance significantly longer, I'd take a different approach. (On pleasure rides, for example, when the risk distance is much greater, I always carry provisions for flat repair.) For commuting, I'm not sure at what point I'd change approach, but I'm sure at some distance I would.

flangehead 04-20-24 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 23218006)
I like his videos, too, but I find it eerie that his city is so empty. Where are the people on foot and on bike? Perhaps he chooses places to film that are empty, but I don't know.

Having visited Calgary several times, I know it’s more like Houston and Denver than NY or Chicago. Seems generally consistent with his location.

noglider 04-21-24 07:00 AM

@Smaug1, no Shifter is a journalist, and the video channel is not his main gig.

@Derailed, you have a clear plan, and I suppose that's the important thing. The rule I have for myself is that if it's 2-3 miles or less, I don't need to prepare. In our rural home, I can walk. In the City where we usually are, I can walk or carry the bike on the subway. I don't like doing the latter, but it's an option. But now I have routinized my preparedness. I keep several tools and supplies in my tool bag, and I move it from bike to bike. (I have several bikes.) It's easy to move.

I am divided on helmet wearing. I could be a poster child for helmet advocacy, as my helmet seems to have saved my life in a very bad crash. This was in 1982 when helmets were uncommon, and wearing it was a visible act of weird advocacy. But I occasionally ride without a helmet. I'm not defending this! Sometimes I jump on Citi Bike (the big "sharing" program) without planning. Or I know I'll take it in the beginning of the day but I don't want to bother carrying my helmet with me, and it is something you see people doing. And wearing a helmet really is annoying. When I'm helmetless, I wish I could be that way all the time. But I'm sensible enough to wear it most of the time. I oppose legal helmet mandates, and I disagree that it's the single most important thing. Knowing how to ride safely is far more valuable in preventing injury. People who think wearing a helmet is the single most important thing seem to be less experienced cyclists (or non-cyclists) who judge our actions.

GamblerGORD53 04-24-24 12:33 AM

Yah, for sure Tom Shifter is the best at plugging sensible IGH commuting. He films on a Sunday morning likely.
We need a helmet like a hole in the head, but 75% do I guess. LOL. Calgary is a horrible place to ride tho, IMO. Their hilly freeway trails with double merge lanes are impossible to ride. He seems to use MacLeod Trail a lot, that's just a wide stroad. Edmonton's bad spots are easily avoided. They have more all day traffic I think.
Who gets flats?? LOL. I haven't had one in the city in 20 years, since I quit using thin tires. I go years without one on highways also. There's no thorns and I watch out for nails. With a slow leak it's OK to just pump it up and ride a few miles.
Today I did my first highway ride of the year, 64 miles. Dodged a dozen nails and a ten screws. Passed by a rusty big 1"+ wrench, 10" side cutter and utility knife.
I saw 5 other riders for a change.

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