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Baiku 05-02-24 09:51 AM

Magnum Payload Cargo bike
Anyone else own one of these? I bought one and ive had all kinds of issues with it and wanna know what others have experienced.

disspite the issues it is a lovely bike.

It is my first Ebike and I wanted it to be a cargo one

but yeah basicly the issues ive had are with the wood panels mainly the top one. it got rained on and cracked allover, the battery rattles around when you hit bumps and makes the connector port come loose and the front wheel bearings exploded.

I just wanna know if its more then just me and I got a lemon

veganbikes 05-02-24 04:23 PM

No on the low initial cost online e-mopeds issues are quite common and the manufacturer is usually less than interested in helping. The goal of bikes like that is purely to hit a price point and to do that they skimp on the parts and they back away from support very quickly. I would reach out to them regardless and see what they say if anything but consider looking at something like a Tern GSD or something else with a Bosch motor which will generally get you a lot better quality but also really excellent support long term without all the issues. If you do have issues with a Tern they have excellent support and with Bosch you have some of the best support in the industry.

Stuff like you have described shouldn't really happen on a normal bike. They used to use wood on ships so you shouldn't have cracking issues like that unless it is poorly finished Bearings generally don't explode unless putting some crazy amount of force on them and the rattling is not ideal but can happen but is not common. Hopefully they are still able to be contacted and will actually help you.

Baiku 05-02-24 05:06 PM

I've been dealing with this for four or so months it took that long for the replacment wood parts. the companey who made the bike wanted to send me the parts but then charge me like $100 to ship them lol. im sorry but thats a flaw in your product, eat the cost and ship it free.

Im fixing the wood issue anyway. I got some free aluminum diamond plate from work to replace the wood with, I have a bike trailer thats been outside like 5 years now and its "same" material and is still very durable.

I like the bike and don't mind repairing the issues myself but I paid for a warrenty so im gonna use every last bit of it. I will proberly own this a few years then buy some other one.

the battery rattling around is biggest issue, since the port comes loose it may short and cause a fire. I fixed mine with a innertube but how many more are out there doing that.

Leisesturm 05-03-24 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by Baiku (Post 23229765)
I've been dealing with this for four or so months it took that long for the replacment wood parts. the companey who made the bike wanted to send me the parts but then charge me like $100 to ship them lol. im sorry but thats a flaw in your product, eat the cost and ship it free.

Im fixing the wood issue anyway. I got some free aluminum diamond plate from work to replace the wood with, I have a bike trailer thats been outside like 5 years now and its "same" material and is still very durable.

I like the bike and don't mind repairing the issues myself but I paid for a warrenty so im gonna use every last bit of it. I will proberly own this a few years then buy some other one.

the battery rattling around is biggest issue, since the port comes loose it may short and cause a fire. I fixed mine with a innertube but how many more are out there doing that.

Had never heard of them. They've put some money into their website. They are interested in selling bikes and making money, less interested in QA and a bulletproof product. Glad you can fill in their blanks. You are the ideal customer for early adoption of a product like this. Would you really feel better knowing you are fighting with a lemon and other customers are living their best cargobiking lives with this bike? I wouldn't. FWIW, for my first e-bike I decided on a cargo bike as well, but I didn't want to cheap out on a RadPower and I just couldn't ... the Big Dummies and Yuba Mundo's ($$$). So I bought a Mongoose Encore new (I hear they are discontinued) and a 52V x 100Ah torque sensing mid-drive. The bike was $750 (USD) and so was the motor and battery. If/when you want to upgrade from the Magnum your options will be similar: ~$3K+ - $4K+ for something off the shelf, or ~$2K if you buy a popular 'acoustic' cargo bike and a DIY motor/battery.

Baiku 05-04-24 06:47 AM

I was gonna do a rad powered but I don't like their new cargo bike, it has weird sized tires that would be bothersome to find and id be stuck with poor selection.

Whenever I contacted their Canadian support branch, because the american one dosn't wanna deal with canadian stuff. they reccomended I get a carpenter to cut new better boards for my bike. How is this my problem and why should I pay for this when their product is poor quality, I have a trailer using same "wood" and its had rocks and heavy metal thrown in it and its been outside for years, its made by ikea who dosnt even make bike stuff besides what they did, I have their recalled bike still aswell with same wood on it and its durable as hell lol.

lately ive notice some weird noise coming from the back to do with motor, if it breaks im gonna be so mad lol

veganbikes 05-04-24 04:45 PM

Rad Power is a similar brand. They have a little better support but their quality is not really much better. Over the years I think it has improved slightly but not enough to say after the current bike this is an upgrade.

Unfortunately the experience you have had is similar to others in that same space. They don't really want to take responsibility for their product. I would keep hounding them on the problems and keep a close documentation of everything from emails to phone calls to weekly pictures of the bikes and the problems as they get worse and find a place that is public and post it often. They generally won't want to help but when their dirty laundry is aired for everyone to see, it might help light some fire under them. I would keep low level people's names out of the posts and any personal info about someone unless it is leadership at the company unless they really start screwing you.

Most companies don't want to see their name drug through the muck in terms of customers. They may not actually change much because people will still buy whatever they have but they might at least help you out to change the PR a little.

Baiku 05-04-24 08:20 PM

I was planning on doing a youtube review of the bike and my experience with it. I dont really upload stuff there. but if people are searching the brand it will show up since there is not many of that model/brand. I don't wanna be this way but this things a big lemon. even after I told them it was a fire hazard because battery rattling around makes the port screws come loose and can short something they didnt really seem to care

veganbikes 05-04-24 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by Baiku (Post 23231821)
I was planning on doing a youtube review of the bike and my experience with it. I dont really upload stuff there. but if people are searching the brand it will show up since there is not many of that model/brand. I don't wanna be this way but this things a big lemon. even after I told them it was a fire hazard because battery rattling around makes the port screws come loose and can short something they didnt really seem to care

No they don't want to care, they sold you the bike they have your money, their job was long done. It is a shame but it is unfortunately not uncommon and the reason why these bikes look so cheap (though purely initially) on their websites and the big reason you generally don't see them sold through most reputable bike shops.

Youtube is a good platform to get things out and especially if you can get it out there so lots of people see it and the company sees it and hopefully does at least right by you if not just right by all of their customers and future customers.

Baiku 05-04-24 08:39 PM

Yeah I figured so lol. And I havnt even mentioned the other issues I had with the bike, there was more lol the place I bought it from assembled it wrong so like the headlight was upside down and water went in the drainholes and shorted it out, wires are routed wrong by head tube so it cant turn right proper, and when I went to buy it they tried to hide the fact the right wood piece was missing till I asked about it then they said they will order but didnt im assuming lol due to the no contact forever. they said they would make sure its tuned up ready to go when it was delivered. it arrived with flat tires and nothing adjusted lol. this bike taught me a lesson thats for sure. like removing and covering up the brand and the stores logo they put on it so others don't make the same mistake!

HOWEVER! dispite all that. I do actualy like the bike. it rides well and does the job i needed it for,

once the warrenty does run out its mine and I will fix all of the flaws so it lasts even though I shouldnt have to

veganbikes 05-05-24 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Baiku (Post 23231835)
Yeah I figured so lol. And I havnt even mentioned the other issues I had with the bike, there was more lol the place I bought it from assembled it wrong so like the headlight was upside down and water went in the drainholes and shorted it out, wires are routed wrong by head tube so it cant turn right proper, and when I went to buy it they tried to hide the fact the right wood piece was missing till I asked about it then they said they will order but didnt im assuming lol due to the no contact forever. they said they would make sure its tuned up ready to go when it was delivered. it arrived with flat tires and nothing adjusted lol. this bike taught me a lesson thats for sure. like removing and covering up the brand and the stores logo they put on it so others don't make the same mistake!

HOWEVER! dispite all that. I do actualy like the bike. it rides well and does the job i needed it for,

once the warrenty does run out its mine and I will fix all of the flaws so it lasts even though I shouldnt have to

Was it bought through a shop or online? If online it was generally thrown together at the factory if it was bought at a shop, they should be covering the issues as a result of the poor build.

Baiku 05-06-24 07:06 AM

it was bought in a shop. they have been dealing with the issues but it took them like 4 months lol and when it came back most the job where not fixed so id rather just do it myself

veganbikes 05-06-24 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by Baiku (Post 23232821)
it was bought in a shop. they have been dealing with the issues but it took them like 4 months lol and when it came back most the job where not fixed so id rather just do it myself

4 months that is not unheard of and not necessarily their fault. We have had similar companies to Magnum do the same and drag out the process and you have to really keep on top of them which can be hard if you are repairing a lot of different bikes and cannot always dedicated full days to dealing with the same bike for weeks. They don't want to pay for technical and warranty staff so they cut jobs or don't create them. When they are charging so little for a bike they have no incentive or money to pay for the absolutely needed staff to help fix them in the end. The shop may have intentionally dragged it out but more than likely they didn't and it was on Magnum.

Baiku 05-06-24 07:54 AM

I dove deep into it because at the time it was winter. magnum themself takes 4 or 5 days to reply to every message, where as the place I bought it from didnt do anything, I had to look for a way to contact the owner wich I found after a while, it was winter though so I didnt care as much but that can explane slowness. however at the time it was for a single piece of wood lol. when I went to ride the bike again i started noticing all the issues. and contacted them, within several weeks everything came, im gonna assume they didnt order anything the first time, that and the main companey never was contacted by them.

But all in all ive learned a lesson lol. if I want something done right do it myself or buy from somewhere that cares lol

Baiku 05-14-24 05:59 PM

Small update lol I was riding it and the weld on the headlight mount broke and it fell off. Ahh owning a lemon sure is fun

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