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Old 11-04-10, 05:19 PM
meandering nomad
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Newport,Rhode Island
Posts: 451

Bikes: eleven bikes no car

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Originally Posted by Roody
Most people never get to know what it's like to ride a bike on a "perfect" day because they're stuck in their cars. I pity these ones! Even in michigan, which is famous for "bad" weather, we get at least 5 nice days for every crappy one. The thing is, if you have a car, you're in it for the good and the bad days--and the same with a bike--you have to take the bad with the good. That's what life is all about.

If you ride in a snow storm, you have something to brag about and something to whine about. And bragging and whining are two of the funnest things in life!
The facts of life Roody? I ride in whatever conditions there are, today was rain and it wasn't really cold to me.
Now I love riding in snow storms except when the snow gets deep and the sand/salt mix and it get's too squishy.
Ice doesn't make me scared enough to blow money on studded tires. But I do have a lifetime of winter riding experience. I've put the bread bags over my shoes in heavy rain or wear over shoes.
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