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Old 06-09-13, 05:14 AM
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A different take on bikes v. dogs....

This bike v. dog argument gets hashed out on here about once a week. There are lots of ways to defend oneself from a dog or dogs. My issue is with the owners. I know I probably live in an area that probably has a higher percentage of "crazies" when it comes to owners and their dogs but does anyone else here concern themselves with what the owners might do if you hurt their dog?

I ride a lot in rural East TN and I can handle the dogs. What concerns me, more than the dogs, are the owners. I would never, ever hurt a dog unless it was a last resort. I'm far more concerned with said owner of dog jumping in his circa 1970 truck and running me down. Hell, this type of stuff happens at times absent an run-in with a family pet.

I had an incident last year in which I was riding on a rural road and a pretty large dog came charging at me from the left. Ironically, just at that time a cop decided to pass me (on the left). Cop car nailed the dog. It limped back to the house. I stopped and told the owner and he was pretty pissed. I could tell that he would have been the type I'm speaking of in my previous statements.

I guess I don't really have a question other than to wonder if anyone else on here has the same considerations and/or their own stories.
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