Thread: Every Day Pics
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Old 01-14-14, 04:11 PM
Sixty Fiver
Bicycle Repair Man !!!
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Originally Posted by arex
We used to have a scarlet macaw whose temperament was, at best, capricious. When let out of her cage, the cats would run and hide, at least until she had waddled into the kitchen, shaken the cats' food dish, and said "Here, kitty!" in a perfect imitation of my wife's voice. The cats would run into the kitchen expecting treats, only to find MURDER. The bird was smart, no doubt about it.
My Grey would walk across the floor whispering "here kitty kitty kitty" and if he found them snoozing under a chair he would sneak up to them and do his best imitation of a rabid Doberman which would send the cats flying.

Then he would walk back his cage laughing the whole way... he would also call the dogs in from outside by name and they never figured out it wasn't me calling.

He would also mimic me and say "Honey I'm Home!" when I was at work which would bring people looking for me... he also thought this was hilarious.

Most stunning was when I would offer him different treats and he would ask for them by name... one day I asked if he wanted and apple, carrot, or banana chip and he replied, "All of them".

My male Ringneck calls my oldest daughter by her name but I figured out that it is because he wants attention from my youngest daughter who of course, calls her sister by name.

When he wants raisins he says "Hey boy, come here".

Everyone he likes is a "pretty girl"... this is usually followed by a loud kiss.
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