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Old 06-01-16, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by BobbyG
Sometimes drivers are just oblivious or selfish, and ignore you. You must anticipate for that and leave yourself an out. I also suggest using a helmet cam to record and review incidents. That way if something bad should happen, you have it on record. I also find it calming knowing that in the event of a dangerous situation, or even just a rude or careless encounter, it has been "witnessed." And also, upon review, I can evaluate my response and see if I was actually in danger, or if adrenaline and testosterone had me mis-judge the situation and over react.
Upon reviewing a number of videos, I've found that I completely misjudge the passing distance in a number of incidents, overreacting on some, and underestimating the danger on others, and I will only report motorists after a thorough review of the video, and by then, with my having a much more calmer disposition in my decision making.
Of course, I do receive admonishment from some law enforcement dispatchers for my delayed calling in on making a report, but it lessens the chance of my making a unneeded phone call to law enforcement in the first place.
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