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Old 09-25-17, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by carleton
Basic questions:

Do you know if there will be an 'open track' session before races start?
Is there a schedule of events posted?
Do you know how long the break is between open track and when you might ride? (minutes, hours?)

In general, you'll be fine. You can do a good warmup on the rollers for sprint events. Just make sure to give yourself time to get 'hot'. This may include more than one roller interval, as in rollers for 15 minutes with a blow out at the end. Rest. Rollers for 10 minutes with a blowout at the end. etc...

If this is your first match sprint tournament ever, relax and don't over-think this. You'll probably suck (we all did the first time). Don't put too much pressure on yourself...including worrying about the perfect warmup.
Oh 100% know I will suck. Not finishing last would be a successful result. Still, that being said there's nothing wrong with being as prepared as I can be
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