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Old 04-06-18, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by FlMTNdude
As a still current runner who mostly bikes - running can be quite expensive, even without any long term issues. When I was putting in 2500+!miles per year (I know, crazy miles but hanging with ultra runners) figure in 4 or more pairs of shoes. Current price of a decent pair right now is $120 or more.
Spread the initial cost of a bike over 10 or 15 years and that is $100-200/year.
So $480 for shoes not counting clothes compared to a couple of good tires, bar tape and cables and cycling is definitely less.
And also a lot easier on my body.
But if you were as serious about cycling as you were about running, would you only own and ride ONE bike for 10-15 years? No, you would have more than one bike. And how often would you be replacing shorts, jerseys, tires, etc? Chain lube? Cables? Other repairs?

Fundamentally, I don’t understand all of these threads about the cost of bikes and cycling. I ride bikes, and buy the necessary equipment and clothing, because I enjoy it. I also drink a lot of expensive beer and scotch whisky, because I enjoy it. And as long as I can afford it, I don’t really give a rat’s ass about the cost. I felt that way in 1978, when I bought a brand new Fuji 12 speed bike for $175. And I still feel that way today, whatever the bikes cost and whatever they are capable of doing.
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