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Old 06-11-18, 08:21 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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There are no MUP's in Rhode Island. They are built and operated as bike paths. They are modeled after the road, where walkers should walk on the left side of the road facing cars. On the road bikes go the same direction as the cars. The first paths were built before the neighboring states had MUP's. Now at one point the path in RI is getting close to meeting a Mass MUP. Not a good arrangement but it's too late. I spend a little time on these paths every week year round, as I ride to the road so I can get some real exercise without having to stop and slow down all the time. Or just ride in the snow and ice away from cars. Since around 1991 I think.
There signs all over the place, on posts and painted on the ground with arrows etc. A few people follow the rules but mostly it's a confused mess. No better or worse than an MUP, just different. Sometimes I need to stop directly in front of peds coming at me because they don't know what to do. Some times they go to their right smack into cyclist passing on the peds right from behind.

The path from Providence out to Conn. can be ridden three towns into Conn. if you have a mountain bike. And can ride or walk sand mud, water, and some rocks. A few very interesting bridges one huge train trestle to ride over.
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