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Old 01-28-19, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by queerpunk
This is one of those situations where they visualized data badly, and by truncating the y-axis, do more to confuse than to clarify. That said, going from 38 to 33 has changes that range from 2.5% drag reduction to 4%. I could think of some better ways to show this... but the story is, that's a ton! And, if we assume that these are representative... more gains to be had with larger people (or rather, smaller people need to go narrower to see proportional gains).

Probably going to stick with my 36cm bars for now, but having used them for a year or two, I really wouldn't be opposed to trying 33-34cm bars.

I totally agree about the visualizations. One should always include zero in comparisons like this. I completely overlooked that and looked at the numbers.
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