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Old 04-11-19, 04:30 AM
Jim from Boston
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Originally Posted by qcpmsame
Interesting bit of quotes you nested there, Jim, I had forgotten about posting those bits of my thoughts....

I have encountered a few of the long time regulars, of BF in general, not just 50+ on Facebook, seems that people that you find to be agreeable and someone you can discuss things with on rational terms are the same there as they are here, and those that are jerks here are jerks there also.

Without meeting them face to face, it isn't my lace to judge or predict how they are in real life. I will say that the few people from BF/50+ in person, are the same as they come across here.

When we got to ride the outskirts of Boston that cold April day, I remember thinking how much the people I had thought of as friends here, were very much the kind of folks I want to call my friends in realworld.

When you came over to me in the parking lot and shook my hand, then greeted me warmly and Jim and his lovely stoker, as he always refers to Sharon, came and hugged me, I knew it was going to be a great ride...

There will be another group ride, we need to get up to see our son and daughter-in-law here in the next few months, I'll be bugging you and that other Jim character to organize another ride. Stay tuned to this station.

Thanks for that, as usual, gracious reply.

Regarding your comments about encountering other subscribers in person, [MENTION=136988]miss kenton[/MENTION] started this thread in 2014,
“Meeting Up With BF50+ Members Off the Bike (link); and I posted to this now-closed thread, How Do You Communicate on Forums vs Face-to-Face,” opened 07-12-13.

I have referred to those “jerks,” as pills, and as a seasoned subscriber posted to a now-closed thread:
Originally Posted by Jim from Boston
For me the heady days on the Forums were from about 2008 to 2016, in particular participating in the Fifty-Plus Annual Rides, which have since disappeared.

I think I have absorbed all the good advice I can for a complete and agreeable cycling lifestyle, and recently I have clicked on many fewer threads than before.

In the past I have offered IMO several useful suggestions about cycling, particularly for winter and urban cycling, to multiple repetitive threads. They are usually lost in the morass of often scores of replies, both in agreement and dispute with mine.

I’m not especially motivated to read or write about rides in areas I will never visit, or bikes I would not buy. Other cyclists’ biking stories are often meaningful to me, but usually not consequential enough for a reply.

Frankly, now my main enjoyment is reading the personal clashes on the various threads, such as these current ones: "I work with a moron", or ”How often do you check your mirror?.
BTW, on a more personal note, [MENTION=190941]jimmuller[/MENTION] most often calls Sharon his sweetie.

Last edited by Jim from Boston; 04-11-19 at 08:23 AM.
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