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Old 04-27-19, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Kedosto
We’ve spent some time in and around Madison and honestly if it wasn’t for the winters, the area would be on our short-list. There’s plenty to love. But, the kids have made it clear they’re not staying and we’d like to be near, so, we’ll see how it goes.

Anybody know where we can find a Midwestern lifestyle with a Bay Area climate? Oh, and the kids will need jobs too.
It's snowing!

Well, the Midwest extends pretty far south, so you can kind of choose your climate. I've heard things about Nashville. Fort Worth TX was effectively Midwestern in my experience. And I think the lifestyle varies more by the size of your city than its region. The things my family can do in Madison, wouldn't be possible if we lived in a Chicago suburb. I can ride my bike home from work, have supper, and head downtown to play music, attend the symphony, etc., while holding down regular work hours.

Jobs are always a toss-up. Smaller towns have less efficient labor markets. There's nothing like SF if you're a computer programmer and win the FAANG lottery. You can live with 5 other guys in a hovel for a few years, then pay cash for a house in the Midwest on what you can save, or retire at 30. If you're a schoolteacher, then it's a different equation. Occupations like health care and general management are probably somewhere in between.
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