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Old 05-10-19, 07:32 AM
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Join Date: May 2019
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Ballet Dancer Turned Track Cyclist

Hi all,

Newbie track cyclist and newbie to any kind of serious cycling in general here. I am looking for some advice and direction to suit my goals. Any help would be massively appreciated.


I am 25 years old, 187cm (6 foot 1) and 92kgs (202lbs). I am an ex-professional ballet dancer and now work a desk job in the City of London. I went to a vocational ballet school for 8 years and danced professionally with national companies and opera houses for four years. After ballet I decided to try the sport of rowing as I am situated close to the River Thames which I enjoyed and given my background did quite well at but after a year I decided it was not the sport for me. What got me into track cycling was a trip to the six day cycling event in London and being in awe of the sprint events. Also as selfish as it sounds I needed to compete in a sport that only I could be accountable for.

Strength and fitness wise I have always been interested in strength and conditioning as it was fundamental to my ballet career. I also moonlighted as a personal trainer for many of the dancers that I worked with so I have a strong understanding of physiology and which exercises to use to develop certain aspects (more specific to ballet but I guess you could say strong is strong).

Current Training

I have been taking cycling seriously for the past three months. I bought a road bike, a set of rollers and have completed my accreditation at the Lee Valley Velodrome in London.

Below I have outlined my current training programme:

Monday Weights
  1. Back Squat 3x3 (90%)
  2. Single Leg Leg Press 4x6
  3. RDL 4x8
  4. Stir The Pot 3x10
Tuesday Watt Bike or Rollers
  1. Rollers (I am still learning how to ride rollers with decent bike control)
  2. Watt Bike either 4x500 meter efforts/6x5 second max power efforts/Big Gear Low Cadence 5x5 minutes (grind)
Wednesday Weights
  1. Box Jump 5x3
  2. Pause Back Squat 3x5 (75%)
  3. Clean Pull 3x5 (heavy)
  4. Neutral Grip Pull Ups 4x10
Thursday Velodrome
  • Sprint Session 4x flying 200 meters

Friday Weights
  • Back Squat 3x6 (80%)
  • Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats 4x6
  • Single Leg RDL 4x8
  • Stir The Pot 3x10
Saturday Road Ride
  1. 30/40km nothing too serious, just that I like being able to ride my bike outside.
(I have access to watt bikes and a good standard of gym equipment)

The all important numbers

  • Back Squat 190kgs (418lbs)
  • Max Power Watt Bike 1608w 154rpm


  1. Quantitative: Stretch - Compete at the British Nationals in the Sprint, Target - Compete in track cycling leagues.
  2. Qualitative: Be the best that I can be (cliche I know but what’s the point in doing it then)

  1. Can only get to the velodrome once a week.
  2. I do not have a car so I am waiting for a hook at the velodrome, until then I have to use the rental bikes (gearing 90). I have done 12 flying 200 meters to date and my best is 13.44 on the rental bike.

  1. I am massively dedicated and passionate about a goal once I set my sights on it. Sometimes to the point of obsessive but you have to be and I would not live any other way.
  2. I am confident in my ability to put in the work, a career in ballet taught me that.
  3. I am new to cycling and I am still getting confident on a road bike so I understand that I am coming from behind.
  4. I realise I have only been doing this for three months so have a lot to learn and importantly I am willing to learn so will take any advice you can give me.

  1. What if any advice would you give me from the above?
  2. How does my training programme look? I am confident in the gym but with regard to what sessions I should be doing on the track, Watt Bike and rollers I have very little knowledge.
  3. When I do eventually get a hook at the velodrome are there any recommendations on bikes from the UK market? My budget is relative to my potential to reach my goals.

Thank you (even just for reading this lengthly post)!

Last edited by Rooni; 05-10-19 at 10:52 AM.
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