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Old 05-17-19, 05:37 PM
Baby Puke
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Originally Posted by Rooni
Something I am struggling with on rollers is bouncing in the saddle at high cadences. Do you or anyone have any advice on how to combat this?
Really common when rollers/high cadences are new to you. Have someone look at your fit, bars too low/seat too high makes this worse. Relax your grip on the bars as well, basically just rest your hands in the hooks, and depending on your style, it may help to push yourself back into the saddle a little bit.

Also, you need to learn how to pedal a little differently at super-high cadences- if you just smash-smash, down-down, you'll be bouncing all over the place. You need to concentrate instead on whipping the pedal quickly along the bottom of the pedal stroke, and in your mind you need to be a little "ahead" of what your feet are doing. A former coach described this as being like advancing the timing on an engine- you mentally fire the pedal stroke a hair before you are actually there. Sounds complicated but it does become second nature with practice.
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