Old 05-31-19, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by livedarklions
Pretty sure we're the same age or I'm a little older. You blew a lot of credibility right there by assuming.

FRAP would get me killed in a lot of contexts, and has huge exceptions in the law in the two states I ride. Both states allow taking the lane under certain circumstances, and I find that as long as I'm signalling it, it's a far safer strategy than FRAP quite frequently. If I followed your advice, I'd never be able to safely take a left-hand turn for example.

I just saw a very young driver swing a left turn on a red light this morning while illegally talking on her cell phone this morning, so excuse me if I don't bother with your incoherent nonsense about cohorts.

You're flailing all over the place, frankly, I don't think even you know what you're arguing about any more.

Have a good weekend.
If all it takes to blow credulity with you is to be wrong about something unknowable ... oh well. Maybe it was a lack of ... maturity in the writing that I mistook for youth. As for the rest ... well the whole credulity thing cuts both ways. If you can imagine that I never make left turns or 'take the lane' for any reason because of my slavish devotion to FRAP culture ... well I'm just saying, I don't think that reflects badly on me. You just saw a 'very young driver swing left on a red while illegally talking on her phone this morning'. Wow .. I saw the very same thing! Well, I'm not sure if the driver was on their phone or not. Or whether they were young or old ... male or female ... my limited powers of sight allow me to register the presence of vehicles, their sizes, rates of speed (or not) etc. The important stuff. You know, when all is said and done, we should all be on the same side. I don't get the personal attacks. Incoherent nonsense indeed. But, not to worry, my shoulders are wide enough to handle the load of insult. Just don't pile insincerity on top by wishing me a good weekend.
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