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Old 08-23-19, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by FolderBeholder

Then there is the whole personal and public safety/liability issue....Ive seen some crazy antics most of us wouldnt think to do, on these scooters by casual and unqualified riders.
...I was on one of my usual rides down near the state capitol yesterday, and I made the mistake of being there around lunchtime. There were both electric scooters and the JUMP bikes cruising out in the far left traffic lane, and I was kind of paralyzed by all of them zipping past either there or on the sidewalk.

I was starting to silently curse them, then I realized that as long as they are doing this ****, some of them will die, and the drivers will need to pay a lot more attention to what's going on with miscellaneous me on a bicycle. So as long as I avoid the peak hours like lunch, I should be OK. And as the death and injury stats increase, I'll probably end up safer in the long run.

It's an ill wind that blows nobody good.
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